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publication will not allow us to wait for those sources of additional information, which the lapse of years discloses. Still it is extremely desirable to have a connected series of pictures delineating the events with all the lights and shadows under which they originally appeared. The study of them will enable us to contemplate with more advantage the new but partial and insulated views, which may afterwards come before us. The apparent aspect of transactions, no less than their real truth, is the proper subject of history.

In collecting into a moderate compass all that is necessary to give a complete picture of the times, we go far beyond the limits within which the muse of history confines her walks, and find room for a variety of particulars, of which she may silently avail herself hereafter, in drawing and colouring those general comprehensive delineations, which are her proudest work. Not satisfied with merely recording events, and tracing the course and character of our parliamentary discussions, we collect in the Chronicle such of the more private incidents of the times, as have any claim to be remembered, assigning to the more remarkable of them a distinct place and detailed narration in the Appendix. We then give the most important public documents. Lastly, by a selection from the practical inventions, the scientific speculations, and the literary productions of the year, we show our readers to what subjects the attention of the world has been chiefly directed, and what have been the prevailing currents of thought.

Such has always been our plan hitherto and it is so rational in itself, it has attracted so many imitators, and it has been so long ratified by the public approbation, that we see no reason for changing it. At the same time, there are occasions, on which, without deviating from the proper objects of the work, but on the contrary promoting them, we may depart to a certain extent from our usual plan. The year 1820 seems to be one of these occasions. As it is the commencement of a new reign, and forms, therefore, an epoch in our history, we have thought it advisable to present to our readers several abstracts and documents, which have not been usually given, and which we do not mean to repeat. Such are the analytical

lists of the Members of the two Houses of Parliament, and many of the tables relating to our public establishments, our Revenue, Trade, and Navigation. Our volume has been by this means, considerably, but unavoidably, enlarged.


Its size, however, has been increased still further by other The trials of the Cato Street conspirators, and of Wolseley, Hunt, and other promoters of sedition; and the judicial proceedings against the late Queen, were cases of so much importance, and of such general interest, that it was thought desirable to give the details of the evidence with great minuteness. Abroad, too, no less than three Revolutions took place in Europe; and though we have compressed the narrative of them into a very moderate compass, yet the documents connected with them, which it was necessary to give, have filled up a up a considerable space. These three causes the additional statistical, and political details, rendered requisite by the commencement of a new reign; the judicial proceedings against the Queen, and against traitors and exciters of sedition; the multitude of documents connected with the revolutions of Spain, Portugal, and Naples-these (notwithstanding the frequent use of a smaller type) have swelled our volume to such a size, that it has been found convenient to divide it into two parts. This will not occur again: at least we flatter ourselves that it will not; for we hope never to have the same reasons for having recourse to this expedient. May many years elapse, before the commencement of a new reign fixes another epoch in our labours; and may it never again be our lot to record such proceedings as those against her late Majesty; the trial of such wretches as Thistlewood and his associates; or the sudden subversion, by military violence, of the long established civil administration of three considerable kingdoms.








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