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Peyroufe, the great Gallic | Settlement called Big Bottom, circumnavigator, is fafe. Ac-twenty miles from Fort Har

counts are received from him, with Maps, Charts, &c. of his courfe down to his arrival at Botany Bay.

Mr Matra, Ambaffador from the Court of England, is arrived at Tangier in an English frigate, with fome prefents for the King of Morocco, confifting of bombs and balls.

Two captives, an old man and his daughter, lately redeemed at Fez, report, that in the interior parts of Africa, the chriftian flaves are so numerous, as to have formed a fort of colony, under the inspection, and for the profit of their mafters, who debar them from an communication with the towns on the coaft.

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mar, on the Muskingum, which they entirely deftroyed. Eleven men and two children were maffacred, two escaped, and three were taken prifoners.

An American paper has the following extraordinary article:

Qn Tuesday the 14th of January, Mrs Cooke, of Carolina, county of Maryland, was delivered of a dead child, which she had carried for upwards of ten years. The child appeared to have been of the fize of a full grown one of nine months old, and was extracted through an opening made in the fide of its mother.

Died, lately, near Dumfries, in the back fettlements of Virginia, aged 106, Mrs Henrietta In an account, which has Martiel, a native of Hanover. been taken of the births and She lived in the fervice of deaths in Austria, the follow-George I. 15 years, in Hanover ing remarkable circumftance ap- 12, in England 3, in Jamaica peared. In the village of Go-23, and in Virginia 53. She had teifchen, which contains three hundred and fifty inhabitants, there have been no deaths for thefe two years past.

ten children, two of whom are ftill living, 25 grand-children, and 43 great grand-children, one of whom died the fame day that the former was interred.

The value of the exports from the United States of America, for the laft thirteen months, amounts to 20,200,000 dollars.

Letters from America ftate, that Congrefs are preparing to fend a powerful force against the Indians, who are now making war on the United States: the Chippaws, Dela- An immediate remedy for wares, and other Tribes, hav- the bite of a mad dog is faid ing joined the hoftile Savages. to have been accidentally difSince the retreat of the fœderal covered, at Venice, in vinegar. troops under General Harmar, It was actually tried on three the Miami Indians have com-fubjects, who drank feveral mitted unparalleled cruelties. pints. A remedy fo fimple A large body of them, on the and ufeful cannot be too uni2d of February, attacked the verfally known.


On Sunday morning, the 8th of May, at half after fix, his Royal Highnefs the Duke of York, accompanied by Colonel St. Leger, fet off from London for the Continent. At five o'clock in the evening he arrived at Dover, and at eight embarked on board the Royal Yacht, in which he had a pleafant paffage of four hours, acrofs the Channel.

His Royal Highness arrived at Deffein's hotel in Calais, efcorted by the chief citizens in their uniforms, and well mounted, while all the ftreets were lined with Militia and Regulars: the banners of Freedom and Liberty were displayed from the churches, towers, Reeples, and shipping in the harbour.

attended the King of Sweden
in the expedition made by his
gallies againft thofe of the Em-
prefs, and is believed to be
perfectly well acquainted with
the navigation of the Ruffian

The mail which arrived on
the 9th at the General Post-
Office, from New-York, has
brought over remittances to
the American merchants, to
the amount of one hundred
and fixty thousand pounds, be
fides orders for great quanti-
ties of goods.

The rapid improvement of hemp in this kingdom, promifes foon to become a national object of confiderable magnitude. The Agricultural Society have at this time nearly 500 claimants for premiums for its growth.

Prince Erneft, having completed his general courfe of edu- The Portuguese are also rapidcation at Cottingen, is ftudy-ly improving in the culture of ing military tactics at Hanover, hemp and flax :-Many thouand will have the command of fand acres were covered last aua fquadron of horse this fum-tumn with fine crops of thefe mer in one of the Hanoverian vegetables: fhould they fuccamps. ceed in curing and dreffing them according to the manner practifed by the Dutch, Flemings, and Irish, they will be able to provide linens fufficient for their home confumption.

