The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the YearEdmund Burke Longmans, Green, 1784 |
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Kết quả 1-5 trong 100
... Britain , xv . [ 152 ] -xvii . [ 122 ] —war with Spain , and profecution of it in 1774 and 1775 , xvii . [ 36-38 ] -xvii . [ 142 * 147 * ] Allied army , the , ( confifting of En- glish and Pruffians ) their military ope- rations in ...
... Britain , xv . [ 152 ] -xvii . [ 122 ] —war with Spain , and profecution of it in 1774 and 1775 , xvii . [ 36-38 ] -xvii . [ 142 * 147 * ] Allied army , the , ( confifting of En- glish and Pruffians ) their military ope- rations in ...
... Britain and this country , of the va- lue of goods imported from Great Britain to this country , and of the produce of this country exported to Great Britain , and elfew bere , xii . [ 215 ] the very extraordinary open- ing of the earth ...
... Britain and this country , of the va- lue of goods imported from Great Britain to this country , and of the produce of this country exported to Great Britain , and elfew bere , xii . [ 215 ] the very extraordinary open- ing of the earth ...
... Britain and this colony ; the value of the imports from Great Britain to this colony , and the value of the exports from this colony to Great Britain and elfe- where , xii . [ 2157 - the general af- fembly of this colony was diffolved ...
... Britain and this colony ; the value of the imports from Great Britain to this colony , and the value of the exports from this colony to Great Britain and elfe- where , xii . [ 2157 - the general af- fembly of this colony was diffolved ...
... Britain and this colony , the value of goods imported from Great Britain to this colony , and the produce of this colony- to Great Britain or elfewhere , xii . [ 215 ] difputes arifing from the fum of fifteen hundred pounds fterling be ...
... Britain and this colony , the value of goods imported from Great Britain to this colony , and the produce of this colony- to Great Britain or elfewhere , xii . [ 215 ] difputes arifing from the fum of fifteen hundred pounds fterling be ...
... Britain and Ireland , and appointment of general Wath- ington to the chief command of their army , [ 140-142 * -- all hopes of reconciliation with the mother - coun- try being given up , and an avowed diffatisfaction being thewed by ...
... Britain and Ireland , and appointment of general Wath- ington to the chief command of their army , [ 140-142 * -- all hopes of reconciliation with the mother - coun- try being given up , and an avowed diffatisfaction being thewed by ...
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addrefs affizes for 1776 aflizes againſt army baron baronet bart bill Britain captain caufe city of London colonies commiffioner confequence countefs court daugh daughter of fir defcribed defcription duchefs duke Eaft earl efq.-to England English faid fame fecond fent fervice feveral fhips fhort fifter fir George fir James fir John fir Robert fir Thomas fir William firft fome account France French ftate fubject fuccefs fummer affizes governor Hiftory hofpital houfe houſe ifland inftance Ireland Jofeph king kingdom of Ireland knight lady of fir lent affizes London majefty majefty's meaſures ment moft monfieur neral obfervations occafion paffed parliament perfons prefent prince princefs privy privy counsellor propofed refolutions refpect relating relict of fir remarkable right hon right honourable lady royal highnefs Ruffia Scotland Spain ſtate thefe tion verfus vifcount viii Weft xvii xviii xxii xxiii