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writing, it is necessary that the language be already formed. Such is the object of the great work of which I this day lay the foundation. It is you, gentlemen, that I have chosen to give a consistency to the Swedish language, and to bring to perfection my enterprise.


Knowledge, genius, and taste are requisite here; they are all equally necefsary, though they are rarely found united. It was, therefore, necefsary to form an association of different persons, some of whom, ardent in the pursuit of polite literature, have given free scope to their inclination, and have made it the chief object of their studies; others, by the extent of their erudition, have fixed their judgement by principles founded on the authority of nations and the course of ages; others, formed in businefs, and in the best company, have refined their perception, by the circumspection which exalted stations require, and that continual change of company which their employment hath brought them into; circumstances which require prudence in discourse, and that choice of words, which forms the delicacy of taste, which gives to each word its true meaning, and prescribes limits to its signification.

"If a society so formed, can answer the end which I propose, I ought to expect every thing from this of which I this day confirm the institution.

who do as much honour to the Swedish la

as they merit one day to be celebrated by it. men, I anticipate the judgement of tha rity for whose benefit you are now going to It views merit with a sure eye that neithe blinded by the false glare of flattery, nor fhades of obloquy, with which partial c sometimes covers the living." After havin his merited eulogium to each member of the my, the king proceeds: "To honour the n of great men, is to call upon posterity to them. That is to say, warriors, statesme zens, you who have inherited the names of heroes, or you who occupy their places, the tribute that gratitude decrees to their ry; merit, if you can, like eulogiums. names are to appear before the tribu ages: Take care not to degenerate. It d upon yourselves to render your names equa lustrious."


Extract from the speech of his excellency the de Hoepken to the academy.

"From the king's speech, and the statute now read, we learn the intentions of his ma and the aim of the institution of this academy the culture of our language, and the refinem taste; objects truly worthy of the attention monarch, and all the cares of the academy. respect to the purity of the language, I think

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the people quem penes arbitrium est, et jus, et norma loquendi. We can only regulate and improve it. All languages soften along with the manners, divesting themselves by degrees of their original and savage harshness, without deviating much from the original import of the words.

"If one of the principal endowments of the mind consists in facility of invention, that of the heart consists of lively sensations, imparting fire and quicknefs to the productions of thought. Whoever is not endowed with this last quality, would do well to study the language of the ladies. From their delicacy arise all those fhades of exprefsion which are peculiar to them, all those lively and brilliant images which depend on their exquisite sensibility."

Extract from the speech of the Count of Hermanson, senator of Sweden.

"If the sciences and polite literature have not in Sweden an æra so remote as in some other countries, they have, in less time, made a more rapid progrefs. Our country is at this day in pofsession of several pieces of eloquence, that would have done honour to Athens and Rome. The presence of their authors prevents me from saying more. This institution enjoys a worthy patronage; that of a king, who unites the hearts of all his subjects, as he unites the voices in this so

collected them here; as for me, my age

permit me long to participate your labours cannot flatter myself that I fhall be reg These meetings will always be illustrious b knowledge and talents, when I fhall be forg

Extract from the speech of the Count de senator and field marshal of Sweden. "Sweden having always preserved its in dence, and never having been subject to the volutions which change the manners and t guage of a nation, it is astonishing that the dish language has undergone so great changes mong several causes that might contribute the principal, perhaps, has been the introduc arts and sciences by foreigners, who, being acquainted with the resources of the langua exprefs their ideas, have introduced word phrases, borrowed from other languages, and rupted the primitive nature of that of the cou It has pleased the king, always attentive glory of the nation, and eager to augment the and esteem of the Swedes for their count give us the privilege to extend even to its lang the predilection that our country merits. many other respects. In the institution of academy, the king hath devised the surest m to attain the end he had proposed; and the ha choice of the members ought to afsure him of cefs. As to me, the honour of belonging to

fices that I have been called to fill, demand abilities of a kind quite different from those which this place requires: But if this consideration prevents me, gentlemen, from fharing the honour which belongs to you alone, I wish to say, that in accomplishing the work entrusted to our care, I fhare, nevertheless, with all my cotemporaries, and with all the Swedes yet unborn; the respectful and profound gratitude to which his majesty is entitled, by new rights, in consequence of an institution, which, of necefsity, ought to augment our esteem for ourselves, since its members shall celebrate, in our own language, with becoming energy, the glorious exploits of the kings of Sweden, and the fidelity and bravery of the Swedish people. But when posterity fhall read, in the works of this academy, that this kingdom was re-established by Gustavus I. that its independence, its settlement, and glory, are the works of Gustavus Adolphus, the extent of its frontiers, that of Charles x. it fhall still respect the virtues of Gustavus III. who has had the magnanimity to restore liberty to his nation when it had already lost it.


To the Editor of the Bee.

As a contrast to the prices of Mr Fowler's cattle, and at the same time a specimen of the spirit VOL. vii.


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