H́nh ảnh trang
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Cockburn, fir James, baronet-to miss Ayfcough, daughter of the late rev. -dr. Ayscough,dean of Briftol, xii.[170] Codrington, William, efq. fon of fir William Codrington, baronet--to the honourable mifs Ward, daughter of the late honourable William Ward, xix. [210] Cole, Charles Nelfon, efq.--to mifs Abdy, fifter to fir Anthony Abdy, baronet, of Albys, Effex, xiii. [181] Colquhoun, William, efq. of Gasfad

den, in Scotland-to mifs Helen Col-* quhoun, daughter of fir James Colquhoun, baronet, xvii. [178] Collville, rear-admiral Alexander lord

-to lady Elizabeth Macfarlane, fifter to the right honourable the earl of Kelly, xi. [209] Compton, Anthony, of Carham-hall, efq.to the honourable mifs Jeffy Hume, fifter to lord Hume, xii. [169] Conway, the honourable captain, fon of the right honourable the earl of Hertford- -to mifs Delme, niece to the right honourable lord Ravenfworth, xvi. [160] Cooke, fir George, baronet--to mifs Middleton, fifter to fir William Middleton, baronet, xiii. [180] Cooke, mr. private fecretary to lord viscount Townshend -- to daughter of lady Dyfert,, xv. [158] Cope, fir Charles, baronetto mifs Bishopp, daughter of fir Cecil Biffhopp, baronet, x. [171]


Corbet, John, efq.to mifs Emma Leighton, fecond daughter of fir Charlton Leighton, baronet, xvii. [182]

Corke, the right honourable the earl of -to the honourable mifs Courtenay, vii. [119]

Cornwallis, the right honourable the earl-to mifs Jones, xi. [208] Cornwallis, the honourable and rev. mr. -to mifs Mann, of Saville-row, xiv. [169]

Corry, Almar Lowry, efq. to the right honourable lady Harriet Hobart, eldeft daughter of the right honourable the earl of Buckinghamshire, xxiii. [243]

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Cotes, John, efq. of Woodcote, in Shropshire to the honourable mifs Lucy Courtenay, daughter of the late lord viscount Courtenay, xx. [221]

Cotter, fir James, baronet, member for Taghmon, in Ireland-to mifs Kear

ney, fifter to James Kearney, efq. member for Kinfale, xv. [159] Cotton,, efq.to mifs Afton, elde daughter of fir William Afton, baronet, xv. [158]

Coventry, right honourable the earl of -to the honourable mifs Barbara St. John, vii. [119]

Courland, the hereditary prince of-to her highnefs the princefs Carolina Louifa, at Arolfen, viii. [135] Courland, the duke of-to the princefe Youffapow, at Petersburgh, xvii. [179]

Courtenay, the rev. mr. nephew to the lord chancellor Apfley-to the right honourable the lady Elizabeth Howard, eldest daughter of the late earl of Effingham, xvii. [178, 179] Cowper, the right honourable the earl of-to mifs Gore, of Southampton, xviii. [197]

Cowper, John, efq.to mifs Cope, fifter to fir Charles Cope, baronet xxiii. [242]

Cranburn, the right honourable lord vifcount-to t-to lady Mary Hill, daughter of the right honourable the earl of Hillsborough, xvi. [161]

Craven, the honourable William, nephew to lord Craven to lady Betty

Berkeley, fifter to the earl of Berkeley, x. [171]

Crofbie, the right honourable lord vif count, fon of the earl of Glandore

to the honourable mifs Sackville, daughter of the right honourable lord George Sackville Germaine, xx., [222] Croffe,, efq.

