| William Shakespeare - 1823 - 526 trang
...the seas threaten, they are mercifiil : I have curs'd them without cause. [FEKD. kneels to ALONSO. Alon. Now all the blessings Of a glad father compass...thee about ! Arise, and say how thou cam'st here. * Yes, for a score of kingdoms, &c.] I take the sense to be only this : Ferdinand would not, he says,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1823 - 350 trang
...compass thee about ! Arise, and say how thou cam'st here. How many goodly creatures are there herel How beauteous mankind is ! O brave new world, That has such people in't ! Pro, 'Tis new to thee. Ahin. What is this maid, with whom thou wast at play? Your eld'st acquaintance cannot be three hours... | |
 | William Shakespeare, Thomas Bowdler - 1825 - 356 trang
...a glad father compass thee about! Arise, and say how thou cam'st here. Alon. Now all the blessings Mira. O! wonder! How many goodly creatures are there...thee. Alon, What is this maid, with whom thou wast Your eld'st acquaintance cannot be three hours : Is she the goddess that hath sever'd us, And brought... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1825 - 504 trang
...miratle ! IT. Tho' the seas threaten,they are merciful: I have curs'd them without cause. [FKRD. kneeltto ALON. Alon. Now all the blessings Of a glad father compass thee about ! Arise, and say how thou cam'sthere. Mira. O ! wonder ! How many goodly creatures are there here ! How beauteous mankind is!... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1826 - 548 trang
...the seas threaten, they are merciful : I have curs'd them without cause. [FER. kneels to ALON. Alnu,. Now all the blessings Of a glad father compass thee...That has such people in't ! Pro. 'Tis new to thee. Alm. What is this maid, with whom thou wast at play? Your eld'st acquaintance cannot be three hours... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1828 - 400 trang
...without cause, [FEn. kneels to ALoN. Ahm. Now all the hlessings Of a glad father compass thee ahout ! Arise, and say how thou cam'st here. Mira. ' O! wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here ! How heauteous mankind is ! O hrave new world, That has such people in't! Pro. 'Tis new to thee. .tlnn.... | |
 | William Shakespeare, George Steevens - 1829 - 506 trang
...blessings Of a glad father compass thee about ! Arise, and say how thou cam'st here. Mira. 0 ! wonder Г How many goodly creatures are there here ! How beauteous...That has such people in't ! Pro. 'Tis new to thee. ,'llon. What is this maid, with whom thou wast at play ? Your eld'st acquaintance cannot he three hours... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1831 - 502 trang
...Now all the blessings Of a glad father compas« thee about ! (I) Sorry. (Î) BearabU. Arise, and s»y how thou cam'st here. Mira. O ! wonder ! How many...creatures are there here ! How beauteous mankind is I 0 brave new world. That has such people in't ! Pro. >Ti» new to thee. .Jl,.n. What is this maid,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1836 - 568 trang
...blessings Jf a glad father compass thee about ! Arise, and say how thou cam'sl here. my dearest love, my request ; But I wifl none of them ; they are for you : I would have had ! &">• , 'Tis new to thee. Alon, What is this maid, with whom thou wast at play? Your eld'st acquaintance... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1839 - 550 trang
...blessings [FER. kneels to ALON. Of a glad father compass thee about! Arise, and say how thou cam'st here. How many- goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous...That has such people in't! . Pro. '«Tis new to thee. Man. What is this maid, with whom them wast at play! Your eld'st acquaintance cannot be three hours... | |
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