The Annual Register, Tập 230Longmans, 1989 |
Từ bên trong sách
Kết quả 1-3 trong 86
Trang 68
... trade agreement with the United States . The issue of freer US - Canadian trade had always been a sensitive one for Canadians , since many believed that to enter into closer economic relations with their neighbour would jeopardize ...
... trade agreement with the United States . The issue of freer US - Canadian trade had always been a sensitive one for Canadians , since many believed that to enter into closer economic relations with their neighbour would jeopardize ...
Trang 69
... trade were changing rapidly , the Government claimed . Canada needed to ' manage ' its response to this change in a flexible and open manner . With a huge majority of 210 seats in the outgoing 282 - seat House of Commons , the Mulroney ...
... trade were changing rapidly , the Government claimed . Canada needed to ' manage ' its response to this change in a flexible and open manner . With a huge majority of 210 seats in the outgoing 282 - seat House of Commons , the Mulroney ...
Trang 547
24. Trade by Areas and Main Trading Partners ( 1 ) Seasonally adjusted : Overseas Trade Statistics basis . ( 2 ) Export unit value index as percentage of import value index , expressed as an index on the same base . ( £ million ...
24. Trade by Areas and Main Trading Partners ( 1 ) Seasonally adjusted : Overseas Trade Statistics basis . ( 2 ) Export unit value index as percentage of import value index , expressed as an index on the same base . ( £ million ...
Nội dung
Politics and the Economy | 14 |
The Opposition PartiesFuture Obscure | 26 |
International Affairs | 39 |
Bản quyền | |
33 phần khác không được hiển thị
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Thuật ngữ và cụm từ thông dụng
African agreement agricultural announced April Arab Arab League AREA Assembly August British Budget CAPITAL ceasefire cent Comecon communist Community Conservative continued Council countries CURRENCY December defence deficit Democratic deputy premier East Caribbean dollar economic election English POLITICAL SYSTEM European February federal finance forces foreign affairs Foreign Minister GNP PER CAPITA Gorbachev Government's HEAD OF GOVERNMENT increase industry inflation INTERNATIONAL ALIGNMENT Iran January July June Kinnock Labour leader Liberals Libya Likud MAIN EXPORTS major March military million negotiations November October OECD OFFICIAL LANGUAGE opposition Palestinian Parliament parliamentary democracy parliamentary democracy HEAD peace People's perestroika Politburo poll President Prime Minister PRINCIPAL MINISTERS production programme Qadafi Reagan reform relations republic resignation RULING PARTY Secretary September single European market social Socialist South Soviet Soviet Union sq km POPULATION summit Thatcher trade Union USSR vote Western Sahara