ABBE, an, a popular character in France very much mentioned, but very little known in England, the hiftory of, xiii. 190-192 Abelard and Eloife-defcription of the burying place which contains the bodies of these two ill-fated lovers, xi. 170 Academy, Royal-difcourfes delivered. to the ftudents by their prefident, January the 2d, 1769, xii. [208-211] on December the 14th, 1770, xiv. 152-159 on December the 10th, 1771, XV. 144 147-on December 10th, 1772, xvi. 160-165-excellent obfervations extracted from various difcourfes delivered to it by the prefident, xxii. 147-156 Addifon, mr-two letters written by him in the year 1708, to the bung earl of Warwick (who afterwards became his fon-in-law) when that nobleman was very young, xxi. 175 a lady ftrayed from her friends, i. 119 a young gentleman advertiling for a wife, ib. 120--Matrimonial Regifter-Office, 120-a perfon wanting to borrow money, xv. [117] Africa-account of the most general and moft remarkable fuperftitious practices in the interior parts of, xi. 208 1210 Age and youth, effay on the different conditions of, fhewing the refpective advantages of them both, iii, 189 191 Air, difcourfe on the different kinds of, delivered by fir John Pringle, baronet, on the delivery of the annual prizemedal of 1773, to the rev. dr. Priestley, xvii. 147-150 Aldrege, mr. Peter-his excellent obfervations on the qualifications requifite in a commentator upon the holy fcriptures, iv. 186-188 Algarotti-his effay (tranflated) on the expreffion of the paffions in painting, X. 215218 Almanacks, a differtation on; with a plan of a new one, intended only for the ufe of people of fashion, xviii. 191-193 Ambaffadors and their fervants, privileges of, by the laws of England, viii. [193, 194] Analogy, obfervations on, xv. 174176 Ancestry, an impartial and candid demonftration of the advantages of, ii. 426-429 Ancient ftone, and infcription recovered an humorous explanation of an ; from the Town and Country Magazine, xiv. 198-201 Andrada, M. Viera de, affaffination of, viii. [63] Animals an effay on the diftinct for mation of voice, and founds, in those which are called mute; fhewing it to be fufficient to all the neceffary purpofea of life in them, i. 371, 372 Anne, emprefs of Ruffia, anecdotes of the court of Petersburgh in her reign, xiii. 133-139 Arabian lords, fingular gratitude and generosity of fentiments between two, XV. 170172 Arabic manufcripts in the library of the Efcurial, order for printing and publishing, v. [88] Aretin his letter (tranflated by mr. Grofley) to Michael Angelo, on painting the Laft Judgment in the chapel of Pope Sixtus IV. at the Vatican, in 1537, xii. 170-172 Arts, the, fome useful remarks on the origin and progrefs of, from lord Kaimes's Sketches of the Hiftory of Man, xvii. 167-171 Arundel, extract from the records of the town of, relating to judge Jefferies, a few months before the abdication of king James II., xiii. 195, 196 Aftrology, tafte of the Grand Signior for, and the prefent of books in that fcience made to the Grand Signior by the duke de Praflin, vi. [59] Aftronomy, ancient and modern, difference between; from the Huetiana of the celebrated bishop of Avranche, xiv. 173-178 Atterbury, bishop of Rochester-his letter to his fon on the fubject of epiftolary correfpondence, and the manner of conducting it, ii. 432, 433 Attorneys exempted from ferving all offices belonging to corporations, x. [106] Avarice and Glory, an hiftory, by the king of Pruffia; under the fimilitude of a journey taken by Avarice and Glory to this world, in order to try how mankind were difpofed to receive them, iv, 184—186 Augury, an effay upon the origin of, with fome extracts (tranflated) from Ariftophanes upon this subject, iv. 180, 181 Auguftan age, the, in England, defcribed, xi: 164-169 Auftrian army, the reflections of a ge3 neral officer in it, on the general principles of war;" and on the compofition and characters of the different armies in Europe, ix. 169-176 Authors by profeflion or trade, obfervations on the cafe of; with a de fcription of the three feveral pro Ivinces in which they have an oppor tunity of exerting their abilities; with fome fhort biographical anecdotes of fome authors who come under this denomination, ▼. 