Hình ảnh trang

of the corporation nearly half a century.

We hear that à question of infinite concern to retail linen drapers will be brought forward the ensuing term. The question is, whether gown patches, or part of pieces, are liable to seizure as whole ones, not having stamps on the end. A

Mr Ellis was a man of literature, and the pleasure he received from literary amusements remained with him to the last. He wrote some poems in Dodsley's collection, and some Hudibrastic transla-seizure of this kind was lately tions; but never put his name made at Sunbury, in Middlesex; to any thing he published. and this important question will be tried in the Court of Exchequer, in order that no future

and a final period be put to an

On Wednesday, Jan. 4. the sugar lately imported by the East India Company, was sold misunderstanding may arise, at the India House. It was partly in bags, of a-affair which for many years has bout two and a half hundred proved a great inconvenience weight each, and partly in cafks to the retail traders in this of about three hundred weight kingdom. each; the whole quantity sold was about 15,000 cwt.

It was all, except four lots, bought by one man, at the price of nearly L. 7 per cwt. The real purchaser is said to be a sugar refiner, who profefses to deal in sugar that is not raised by the labour of slaves.

The West India planters begin to fear that parliament will lower the duty on sugar imported from the East Indies, to the standard of the duty on sugar imported from the West. Such prices as the above would be a sufficient inducement to import from the East Indies without any alteration of the duty.

The mere marble of Mrs Damer's Colofsal statue of the king, costs between two and three hundred pounds! It is for

Register Office in Scotland.

The late elopement of Mifs S with Mr N- has been much spoken of. It appears that the young lady found home rather disagreeable, from the severity of her parents toward her, and therefore availed herself of the opportunity of receiving the offer of Mr N, who took her off to Gretna Green, from whence they are just returned. The young lady is only seventeen, and has a very handsome fortune; the gentleman is much older, and has nothing.

The effects of novel reading fhew that they ought to be discouraged in boarding-schools: A school girl affecting to faint in church, for the purpose of going off with a jovial tar, in a clerical habit, is doubtless an incident suggested by some mo dern romance.


February 8. 1792.


Most of the English families | be spread, he adds,-" Do you resident within the French ter- still follow the sea?—There is ritories on the German fron- great room for speculation with tiers have received a general a cargo of men and women serintimation, by order of the Na- vants from the north of Scotland, tional Assembly, that their re- who would SELL to much profit, moval out of France is necef-if indented for four or five years. sary for their own security.

Two hundred and fifty in a brig A few weeks ago at Liege, would not stock this place with at the sale of a library be- any superfluous number, as lalonging to a deceased law-bourers on farms, and some meyer, the sale of Voltaire's chanics, (viz. weavers, wrights, Questions on the Encyclopedie masons,) are much wanted by and Montesquieu's Spirit of the landed gentlemen here. Laws were forbid by order of the Government.

[blocks in formation]

The cattle list for the city of Paris last year, is 130,000 oxen, 76 calves, 850,000 theep, and 30,000 pigs.

Accounts received in town lately from Brest, announce the speedy preparations making there for equipping, with all expedition, thirteen sail of the line and four frigates.

In the course of last month, two Englifh fhips arrived at Marseilles; on coming to anchor, they fired a salute, which was returned by one ofthe forts.. They then hoisted the French national flag, and saluted it with three cheers. This compliment

Ratisbon, Dec. 27. We are afsured that the king of Prussia has declared to the emprefs of Russia, that he will not meddle, either directly or indirect

was not to be withstood by the of the Duero, a new patent fo patriotism of the city. The twenty years, to take place municipality, in their robes of from the year 1797, as a receremony, came down in pro-compence for the capital laid cefsion with 2000 marines, and out by them upon several new carried the crews of the two commercial undertakings. vefsels on fhore, where they The earthquake so much felt were entertained with whatever at Lisbon, was perceived also they pleased to call for the in several other parts of Portuwhole day. It is almost unne-gal. At Baje, the inhabitants cefsary to add, that the captains quitted their houses, and formdisposed of their cargoes, anded a camp in the neighbouring had their choice of a fresh la- plains. ding with all pofsible dispatch. Trieste, Dec. 6. We have received here a fresh confirmation of the troubles which have broken out in Asia. The city of Damascus and the neighbour-ly in the affairs of France, ing district have taken up arms to free themselves from the numerous imposts with which they were burthened. The pacha of Bagdad had received orders to march against the rebels, but excused himself from so doing, as being fearful of his own city. The provinces which have revolted, are three in number, and have for their chief MyrTimur Khan, who, we are afsured, has secret connections with Persia.

Constantinople, Dec. 17. The insurrection of the Beys of Egypt becomes daily more alarming, and causes much uneasiness to his highness.

The Stamp-office at Brufsels has been broken open, and robbed of 15,000 florins..

