Cockburn, fir James, baronet-to miss Ayfcough, daughter of the late rev. -dr. Ayscough,dean of Briftol, xii.[170] Codrington, William, efq. fon of fir William Codrington, baronet--to the honourable mifs Ward, daughter of the late honourable William Ward, xix. [210] Cole, Charles Nelfon, efq.--to mifs Abdy, fifter to fir Anthony Abdy, baronet, of Albys, Effex, xiii. [181] Colquhoun, William, efq. of Gasfad den, in Scotland-to mifs Helen Col-* quhoun, daughter of fir James Colquhoun, baronet, xvii. [178] Collville, rear-admiral Alexander lord -to lady Elizabeth Macfarlane, fifter to the right honourable the earl of Kelly, xi. [209] Compton, Anthony, of Carham-hall, the honourable mifs Jeffy Hume, fifter to lord Hume, xii. [169] Conway, the honourable captain, fon of the right honourable the earl of Hertford- -to mifs Delme, niece to the right honourable lord Ravenfworth, xvi. [160] Cooke, fir George, baronet--to mifs Middleton, fifter to fir William Middleton, baronet, xiii. [180] Cooke, mr. private fecretary to lord viscount Townshend -- to daughter of lady Dyfert,, xv. [158] Cope, fir Charles, baronetto mifs Bishopp, daughter of fir Cecil Biffhopp, baronet, x. [171] the Corbet, John, mifs Emma Leighton, fecond daughter of fir Charlton Leighton, baronet, xvii. [182] Corke, the right honourable the earl of -to the honourable mifs Courtenay, vii. [119] Cornwallis, the right honourable the earl-to mifs Jones, xi. [208] Cornwallis, the honourable and rev. mr. -to mifs Mann, of Saville-row, xiv. [169] Corry, Almar Lowry, efq. to the right honourable lady Harriet Hobart, eldeft daughter of the right honourable the earl of Buckinghamshire, xxiii. [243] Cotes, John, efq. of Woodcote, in Shropshire to the honourable mifs Lucy Courtenay, daughter of the late lord viscount Courtenay, xx. [221] Cotter, fir James, baronet, member for Taghmon, in Ireland-to mifs Kear ney, fifter to James Kearney, efq. member for Kinfale, xv. [159] Cotton,, mifs Afton, elde daughter of fir William Afton, baronet, xv. [158] Coventry, right honourable the earl of -to the honourable mifs Barbara St. John, vii. [119] Courland, the hereditary prince of-to her highnefs the princefs Carolina Louifa, at Arolfen, viii. [135] Courland, the duke of-to the princefe Youffapow, at Petersburgh, xvii. [179] Courtenay, the rev. mr. nephew to the lord chancellor Apfley-to the right honourable the lady Elizabeth Howard, eldest daughter of the late earl of Effingham, xvii. [178, 179] Cowper, the right honourable the earl of-to mifs Gore, of Southampton, xviii. [197] Cowper, John, mifs Cope, fifter to fir Charles Cope, baronet xxiii. [242] Cranburn, the right honourable lord vifcount-to t-to lady Mary Hill, daughter of the right honourable the earl of Hillsborough, xvi. [161] Craven, the honourable William, nephew to lord Craven to lady Betty Berkeley, fifter to the earl of Berkeley, x. [171] Crofbie, the right honourable lord vif count, fon of the earl of Glandore to the honourable mifs Sackville, daughter of the right honourable lord George Sackville Germaine, xx., [222] Croffe,, efq. -to mifs Newly, eldest daughter of fir John Newly, knight, xix. [208] Cumberland, his royal highnefs the duke of-to mrs. Horton, xiv. [153] Cumming, Alexander Penrofe, efq.