Seeing Symmetry

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Holiday House, 2012 - 32 trang
This book is aligned with the Common Core State Standards for fourth-grade mathematics in geometry: (4.G.3).Once you start looking, you can find symmetry all around you. Symmetry is when one shape looks the same if you flip, slide, or turn it. It's in words and even letters. It's in both nature and man-made things. In fact, art, design, decoration, and architecture are full of it. This clear and concise book explains different types of symmetry and shows you how to make your own symmetrical masterpieces. Notes and glossary are included.

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Giới thiệu về tác giả (2012)

Loren Leedy is a children's author and illustrator. She was born in Wilmington, Delaware in 1959, and majored in art in college. She began making clay jewelry and chess sets out of whimsical animals, and eventually turned them into book characters. Her first published work was A Number of Dragons, in 1985. She has written and illustrated nearly 40 books since then. Her titles include: Missing Math: a Number Mystery, My Teacher is a Dinosaur, Seeing Symmetry, The Shocking Truth about Energy, Crazy Like a Fox: a Simile Story, Fraction Action, Blast off to Earth, and Postcards from Pluto.

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