-to mifs Newly, eldest daughter of fir John Newly, knight, xix. [208] Cumberland, his royal highnefs the duke of-to mrs. Horton, xiv. [153] Cumming, Alexander Penrofe, efq.—to mifs Helen Grant, fifter to fir James Grant, baronet, xvi. [161] Cunningham, fir William, baronet-to mifs Frances Myrton, xi. [209] Curzon, the honourable mr. Afheton, brother to lord Scarfdale- -to the honourable mifs Grofvenor, fifter to lord Grofvenor, ix. [162] Curzon, Afheton, efq. -to mrs. Treco thick, fifter to fir William Meredith, xx. [220] Curzon, the honourable mr. eldest fon to the right honourable lord Scarfdale --to the honourable mifs Noel, fifter to lord viscount Wentworth,xx. [221]


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D'Artois, the count, third grandson of Louis XV.-to the princefs of Savoy, xvi. [161]

Dalhwood, the rev. mr.-to lady

Knollys, the youngest daughter of the earl of Banbury, vii. [119] Dashwood, fir Henry Watkin, baronet -to mifs Graham, niece to the right honourable lord Newhaven, xxiii. [243]

Davie, fir John, baronet-to mifs Stokes, of Lincoln's-Inn-fields, vi. [125] Dauphin, the (afterwards Louis XVI. king) of France to the archduchefs Antonietta of Auftria, xiij. [102.180] Diwfon,, efq. of the kingdom of Ireland-to the right honourable lady Caroline Stuart, daughter of the right. honourable the earl of Bute, xx. [222]

Deane, fir Robert Tilfon, of Dromore, baronet to mifs Fitzmaurice, fule heirefs of the late John Fitzmaurice,

efq. of Springfield, Limerick, xvi [197]

Deerhurft, right honourable lord vif count-to the right honourable lady Catharine Henley, daughter of the late earl of Northington, xx. [219] Deering, fir Edward, baronet-to mifs Winchefter, of Pall-mall, viii. [163] Deering, Charles, efq.-to mifs Farnaby, fister to fir Charles Farnaby, baronet, xiii. [185]

De Grey, Thomas, efq. fon of lord chief juftice De Grey to the honourable mifs Irby, daughter of lord Bofton, xv. [157] Delaval, Thomas, efq.-to mifs Watfon, fifter to lady Davers, xi. [209] Delmé, Peter, efq.- -to the right honourable lady Elizabeth Howard, daughter of the late earl of Carlisle, xii. [168] Denmark, king of

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her royal highnefs princefs Carolina Matilda, fifter to his Britannick Majefly, ix. [136. 141. 148]

Denmark, his royal highnefs prince

Frederick of-to her royal highness the princess Sophia Frederica, niece to the reigning duke of Mecklenburg Schwerin, xvii. [159, 160. 182] Devonshire, his grace the duke of--to the right honourable lady Georgina Spencer, eldest daughter of the earl Spencer, xvii. [180]

Deux Ponts, his highnefs prince Charles of-to her royal highnefs the princefs Amelia of Saxony, xvii. [179]

Dickfon, the rev. mr.to mifs Cobham, xiv. [110]

Digby, the right honourable lord


mifs Fielding, niece to the earl of Denbigh, vi. [125]

Digby, honourable and rev. William, brother of lord Digby-to mifs Cox, ix. [162]

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Digby, the right honourable lord mifs Polly Knowler, of Canterbury, xiii. [181]

Digby, the honourable captain--to a daughter of the right honourable the

earl of Litchfield, xiv. [169]

Digby, honourable and rev. Charles, brother to lord Digby-to mifs Mellier, daughter of the late Will. Mellier, of Caftlecary, Somerfetfhire, efq.xviii. [195]

Dillon, mr. Mervin-to mifs Goddard, only daughter of Parke Goddard, efq. and niece to fir Henry Parker, baronet, of Talton, Worcestershire, xviii. [196]

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Dillón, the honourable Charles-to the
honourable mifs Phipps, daughter of
the late lord Mulgrave, xix. [211]earl of Lowth, xxii. [242]

Duffield, captain-to lady Elizabeth
Birmingham, eldest daughter of the

Dimfdale, Jofeph, "M. D. son of baron
Dimfdale to mrs. Beck, relict of
Jofeph Beck, efq. of Bristol, xix. [208,
Dodgson, right rev. dr. bishop of Of-
fory to mifs Smythe, xi. [299]
Doily, fir John, baronet, of Calcutta, to
mrs. Cotes, xxiii. [243]

Dolben, John English, efq. only son of
fir William Dolben, baronet-to mifs
Hallet, xxii. [242]

Douglas, the honourable Archibald-
to the right honourable lady Lucy Gra-
ham, daughter of his grace the duke
of Montrofe, xiv. [169]
Douglas, captain Archibald—to miss
Crofbie, daughter of the late fir Paul
Crofbie, baronet, of Ireland, xvii.