174-179 BAR B. AR MAIDS, pretty, the powers of; from the Town and Country Magazine, xiv. 196, 197 Barrettihis account of the noble aqueduct of Alcantara, by which Lifbon is fupplied with water, xii. 150,151 Barrington, the honourable Dines-his obfervations on patriarchal cuftoms and manners, xxii. 161-168 Barry, mr. James on the great difference in the ftate of morals, &c. and tafte for the fine arts, &c. in different countries at the fame period; and at different periods in the fame country; and the reafons fufficiently accountable for this difference in the ftate of education and religion in thefe countries, and at these periods,, without any recourfe to the concomitant circumftances of foil or climate, xviii.. 168-173 Beattie, dr.his philofophical dif cuffion of the nature of fympathy; its influence over the paffions, and power to ftrengthen and invigorate them, very beautifully illuftrated, and proved by many examples from feveral of the best authors, particularly dramatic ones; taken from his Effay on Mufic and Poetry, xx. 169-174 -his Effay on the Utility of Claffical Learning, with fome account of the particulars of the Greek and Roman difcipline, 174-177 Beckford, William, efq. and lord Barrington-genuine létters which paffed between them in December 1769, -xii. [187, 188] Belloni, the marquis a letter concerning his Differtation upon Commerce, Manufactures, and the Circulation of Money, v. 179-182 Benevolence, very remarkable inftances of, iv. [60, 61. 63]-ix. [52] [93, ©94]–x. [*52}xi. [67] Berkeley, dr. and father Malbrancheon the perceptive faculty, vi. 1828185 Berlin, Berlin, account of the approaches to, xvi. 180, 181 Bermudas, the, and Virginia, method of managing vineyards in, ii. 382384 Bern, the copy of the will of a citizen in, and his remarkable appropriation of his real and perfonal eftate to the fenate of Bern, in truft for the people, i. 382, 383 Bianca, a Venetian lady-the extraordinary hiftory of; from monfieur de la Lande's Voyage d'un François en Italie, xii. 199-222Bible, the tranflation of the, permitted by the pope in all catholic countries, ii. 73 Bielfeld, baron-his account of a debauch at the prefent king (then prince) of Pruffia's court, at Rheinfbe:g, xiii. 157-159 Biography, as the fubject of romances, or hiftory, or any particular life or actions, excellent remarks on, from The Idler, ii. 436-438 Bolingbroke, lord-excellent remarks on his philofophy, and the chriftian religion as reformed in England, iii. 189 Bolingbroke, lord-his original letter to mr. Pope on the univerfal depravity of mankind, and the poetry of Addifon, vi. 196-198 Bougainville, monfieur-his account of the diamond and gold mines in the Brafils, xv. 155157 Brequigney, M. de-employed to confult the archives in the British Exchequer relating to the rights, &c. of the French crown, vii. [77] Brett, the rev. doctor-extracts from his extraordinary fermon intituled, Conjugal Love and Duty; and from the dedication to the right honourable lady Caroline Ruffel, afferting the prerogative of beauty, and vindicating the privileges of the fair fex, i. 379-382 Bristol, wife and excellent regulations in the Newgate of, iv. [61] Briftol-caftle remarkable and authentic fummons from lord Fairfax to prince Rupert, requiring the furrender of it to the Parliament's forces, xii. 191-193 British Mufcum, the, ftatutes and rules relative to the infpection and ufe of, ii. 149-152-the prefent of near two hundred curious manufcript volumes in the Hebrew language, which were. originally intended by the Jews as a prefent to king Charles II with a valuable letter from mr. Solomon Da Cofta (who made this prefent) to the truftees of this Mufeum upon the faid occafion, iii. 34-36-a most valuable prefent of 30,000 tracts, with fome MSS. from his Britannic majefty George III. v. [94] Brown, doctor-his remarks on our cathedral and parochial mufic, from his Differtation on Poetry and Mufic, vi. 194-196 Brown, doctor-on the changes in manners and principles in England, fince the acceffion of the houfe of Hanover; from Thoughts on Civil Liberty, Licentioufnefs, and Faction, viii. 222-220 Browne, fir William, M.D.-his inftitution of literary prizes at Cambridge, and the fubjects for the prizes in 1775 and 1776, xviii. [85]-and xix. [125] Brunfwick, hereditary prince of -his marriage with the princefs Augufta, and fubfequent particulars relating to them, vii. [45, 46. 50. 53. 60, 61]viii. [127. 