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will fcruple to qualify by communicating in the Prefbyterian form, no less than in the Epifcopal.

2. Is its extenfion to Scotch Prefbyterians provided for in any of the articles of the union? This, nobody who has eyes to fee, and curiofity to perufe the articles themfelves, (a curiofity fhamefully rare now a-days), will affert. It may be noticed, however, that in the English Parliament, a motion was made by the Archbishop of Canterbury, I believe, that the act of parliament, intitled " An act for preventing, &c. (the test. act), should be inferted in the articles, and made a fun"damental condition of the intended union." Parl.deb. vol. 5. 104.


Which motion having been rejected, twenty-two noblemen protefled, because " we conceive that this "act doth deferve to be particularly mentioned, and "not left to double conftructions:" Expreffions, by the way, which plainly imply, that, in the opinion of these noblemen, at leaft, the articles left the extenfion of the test to Prefbyterians undetermined.

3. Neither do any of the articles imply its extenfion to Prefbyterians. On the contrary, several of them are inexplicable on that fuppofition. For example, article 4th enacts," that there be a communication of all o"ther rights, privileges, and advantages, which may or do belong to the subjects of either kingdom, except where it is otherwise expressly agreed in these "articles." As freedom and intercourfe of trade was



previously specified, therefore, "if all other rights" did not comprehend offices in the army, navy, revenue, what do they comprehend? But as fecuring the Prefbyterian religion in all its rights, &c. was declared to be a fundamental and effential condition of the union, fo whatever rights are communicated to the Scots, are communicated to Prefbyterians. But can that be said to be communicated to Prefbyterians, which previously to their enjoying, they must profefs themselves Epifcopals? But laying this contradiction out of the question, at


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teud to the ordinary principles of conftruction. If what article 4th communicates, it communicates purely; if it expreffes neither the condition of the test, nor any other; nay, if a motion for inferting fuch a condition, though fanctioned by the authority of the archbishop of Canterbury, was reprobated by a great majority of the English Parliament, what ground is there for implying any fuch condition? Indeed, whatever laxity of fentiment may obtain in these days, would not the Scots of thofe days, who had but recently emerged from the miseries and bloodshed of the perfecution, who had oppofed the introduction of Epifcopacy with as much zeal and refolution as their forefathers had difplayed against popery, and who regarded the former with little lefs rancour and abhorrence than the latter, would they not have deemed a communication fo qualified, a virtual exclufion?


It cannot indeed be denied, that Belhaven proposed to infert the following claufe, "that they (the Scots) "shall be capable of any office civil or military, and "to receive any grant, or gift, commiffion, or place of truft, from and under the fovereign, within any part of Great Britain." But this proves, not, either that the teft at common law extends to Prefbyterians, or even that his Lordship believed it to do so, but only, that he thought it adviseable, when we had a parliament of our own, to put a matter of that importance beyond all doubt or controversy. Befides, any conclufion which might be drawn from the rejection of Belhaven's motion, is obviously counterbalanced by the rejection of the archbishop's in the English house of peers. The fact (to be plain) food thus: In either country, the enemies of the union, on the one hand, tried to throw obstacles in its way, by fuggefting unreasonable demands, and to fet the two nations at variance, by perplexing them with minute difcuffions of fubjects, where the paffions of both were extremely vio

lent, and where a small spark might easily kindle a great flame; while the cool and moderate, on the other hand, wished to involve fuch delicate matters in the fhade of general principles, leaving the conclufions to be evolved, and the particulars adjusted by posterity, when the fervour of men's minds would be fubfided, and the reciprocal advantages of the union experienced. Hence in Scotland, Belhaven's motion to have our exemption from the teft explicitly recognised; and not only fo, but, regardless of the palpable deftinction betwixt British and English offices, to have us, contrary to reafon and equity, exempted from it in the cafe of the latter alfo. Hence, again, in England, the archbishop's, which went as far to the oppofite extreme. Hence finally, the rejection of both motions by the majority, who avoided fuch difcuffions, prudently leaving them, (as the twenty-two noble lords bitterly complain)" to double conftructions."

Had I not intruded already too much on your time, I could have wifhed to anfwer fome of the ordinary objections to the measure, and point out its multifarious importance. Suffice it, however, to obferve, that whether the country favour or dislike the application (for indifferent about it they cannot be fuppofed), it would have been fit to avow their fentiments publicly, as was done in the cafe of the Popish Bill, that, on the one hand, if we be of opinion, not only that the teft act in expediency and equity fhould not, but that in strict law it does not comprehend Prefbyterian communicants; if this be our opinion independently of (what I omitted mentioning) the claufe inferted in the act of fecurity, paffed in contemplation of the union, and ratified in the preamble to the articles, exprefsly



freeing us from any oath, test or subscription, contrary to, or inconfiftent with the Prefbyterian church. "government, worship, or difcipline." If we cannot think it right or honourable, to let our religion labour under a ftigma and grievance, from which taking the

trouble to get the law explained and understood, would deliver it; and if we cannot but lament the melancholy operation of this grievance, in withdrawing from our kirk many of our nobilty and gentry; if we on thefe accounts favour the application, we may, by avowing our fentiments, fecure to it a broad and liberal discussion, instead of letting it (as it probably will) be blafted by the infinuation, of their having officioufly intruded themselves into the business, without the concurrence of thofe whom the grievance is alleged to affect. Or, if, on the other hand, we difapprove of the application, that then, by avowing our disapprobation, we may put a stop to the affair, as the affembly would never push it against the public opinion; or were they fo infatuated, the difgrace of their miscarriage would fall on themselves alone. But this opinion on the teft can never be entertained, by a people free and spirited, and never noted for religious indifference. And therefore, as the General affembly are to be commended for exerting themselves to deliver our kirk from this contumelious grievance, it will only be to be lamented, should not the application be put on the footing of an explanation instead of a repeal; and appear before parliament, not as the petition of the clergy alone, but fanctioned and enforced by the unequivocal concurrence and zealous cooperation of the country.


A detached Thought.

To love to do good is a praife-worthy thing, even when the motive for it is not the beft, and always rare, what, ever be the motive. It is rare to do good even from vanity or intereft, because vanity and intereft well underftood, are almoft as rare as virtue. But to love those to whom we have done good, is a thing perfectly natural, and in no refpect praife-worthy: It is a pure effect of felf love,

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COMMAND of temper is a quality fo exceedinly defirable, and fo important to happinefs, that every recipe for obtaining it, must be an acceptable donation to the public. Please take the following.

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Cardinal Alberoni was often fo agitated by paffion, that he took fteps from the fpur of the occafion, that were ruinous to his mafter and to his country. But he had a chaplain, an athletic little man, who was well acquainted with public bufinefs, and very much attached to his patron; who, when the Cardinal loft himself in fury, and was about to act in confequence of it, ufed to collar the old gentleman, and tois him into his feat with great rudenefs and violence; the fhock and revulfion of which ufage brought the Cardinal to his fenfes, after which he proceeded with tolerable prudence. The Cardinal was fo fenfible of his obligations to his chaplain, that he never chose to be without him when he had any bufinefs to tranfact.

As many families, as well as individuals, are ruined by the effects of unbridled paffion, I beg leave to recommend fome fuch remedy as this, particularly in defperate cafes.

A ftrong chaplain or butler in noble families, may thus, under proper direction, prove an inestimable bleffing; and a ftout Abigail, may render fimilar fervice to their impetuous mitreffes, especially, as in all love affairs, I am perfuaded, that a thrashing or pomelling, may give time for due confideration, and the

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