Heyne, the claffical tutor of their Royal Highneffes Prince Erneft and Prince Adolphus, at Gottingen, has pronounced an oration in the church of that University, celebrating their induftry and good behaviour, during their refidence there. This has been tranflated, and is now circulating through Germany.

Baron Armfeldt, one of the Aids du Camp to the King of Sweden, is fuppofed to have made a tender of his fervices, as a volunteer in our navy. He

A College for the education
of Roman Catholic Priests is
bu lding at Thurles,nearCorke.
This will keep a deal of money
in Ireland, which would other-
wife have been expended
abroad: it is occafioned by the
diffolution of fo many religious
houfes in France.

The number of Sunday
Schools established and affifted


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throughout England and Wales, rally formed; but the head had by the Society in London for the phænomenon of appearing promoting fo laudable a pur-double, another head of the pofe, is 1765; and the number fame fize, and almoft equally of scholars inftructed thereat perfect, being attached to its amounts to 50,014. upper part.

In this extraneous and præternatural head, no pulfation could be felt in the arteries of the temples, but the fuperficial veins were very evident; one of the eyes had been hurt by the fire, upon which the mid

the child; the other moved readily; but the iris was not affected by the approach of any thing to it.

On the 5th inft. a deputation of Blacks waited upon William Wilberforce, Efq; with an addrefs of thanks in behalf of themfelves and brethren, for his late efforts in their behalf. A confiderable number of refpectable gentlemen in Calcut-wife, in her firft alarm, threw ta, have formed a fociety to promote carrying on the plan for building a new Univerfity at Edinburgh.—The following gentlemen were appointed a The external ears of this committee for collecting fub- head were very imperfect; the fcriptions: Col. John Murray-tongue adhered to the lower Lieut. Col. A. Rofs-Thomas jaw, except for about half an Graham, Efq;-And. Hunter, inch at the lip, which was loose; Efq;-John Fleming, Efq;-the jaw was capable of motion, W. Farquharfon, Efq;-Lieut. but there were no teeth. Col. Peter Murray. Thefe The child was fhewn about gentlemen having met on the the ftreets of Calcutta for a 9th of November, nominated curiofity, but was rendered unJames Cofmo Gordon, Efq; as healthy by confinement, and their Secretary, who obliging- died at laft of a bite of the cobra ly undertook the tafk. A very de capello. It was dug up by handfome fubfcription was the Eaft-India Company's agent made; at the head of the lift is for falt at Tumlock, and the Lord Cornwallis's name for fkull is now in the museum of 3000 Sicca rupees, the Hon. John Hunter. Col. Stewart, for 2000 Sicca rupees, and a long lift of other very refpectable names.-A Sicca rupee is about 28. 2d. in value.

Everhard Hume, Efq. F. R. S. has lately prefented to John Hunter, Efq; F. R. S. the double fkull of a child, born at Calcutta, in May 1783, of poor parents, aged thirty and thirtyfive, and which lived to be nearly two years old.-The body of this child was natu

The county of Kent is almoft as productive of Theatres, as it is of Hops. No lefs than eight new Play-houses have been built in that county within these fix years, viz. three at Tunbridge Wells, two at Margate, one at Canterbury, one at Feversham, and one at Rochefter. Dover and Maidstone are likewife going to erect their Theatres.

A woman, of the name of Catharine Lloyd, has been exe

cuted at Cardigan in Wales for I was never known,in the course horfe-ftealing. She was a very old offender.

of thirty years practice, to invite friend or acquaintance to his houfe, or to refuse an in|vitation from a cottager.