150-ix. [53-75.88] Brutes-an eflay on the wanton and finful cruelty exercifed upon them, and on the duty of clemency towards them, iv. 196-198-the rights of the brute creation to tenderness from man, de duced from this twofold confideration (amongst many others), particularly the tenor of the facred writings in their favour, and of their being fufceptible of pain and pleafure, as well as man himfelf, though not fufceptible ofa juft compenfation for any evils which man may inflict upon them, xix. 176-180 Brydone, mr.-bis, curious account of the ifland of Malta, xvi. 188-191 Building, remarkable proof of the rage of, in London, viii. [113] Burghlye, the right hon. fir William Cecil, lord-a letter to him containing a particular account of the execution of Mary queen of Scots, taken from an old manufcript, and communicated to the public by the hon. Charles Howard, of Greyftock, xii. 184-189 Burn, doctor, on an equal land-tax, xxi, 174, 175 Burnet, bifhop-his humble reprefen tation to thofe who are to fit on the throne, left by him to be publifhed after his death; with a fhort account of five fovereigns of Great Britain, in whofe reigns the author lived, iii. 181-185 Burney, mr.-curious extracts from the -journey of his voyage down the Ifer and the Danube from Munich to Vienna, through countries which are feldom travelled by Euglithmen, and of which we have very little knowledge, xvi. 166-173-of the caril lons, or chimes in the Low Countries, 173-177-his curious anecdotes of the popular diverfions in Vienna, 177incidents relative to the roads, and the manner of travelling in Germany, 177-180-of the approaches to Berlin, 180, 181of the approaches to Potfdam, 181183- -his paffion for which prevails in the German courts, particularly at Minheim and Wurtemburgh, 183186-his account of the prefent ftate of mufic, &c. at Drefden, and in Saxony, 186—188Burney, Charles, Muf. D. F. R. S. on or munt of the inordinate the connection between mufic, prophe cy, and poetry; particularly under the Jewith difpenfation, xix. 188199 Buffy, le comte de-three letters writ ten by him to madame de Sevigny, in 1672, 1674, and 1675, xvii. 178-181 Butler, mr. Samuel (author of Hudibras) -his character of an impudent man, ii. 469, 470 his thoughts on governments, and various other fubjects, 470, 471 C. CALIGULA's horfe, a differtation on 192—194 Calves, the, in Effex and other counties LI appropriated, [189]-valuable prefent from his Danith majefty, xiv. [66]-prizes given and to whom in 1771, [76, 77]-in 1772, xv. [79.89] -proceedings with refpect to fubfcription to the thirty-nine articles, [82. 110]-prizes given and to whom in 1774, xvii. [97]——in 1775, xviii. [93. 103][151. 167]-bill paffed for vefting a perpetual copy-right in, [118, 119]fubjects for the prize medals, and to whom given in 1776, xix. [125. 135]—and in 1778, xxi. [190] Card-playing, pertinent obfervations on the advantages arifing from, in a Letter from monfieur de Pinto to mon fieur Diderot, xvii. 187-190obata Carillons, the, or chimes in the Low Countries, fome account of, xvi. 173 -177 Carlo Denina, fignior-his remarks upon Montefquieu and Voltaire, &c. with obfervations upon the state of French literature in the present century, tranflated from the Italian, xiv. 159-167 Carnival, a, pleafures and theatrical entertainments of, defcribed and the ardour with which they are attended, xxiii. 9-12 Carnor, in Tranfylvania-a very fingular murder committed at, in 1765, and the fingular manner of punifhing it, viii. [85, 86] Carriages, humorous letter on the immoderate rage for, fo different from the custom of our ancestors, xi. 202,. 203 Cartoons, the, of Raphael, removed from Hampton-court to the queen's houfe in St. James's Park, vi. [116] Cafan, kingdom of, proved to have been fubject to the Romans, v. [89] Catherine II. emprefs of Ruffia, famous letter of, to M. d'Alembert, inviting him to educate her fon, v. [115] Catherine II. emprefs of Ruffia extract of a letter from her to monfieur Voltaire, on his being advocate in the caufes of Calas and Sirven, xvii. 177 Chambers, mr. on the art of laying out gardens among the Chinese, and the ftrong conformity in this, article with the beft ideas which the improvement of tafte has introduced amongst us in England, i. 318-323 27 176 4, 105]-in 1766, ix. Chamberlain, mr. John-his account [75] 1767, x. [81. 102]-in 1768, xi. [81. 91. 189]-legacy of mr. Titley to, and the purposes to which of the reception of king James I. at Chi |