The Sense of Early Modern Writing: Rhetoric, Poetics, Aesthetics

Bìa trước
Manchester University Press, 2006 - 222 trang
In The Sense of Early Modern Writing, Mark Robson pursues the relation between the concept of the 'early modern' and modernity, tracing the complex interactions of post-Romantic, philosophical aesthetics and early modern rhetoric and poetics. The book therefore questions the status of what we now think of as literary texts in a period prior to the emergence of literature as a category.

Từ bên trong sách

Nội dung

Rhetoric in more than one sense
Is there an early modern aesthetic?
Poetrys defences
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Thuật ngữ và cụm từ thông dụng

Giới thiệu về tác giả (2006)

Mark Robson teaches at the University of Nottingham.

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