Effective Business Communications

Bìa trước
McGraw-Hill, 1984 - 737 trang
The Murphy book gives strong emphasis to completeness, conciseness, consideration, concreteness, clearness, courteousness, and correctness in business communication. These "seven Cs" guide student-readers to choose the content and style that best fits the purpose and recipient of any given message. Pedagogically rich, most chapters in this paperback text include checklists, mini-cases and problems, "Communication Probe" boxes which summarize related research, and sidenotes that isolate significant points that should not be missed. Two new chapters are devoted to ethics and technology respectively.

Từ bên trong sách

Nội dung

Importance of Effective Communications in Business
The Process of Communication and Miscommunication
Bản quyền

40 phần khác không được hiển thị

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