—to mifs Helen Grant, fifter to fir James Grant, baronet, xvi. [161] Cunningham, fir William, baronet-to mifs Frances Myrton, xi. [209] Curzon, the honourable mr. Afheton, brother to lord Scarfdale- -to the honourable mifs Grofvenor, fifter to lord Grofvenor, ix. [162] Curzon, Afheton, efq. -to mrs. Treco thick, fifter to fir William Meredith, xx. [220] Curzon, the honourable mr. eldest fon to the right honourable lord Scarfdale --to the honourable mifs Noel, fifter to lord viscount Wentworth,xx. [221] Cuft, D'Artois, the count, third grandson of Louis XV.-to the princefs of Savoy, xvi. [161] Dalhwood, the rev. mr.-to lady Knollys, the youngest daughter of the earl of Banbury, vii. [119] Dashwood, fir Henry Watkin, baronet -to mifs Graham, niece to the right honourable lord Newhaven, xxiii. [243] Davie, fir John, baronet-to mifs Stokes, of Lincoln's-Inn-fields, vi. [125] Dauphin, the (afterwards Louis XVI. king) of France to the archduchefs Antonietta of Auftria, xiij. [102.180] Diwfon,, efq. of the kingdom of Ireland-to the right honourable lady Caroline Stuart, daughter of the right. honourable the earl of Bute, xx. [222] Deane, fir Robert Tilfon, of Dromore, baronet to mifs Fitzmaurice, fule heirefs of the late John Fitzmaurice, efq. of Springfield, Limerick, xvi [197] Deerhurft, right honourable lord vif count-to the right honourable lady Catharine Henley, daughter of the late earl of Northington, xx. [219] Deering, fir Edward, baronet-to mifs Winchefter, of Pall-mall, viii. [163] Deering, Charles, efq.-to mifs Farnaby, fister to fir Charles Farnaby, baronet, xiii. [185] De Grey, Thomas, efq. fon of lord chief juftice De Grey to the honourable mifs Irby, daughter of lord Bofton, xv. [157] Delaval, Thomas, efq.-to mifs Watfon, fifter to lady Davers, xi. [209] Delmé, Peter, efq.- -to the right honourable lady Elizabeth Howard, daughter of the late earl of Carlisle, xii. [168] Denmark, king of her royal highnefs princefs Carolina Matilda, fifter to his Britannick Majefly, ix. [136. 141. 148] Denmark, his royal highnefs prince Frederick of-to her royal highness the princess Sophia Frederica, niece to the reigning duke of Mecklenburg Schwerin, xvii. [159, 160. 182] Devonshire, his grace the duke of--to the right honourable lady Georgina Spencer, eldest daughter of the earl Spencer, xvii. [180] Deux Ponts, his highnefs prince Charles of-to her royal highnefs the princefs Amelia of Saxony, xvii. [179] Dickfon, the rev. mifs Cobham, xiv. [110] Digby, the right honourable lord -to mifs Fielding, niece to the earl of Denbigh, vi. [125] Digby, honourable and rev. William, brother of lord Digby-to mifs Cox, ix. [162] -to Digby, the right honourable lord mifs Polly Knowler, of Canterbury, xiii. [181] Digby, the honourable captain--to a daughter of the right honourable the earl of Litchfield, xiv. [169] Digby, honourable and rev. Charles, brother to lord Digby-to mifs Mellier, daughter of the late Will. Mellier, of Caftlecary, Somerfetfhire, efq.xviii. [195] Dillon, mr. Mervin-to mifs Goddard, only daughter of Parke Goddard, efq. and niece to fir Henry Parker, baronet, of Talton, Worcestershire, xviii. [196] Dillón, the honourable Charles-to the Duffield, captain-to lady Elizabeth Dimfdale, Jofeph, "M. D. son of baron Dolben, John English, efq. only son of Douglas, the honourable Archibald- Douglas, fir Alexander, baronet, M. D. Draper, fir William, K. B.