Douglas, fir Alexander, baronet, M. D.
to mifs Barbara Carnegy, daughter of
the late James Carnegy, efq. of Fin-
haven, xviii. [199]
Doughty, Robert Lee, efqto mifs
Powis, fifter of Thomas Powis, efq.
of Northamptonshire, xix. [208]
Downe, the right honourable lord vif.
count to mifs Burton, only daughter
of Burton, efq. vi. [125]
Drake, William, junior, efq.-to mifs
Huffey, only daughter of William
Haffey, efq. xxi. [219]

Draper, fir William, K. B.-to mifs Su-
fanna De Lancey, daughter of the
right honourable Oliver De Lancey,
xiii. [181]


Dumfries, right honourable earl of——————
to mifs Crawford, xiv. [169]
Dummer, Thomas, efq.—to miss Har
riot Bishopp, daughter of fir Cecil
Bishopp, baronet, ix. [162]
Dunboyne, right honourable lord-
mifs Macnamara, xvi. [160]
Duncannon, right honourable lord, eld
eft fon of the earl of Befborough-to
lady Spencer, fecond daughter of
earl Spencer, xxiii. [244].


DEN, fir John, baronetto mils Catherine Thompson, vii. [119] Eden, Robert, efq. to the honourable mifs Calvert, fifter to lord Baltimore," viii. [163]

Eden, fir John, baronet-to miss John-
fon, x. [171]
-to mifs Elliot,
daughter of fir Gilbert Elliot, baronet,
xix. [211]

Eden, William, efq.

Edmonstone, fir Archibald, baronet→→→ to mifs Heathcote, xxi. [219] Edmunds, colonel, of the foot guards to mifs Kelly, of Queen-ftreet, Westminster, xix. [209]

Egerton, hon. and rev. mr. brother to the bishop of Bangor--to mifs Bell Lowther, ix. [162]

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Egerton, fir Thomas, of Heaton, baronet -to mifs Afherton, daughter and coheirefs of the late fir Philip Atherton, Drogheda, right honourable earl of, in Ireland to lady Anne Conway, baronet, of Middleton, xii. [170] daughter of the earl of Hertford, ix. Eglington, right honourable the earl of -to lady Cunningham, daughter [162] of the earl of Glencairn, xiii. [181] Dromore, bishop of (dr. Newcome)-to mifs Smith, of Dublin, xv. [157] Elliot, fir Gilbert, baronet--to miss Drummond, Peter Auriol, efq. fecond Amyand, fifter of fir George Cornfon of his grace the archbishop of wall, baronet, xx. [218, 219] York to mifs Milnes, only daughter Ellis, Welbore, efq.-to mifs Stanley, of Pembroke Milnes, efq. of Wake-fifter of fir Hans Stanley, baronet, viik field, xviii. [200]

Drury, Richard Vere, efq.to mifs
Vandeput, daughter of fir George
Vandeput, baronet, xix. [209]
Ducie, right honourable lord-to miss
Ramfden, daughter of the late fir John
Ramfden, baronet, of Byrom, York-
fhire, xvii. [179]******

Duff, the honourable Alexander, brother
to lord Fife to mifs Eliz. Skeene,
eldeft daughter of George Skeene,
efq. xviii. [199]


Elphinstone, the honourable William,
fon of lord Elphinstone-to_mifs
Fullerton, of Garftairs, xvii. [180,

Elton, Abraham, efq. only fon of fir
Abraham Ifaac Elton, baronet--to
mifs Durbin, daughter of John Dur
bin, efq. of Bristol, xix. [212]
Ely, the right honourable earl of
mifs Bonfoy, daughter of the late
captain Hugh Bonfoy, xviii. [199]


Erne, the right honourable lord viscount to the honourable mifs Hervey, niece to the earl of Briflol, xix. [208] Errington, Henry, efq.to lady Brough ton, xii. [170]

Erfkine, the honourable Thomasto mifs Moore, xiii. [180]

Erskine, the honourable Henry-to mifs Fullerton, of New-Hall, in Scotland, xv. [157]

Efdaile,, efq. fon of fir James Efdaile, alderman-to mifs Hadfield, of Manchefter, xviii. [196]

