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"Ah, sir,' said she, 'I am she whom, on the coast of Cyprus, you saved from the waves of the sea."

-p. 174.

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"WHо reads a preface?" Many do not; but junp at once into the middle of a book. But it is well to know something about a book, before reading it; and who so likely to give you information respecting the contents of a book as the author himself? I wish to see the youth of my country come forward upon the stage of life, models of excellence, with characters formed for the times in which they are to act. How much influence my book may have, in securing such a result, I cannot tell; but my design in writing it has been, to contribute something toward forming the character of some of those who are to be our future electors, legislators, governors, judges, ministers, lawyers, and physicians, after the best model; and, from the kind reception of my former attempts, I trust they will give a candid hearing to the few hints contained in the following pages. It is intended for boys, or, if you please, for YOUNG GENTLEMEN, in early youth, from eight or ten to fifteen or sixteen years of age. I have noticed that young people are ing anecdotes, narratives, and parables. This taste of theirs sometimes leads them to devour all the trash that comes in their way, with no other object than mere amusement. But, if properly guarded, it may be the means of conveying truth to their minds in a form not only more attractive, but more readily understood.

fond of read

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