Freedom on My Mind: The Columbia Documentary History of the African American ExperienceManning Marable Columbia University Press, 10 thg 7, 2003 - 640 trang Freedom on My Mind reveals the richly diverse and complex experience of black people in America in their own words, from the Colonial era of Benjamin Banneker to the present world of Kweisi Mfume and Clarence Thomas. Personal correspondence, excerpts from slave narratives and autobiographies, leaflets, significant addresses and speeches, oral histories and interviews, political manifestos, and important statements of black institutions and organizations are brought together to form a volume that testifies to the boundless creative potential of black Americans in indefatigable pursuit of the dream of freedom. |
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Xin lỗi, nội dung trang này bị giới hạn.
Xin lỗi, nội dung trang này bị giới hạn.
Xin lỗi, nội dung trang này bị giới hạn.
Xin lỗi, nội dung trang này bị giới hạn.
Nội dung
Selected Speeches by Sojourner Truth | 5 |
The Jealous Mistress | 9 |
Womanhood A Vital Element in the Regeneration and Progress of a Race | 15 |
The Damnation of Women | 32 |
Womens Most Serious Problem | 47 |
On Being YoungA Womanand Colored | 52 |
A Century of Progress of Negro Women | 58 |
To All Black Women from All Black Men | 63 |
Songs of the Prison Plantation | 412 |
The Lynching | 418 |
Freedom Songs | 420 |
To Praise Our Bridges | 424 |
The Resistant Spirit | 428 |
Life in Prison | 432 |
The Legacy of George Jackson | 441 |
BBlock Days and Nightmares | 445 |
Double Jeopardy To Be Black and Female | 69 |
Feminism and Black Liberation | 79 |
The Approaching Obsolescence of Housework | 85 |
Statement of Anita Hill to the Senate Judiciary Committee October 11 1991 | 103 |
Establishing Black Feminism | 110 |
Toward a Black Feminist Liberation Agenda Race Gender and Violence | 116 |
Kinship and Community | 127 |
Kidnappers | 129 |
William J Walker To His Son 221850 | 132 |
Childhood | 135 |
For My People | 144 |
Ella Baker | 147 |
Notes of a Native Son | 150 |
Playing Hardball | 162 |
From a Black Woman to a Black Man | 170 |
In My Fathers House | 173 |
Kwanzaa and the Ethics of Sharing Forging our Future in a New Era | 181 |
Imagining the Black World | 189 |
Poems by Phillis Wheatley | 191 |
Argument for Colonization | 194 |
Ethiopia | 198 |
West India Emancipation | 201 |
The American Negro and His Fatherland | 219 |
Declaration of the Rights of Negro Peoples of the World | 225 |
Heritage | 234 |
Writings by Paul Robeson | 239 |
Letters from Abroad | 251 |
Selected Essays by Audre Lorde | 256 |
The Continuity of Struggle | 270 |
Political Economic and Social Justice | 281 |
Political Leadership and Social Protest | 283 |
Petitions | 285 |
Letter to Thomas Jefferson | 294 |
Oration on the Abolition of the Slave Trade | 299 |
Editorial from the First Edition of Freedoms Journal | 307 |
Men of Color To Arms | 312 |
Speech to the Georgia Legislature | 316 |
Nimrod Rowley to Abraham Lincoln August 1864 | 321 |
An Address Delivered at the Centennial Anniversary of the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery | 324 |
A Letter to the Editor of the Birmingham AgeHerald | 329 |
Of Mr Booker T Washington and Others | 332 |
Selected Poems by Claude McKay | 343 |
Letter from a Birmingham Jail | 347 |
From Protest to Politics | 363 |
The Business of America Is War and It Is Time for a Change | 368 |
The Struggle Continues | 372 |
In Pursuit of Justice | 383 |
Speech on the Fugitive Slave Bill | 385 |
Hannah Johnson to Abraham Lincoln July 311863 | 390 |
Sojourner Truth Extracts from Her Lecture on Capital Punishment | 393 |
Lynch Law in All Its Phases | 396 |
Work Labor and Economic Development | 449 |
Work Songs | 451 |
Industrial Education for the Negro | 456 |
Harvest Song | 459 |
Song to a Negro Washwoman | 462 |
Why Should We March? | 465 |
Black Boy A Record of Childhood and Youth | 470 |
A Giant Step Toward Unity | 482 |
All Gods Dangers | 487 |
A Vision of Democracy | 503 |
America | 505 |
On American Democracy and the Negro | 511 |
Negro Patriotism and Devotion | 515 |
Our Democracy and the Ballot | 522 |
The Shame of America | 530 |
The Kind of Democracy the Negro Race Expects | 546 |
Selected Poems by Langston Hughes | 551 |
I Too Am American | 559 |
The American Dream and the American Negro | 563 |
Who Then Will Speak for the Common Good? | 569 |
Culture Faith and Celebration | 575 |
Popular Culture | 577 |
Folk Tales | 579 |
The Prize Fighter | 583 |
The Negro Spirituals | 586 |
The Dilemma of the Negro Author | 597 |
It Dont Mean a Thing If It Aint Got That Swing | 605 |
High Tide in Harlem | 608 |
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised | 614 |
Where Are the Films About Real Black Men and Women? | 617 |
The Signifying Monkey | 622 |
What America Would Be Like Without Blacks | 626 |
O J Simpson and Our Trial by Fire | 633 |
Faith and Spirituality | 641 |
Spirituals | 643 |
Spiritual Song | 648 |
A Thanksgiving Sermon | 652 |
Excerpt from Clotel | 660 |
Excerpt from A Brand Plucked from the Fire | 671 |
An Antebellum Sermon | 677 |
Writings by Fenton Johnson | 681 |
Go Down Death | 687 |
Faith Hasnt Got No Eyes | 691 |
Salvation | 695 |
The Most Durable Power | 698 |
Black Theology and Black Power | 701 |
The Black Church and Socialist Politics | 709 |
A Torchlight for America | 716 |
722 | |
727 | |