Effex, the right honourable the earl of -to mifs Katharine Bladen, x. [171] Eftcourt, Thomas, efq.-to the honourable mifs Grimstone, daughter of the late lord viscount Grimstone, xvii. [182]

Etherington, Henry, efq.

to mifs Cave, daughter of fir Thomas Cave, baronet, xvi. [160]

Evelyn, fir Frederick, baronet-to mifs
Turton, xii. [170]

Exeter, the rt. honourable the earl of
to mifs Anna Maria Cheatham, of
Sodor-Hall, Yorkshire, xiii. [180]
Eykin, fir John, baronet, of Eccleton,"
Shropshire-to mifs Browning, xviii.

Eyres, Thomas, efq.-to the right ho-
nourable lady Mary Bellafyfe, daugh
ter of the late earl Fauconberg, xix.



ANE, John, efq.-to the right honourable lady Elizabeth Parker, eldest daughter of the earl of Maceleffield, xvi. [161]

Fane, the honourable mr.--to mifs
Batfon, xxi. [218]
Farnham, rt. honourable the earl of-
to mrs. Upton, xiv. [169]
Fenton, James, efq.-to mifs Thoma-
fine Ibbetfon, daughter of the late fir
Harry Ibbetfon, baronet, xxi. [218,

Ferrars, the right honourable George
lord de to mifs Ellicot, xx. [222]
Fielding, captain Charles to mifs
Sophia Finch, daughter of lady Char-
lotte Finch, xv. [157]
Fielding, fir John, knight. to mifs
Sedgeley, xvii. [181]

Finch, the honourable Charles, next bro-
ther to the earl of Aylesford to miss

Jane Wynne, of Voylafs, Denbigh fhire, xxi. [220]

Fitte, monf. de-to mifs Nancy Edge. cumbe, xviii. [197]

Fitzgerald, Maurice, efq. to the right honourable the lady Anne Fitzmau. rice, daughter of the late earl of Ker. ry, vii. [119]

Fitzgerald, captain-to mifs Connolly, fifter to the honourable Thomas Con nolly, xiii. [179]

Fitz-James, marquis de-to, mademoi felle de Thiard, xi. [203] Fitzmaurice, the honourable John-to the honourable mifs Lyttelton, vi [124]

Fitzmaurice, the honourable Thomas, brother of the earl of Shelburne-to the right honourable lady Mary Obrien, only daughter of the earl of Inchiquin, xx. [222]

Fitzwilliam, the right honourable the earl of to the right honourable lady Charlotte Ponfonby, daughter of the earl of Befborough, xiii. [180] Fitzwilliam, the honourable Thomasto mife Agnes Macclesfield, daughter and co-heirefs of the late-Macclesfield, efq. of Chefterton, xxiii. [243] Flack, James Medlicott, efq.-to lady Jane Sarah Fleming, xiv. [168]. Fleming, colonel, of the guards-to mifs

Mills, daughter of William Mills, efq. of Richmond, Surry, xviii. [195] Fletcher, fir Robert- -to mifs Pybus, xvii. [183]

Flood, Frederick, efq.-to the right ho nourable lady Juliana Annefley, fifter to the earl of Angletea, viii. [163] Foley, the honourable Thomas-to the right honourable lady Harriot Stanhope, daughter of the earl of Harrington, xix. [208]

Foley, the honourable Edward-to the right honourable lady Ann Margaret

Coventry, youngest daughter of the earl of Coventry, xxi. [220] Foljambe,, efq.-to mifs Mary Thornhagh, niece to fir George Saville, baronet, xvii. [181]

Folkes, fir Martin, baronet--to mifs Turner, daughter of fir John Turner, bart. xviii. [200]

Folkeftone, the right hon. lord viscount -to the lady dowager Feverfham, viii. [163]

Forbes, right hon. lord-to the right hon. lady Georgina Berkley, fifter to earl Berkley, ix. [162]

Forbes, right hon. lord to the right honourable lady Selina Rawdon, daughter

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daughter of the earl of Moira, xxii.

-to mifs Elizabeth Matthew, xx?