The queen of Portugal has granted to the company of cultivators of vines, on the banks

This does not entirely agree with what pafsed at Pilnitz, where the affairs of France were particularly mentioned: Many people, however, are of opinion that this is only matter of form.

The sums ifsued for secret service, by the states of Brabant to some of their own members, amount to L. 1,844,756.

The same earthquake that ravaged the little island of Zante, has been also experienced in the Morea,where its effects have been dreadful.

A letter is received in town from Jamaica, dated the 21st of November, by the ship George, arrived at Lancaster, giving an account of the death of the Right Hon. the Earl of Effingham, Governor of that island, on the 19th of November. On account of his Lordship's illness the packet had been detained

for some time, but was to sail | den, for the protection of their about the 28th November. European dominions, is to con

tinue for eight years.

Should the king be attacked. by any hostile power, the emprefs engages to afsist him, as soon as pofsible after the requisition, with 22,000 infantry, and 3000 cavalry, to serve whereever he may have most occasion for them. The troops to

The emprefs of Rufsia, in the definitive treaty with the Turks, has insisted upon, and obtained every point in her favour contained in the preliminary articles, although the signing of those articles cost the Turkish Minister his head. Letters from Jamaica inform us, that some symptoms of dis-be ready in one, two, three, or turbance among the negroes had been manifest in that island; in consequence of which the goverment had, sent all the frigates on that station to coast round it, and throw in stores at every principal town.

at most four months, fully equipped with arms, provisions, c. She is also to furnish eleven fhips of the line and three frigates; the first mounting from sixty to seventy, the latter thirty guns each.

The Prince of Condè, pre- The king, in his turn, engavious to his quitting Worms, ges to supply the empress when afsembled his noble army, and called upon, with 8000 foot, thus addrefsed them: "Geutle- and 2000 horse, six fhips of men, It is giving you no in- the line and two frigates, carformation to tell you that cir-rying the same metal as those of cumstances compel us to change the emprefs. quarters; it is a contre tems, no doubt, but I hope it will not affect your ardour more than it does mine-my resolution is fixed not to abandon you but in death: In proportion as we approach the mark, and we are hasting to it, we must expect that persecutions will increase; but between persecution and succefs there lies no middle way; we must submit to one in order to obtain the other."

Paris Jan. 19. The emperor has ordered quarters to be prepared near the frontiers, from Neufchateau to Coirton, for 10,000 men; from Coirton to the neighbourhood of Metz, for 5000; and magazines of. forage, provisions, &c. &c. for 30,000 are also preparing at proper distances.

His policy is now decided; he makes his stand behind the treaty of Westphalia, and seems to leave the emigrants to themselves.

The treaty of mutual guarantee and defensive alliance lately concluded between the empress All the late advices from of Russia and the King of Swe-Oporto, confirm the accounts

of the fhort produce of their last | mingo inform that the affairs of vintage, and the increased de- that colony are in a train of mand for their wines. The being settled, the negroes apfarmers in consequence, have pearing to be weary of doing so raised their prices to the mischief. But the destruction merchants, that port wine is al- which has already been comready advanced three pounds mitted there, has wholly ruined the pipe. every prospect of revenue from it for many years to come.

Barcelona, Dec. 23. A few days ago, about 200 officers arrived in Catalonia from Rousillon and Perpignan, from whence they made their escape.

M. Bouille has not succeeded in his negociations for 10,000 Hefsians for the emigrant Princes, but the Landgrave is said Genoa, Dec. 24. On Wed-to have agreed to let them have nesday last died, at the age of all the malefactors at a louis eighty, Mark Durazzo, ex-doge of this republic.

d'or a head. This is certainly much more œconomical than Mr Pitt's plan of transportation to Botany Bay.

Letters from the isle of France inform us, that the flag of independence has been hoisted at The adherents of the French the Cape of Good Hope; the Princes, like the followers of inhabitants who have been op- the house of Stuart, were encouprefsed by the monopoly of the raged to quit their country, and Dutch East India Company, ruin their fortunes, to promote afsembled, and declared to the the views of foreign powers; governor, that they were de- and for the convenience of those termined on having a free trade, very powers, they are now driand no troops, finding them-ven from one place of refuge selves fully competent to their to another, in the rigour of own protection; at the same winter, and through roads altime signifying that if he did most impafsable. Several hunnot chuse to comply with their dreds of Mirabeau's legion have terms, there was a vefsel ready returned to France with their to convey him to Europe. arms and baggage.

Three hundred houses were burnt at Port-au-Prince, in St Domingo, in the fire maliciously occasioned by the mulattoes on the 22d of November, and which lasted from Tuesday morning to Wednesday afternoon at four o'clock.


THE prince of Wales in company lately declared aloud his determination of relinquishing the turf for ever, and that his Recent accounts from St Do-stud of running horses at New

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