On the 28th of March, at the Bury affizes, a Mr Moreland was found guilty of bigamy, in An extraordinary character. marrying Mrs Hardcaftle, of On the 3d April died, in a Ipfwich, and Mifs Lambeth, pafs cart upon the Deptford road, near Richmond, in Yorkshire. as he was conveying to his paHe was fentenced to be burntrih, near Enfield Chace, James in the hand, which was done | Heaton, aged 76. This perfon, before he left the court, and to commonly diftinguished by the be imprifoned twelve months in appellation of the Wild-one, and the Ipfwich jail; during which well known for many years as time his head is to be fhaved, one of the most formidable he is to wear the habit of the poachers in the kingdom, was prison, which is a very disagree- in his youth a running footable one, confifting of wooden man: His difmiffion for a mifclogs, &c. and is to be allowed demeanour from the family of only two hours each day from a nobleman first occafioned him clofe confinement. This man to exert his uncommon abiliwas not long fince acquitted on ties; and fuch was his agility a like charge at the Old Bailey. and the hardinefs of his conftitution, that from that period to a fhort time preceding his death, he had never lain in a bed, but often flept by choice in the fields, in all weathers. Almoft his whole body was covered with hair of a confiderable length; and though he never wore his cloaths buttoned in the coldeft weather, he never experienced a day's illness in the courfe of his life.

Some time ago, a phyfician of high repute died in Ireland. From his great income, and parfimonious expenditures, it was highly fufpected by his relatives, that he muft have fomewhere in his house a very confiderable fum of money concealed. They fearched, but to no purpose, the money could not be difcovered. At length, they recollected an old waistcoat which he always wore, and even slept in, and in Captain Crawford of the the back of it they found, few-Royal George cutter, has seized up in bank-notes of thirty ed and brought into Port Glafpounds each, to the amount of gow the cutter Speedwell, 27,000l. What was very ex- Purdy mafter, from Oftend, traordinary, he had made a will with tobacco, tea, and fpirits, fome few days before he died, valued, with the veffel herfelf, and left his fon what was in the at 3500l. which veffel belongs will specified to be the whole to the Troon fmugglers upon of his poffeffions, 8ool. He the coaft of Ayr.

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the Ruffians have taken sevenbefides which


THE Ruffians continue pur-prisoners a Pacha of three tall,


fuing their advantages againft and a hundred other officers. the Turks. After the taking The Turks had 4000 men kilof Mackfchin, Prince Gallitzin led or drowned, and twentymarched to the peninfula of two large and small veffels deKuchepany, oppofite Brailow, ftroyed. After this important where he found the flotilla un-victory, the Ruffians returned der General Ribas, who had to their poft with twenty-fix landed two battallions upon pieces of cannon, 9000 carthe peninfula, which induced touche boxes, 5 ftandards, and the Turks to quit the redoubts, 27 pair of colours. and throw great part of their In the beginning of May, the cannon into the Danube: In Grand Vizir, after reinforcing their flight they fet fire to Brailow with 10,000 men, dething, and paffed to an island tached fome corps against the oppofite, where they entrench-Ruffians, which were distributed themselves; however, the ed in different parts, and obRuffian troops purfued them, liged them to raise the blockade and having raised a battery in of Zackanali, with the lofs of the night, began to fire upon 700 men, and 36 officers killed, them in the morning; and not- befides many prifoners, and 19 withstanding the Turkish forti- pieces of cannon. The Turks fication was covered by the deftroyed or took all the veffels heavy artillery of Brailow and laden with provifions which the the Turkish fhips, yet the Ruf- Ruffians had affembled at Zafians took it by ftorm. All the ckanali. Turkifh veffels were either deThe plague continues to troyed or rendered ufelefs; pread in the Morea; and all the garrison were moftly either that kingdom, two or three cut to pieces or drowned in cities and a few villages exthe Danube; the Ruffians were cepted, is now infected with it. employed two days in deftroy-By the laft advices it appears, ing the entrenchments. Out that there have died of that of twenty pieces of cannon, diforder at Napoli of Romania

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