[242] Gr William, baronet--to the Gardiner, colonel-to the honourable

Forbes, fir

honourable mifs Sempell, xxiii. [243] Fordyce, Alexander, efq.-to the right honourable lady Margaret Lindlay, xiii. [180]

Forfter, Richard, efq.-to mifs Baynton,
daughter of fir Edward Baynton, ba-
ronet, xvi. [159]
Forster, John, efq.to mifs Wynch,
daughter of Alexander Wynch, efq.
late governor of Madras, xx. [220]
Forfter, William Bacon, elq.- -to the
right honourable lady Catharine
Turnour, fecond daughter of earl
Winterton, xxi. [219, 220]
Forfter, John Thomas, efq.-to miss
Hervey, daughter of the bishop of
Derry, xix. [212]

Fowke, captain Thomas-to mifs Ann
Woolafton, xv. [158]

Fowler, William, efq.-to lady Fow-
ler, relict of the late fir Hans Fowler,
xv. [159]

Fox, the honourable Stephen, eldest
fon of lord Holland-to the right ho-
nourable lady Mary Fitzpatrick,
daughter of the late earl of Offory,
and niece to the duchefs of Bedford,
ix. [162]
Franco,, efq.to mifs Aguillar, xv.

Frankland, Thomas, efq.

to mifs Smelt, niece to Leonard Smelt, efq, fub-governor to his royal highnefs the prince of Wales, xviii. [196] Frederic, prince of Denmark--to the princefs Sophia Frederica, niece to the reigning duke of Mecklenburg Schwerin, xvii. [26] Freke, John, efq,- to the right hon. lady Elizabeth Gore, daughter of the earl of Artan, viii. [163] Fuller, Ofborne, efq.-to the right hon. lady Blois, viii. [164] Fuller, John Tryton, efq.-to mifs Elliot, daughter of lieutenant-general Elliot, xix. [209]

Fuft, fir John, baronet--to mrs. Hamilton, of Hampton Court Palace, xvi. [160]


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mifs Wrottefley, a maid of honour to her majefty, and fifter to the duchefs of Grafton, xxii. [241]

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Garlies, the right honourable lord, eld-
eft fon of the earl of Galloway-
mifs Dashwood, vii. [119]
Garrard, rev. mr. of Bromley, Wilts-
to mrs. Turner, xvii. [106]
Garrick, captain-to mifs Leigh, daugh-
ter of fir Egerton Leigh, baronet, xxiii.

Gafcoigne, fir Thomas, baronet-to mifs
Montgomery, xv. [159]

Gates, John, efq-to lady Beaumont,
relict of the late fir George Beaumont,
baronet, xi. [208]

Gaven, David, efq.-to lady

- Maitland, eldest daughter of the earl of Lauderdale, xiii. [180]

Gay, the rev. fir Peter Rivers, baronet, to mifs Coxe, of Kensington, xi. [208]

Gibbons, William, efq. eldeft fon of fir
John Gibbons to mifs Watfon,"
daughter of the late admiral Watson,
xiy. [169].

Gideon, fir Sampfon, baronet, to mila
Wilmot, ix. [163].

Gilbert, fir Roger to lady dowager
Clarges, ix. [163]

Gilbert, Thomas, efq.-to mifs Cran-
ford, xx. [219]

Glandore, the right honourable earl of
-to mrs. Ward, xx. [222]
Gloucefter, his royal highness the duke
of-to the right honourable the
countefs-dowager Waldegrave, XV.

Glynne, the rev. fir Stephen, baronet→→
to mifs Bennet, xxii. [242]
Goddard, Ambrofe, efq.-to mifs Wil-
liams, xix. [210]

Gooch, fir Thomas, baronet-to mifs
Birtles, xiv. [170]

Gooch, William, efq. fecond fon of fir
Thomas Gooch, baronet- --to mifs
Villa Real, xviii. [196, 197]
Goodyere, fir Robertto mifs Pitts,
xiii. [181]

Gordon, his grace the duke of—to mifs
Jane Maxwell, x. [172].

Gordon, right honourable lord Adam-
to her grace the duchefs-dowager of
Athol, x. [172]

GAGE, Thomas, efq. to mifs Gordon, the honourable Alexander

Charlotte Fitzherbert, xxii. [242]

Galway, right honourable lord viscount

to the right honourable the countersdowager of Dumfries, xii. [170]


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