-to mifs Su- -to Dumfries, right honourable earl of—————— 477 DEN, fir John, baronetto mils Catherine Thompson, vii. [119] Eden, Robert, efq. to the honourable mifs Calvert, fifter to lord Baltimore," viii. [163] Eden, fir John, baronet-to miss John- Eden, William, efq. Edmonstone, fir Archibald, baronet→→→ to mifs Heathcote, xxi. [219] Edmunds, colonel, of the foot guards to mifs Kelly, of Queen-ftreet, Westminster, xix. [209] Egerton, hon. and rev. mr. brother to the bishop of Bangor--to mifs Bell Lowther, ix. [162] Egerton, fir Thomas, of Heaton, baronet -to mifs Afherton, daughter and coheirefs of the late fir Philip Atherton, Drogheda, right honourable earl of, in Ireland to lady Anne Conway, baronet, of Middleton, xii. [170] daughter of the earl of Hertford, ix. Eglington, right honourable the earl of -to lady Cunningham, daughter [162] of the earl of Glencairn, xiii. [181] Dromore, bishop of (dr. Newcome)-to mifs Smith, of Dublin, xv. [157] Elliot, fir Gilbert, baronet--to miss Drummond, Peter Auriol, efq. fecond Amyand, fifter of fir George Cornfon of his grace the archbishop of wall, baronet, xx. [218, 219] York to mifs Milnes, only daughter Ellis, Welbore, efq.-to mifs Stanley, of Pembroke Milnes, efq. of Wake-fifter of fir Hans Stanley, baronet, viik field, xviii. [200] Drury, Richard Vere, mifs Duff, the honourable Alexander, brother [163] Elphinstone, the honourable William, Elton, Abraham, efq. only fon of fir -to Erne, the right honourable lord viscount to the honourable mifs Hervey, niece to the earl of Briflol, xix. [208] Errington, Henry, lady Brough ton, xii. [170] Erfkine, the honourable Thomasto mifs Moore, xiii. [180] Erskine, the honourable Henry-to mifs Fullerton, of New-Hall, in Scotland, xv. [157] Efdaile,, efq. fon of fir James Efdaile, alderman-to mifs Hadfield, of Manchefter, xviii. [196] Effex, the right honourable the earl of -to mifs Katharine Bladen, x. [171] Eftcourt, Thomas, efq.-to the honourable mifs Grimstone, daughter of the late lord viscount Grimstone, xvii. [182] Etherington, Henry, efq. to mifs Cave, daughter of fir Thomas Cave, baronet, xvi. [160] Evelyn, fir Frederick, baronet-to mifs Exeter, the rt. honourable the earl of Eyres, Thomas, efq.-to the right ho- FANE, F. ANE, John, efq.-to the right honourable lady Elizabeth Parker, eldest daughter of the earl of Maceleffield, xvi. [161] Fane, the honourable mr.--to mifs Ferrars, the right honourable George Finch, the honourable Charles, next bro- Jane Wynne, of Voylafs, Denbigh fhire, xxi. [220] Fitte, monf. de-to mifs Nancy Edge. cumbe, xviii. [197] Fitzgerald, Maurice, efq. to the right honourable the lady Anne Fitzmau. rice, daughter of the late earl of Ker. ry, vii. [119] Fitzgerald, captain-to mifs Connolly, fifter to the honourable Thomas Con nolly, xiii. [179] Fitz-James, marquis de-to, mademoi felle de Thiard, xi. [203] Fitzmaurice, the honourable John-to the honourable mifs Lyttelton, vi [124] Fitzmaurice, the honourable Thomas, brother of the earl of Shelburne-to the right honourable lady Mary Obrien, only daughter of the earl of Inchiquin, xx. [222] Fitzwilliam, the right honourable the earl of to the right honourable lady Charlotte Ponfonby, daughter of the earl of Befborough, xiii. [180] Fitzwilliam, the honourable Thomasto mife Agnes Macclesfield, daughter and co-heirefs of the late-Macclesfield, efq. of Chefterton, xxiii. [243] Flack, James Medlicott, efq.-to lady Jane Sarah Fleming, xiv. [168]. Fleming, colonel, of the guards-to mifs Mills, daughter of William Mills, efq. of Richmond, Surry, xviii. [195] Fletcher, fir Robert- -to mifs Pybus, xvii. [183] Flood, Frederick, efq.-to the right ho nourable lady Juliana Annefley, fifter to the earl of Angletea, viii. [163] Foley, the honourable Thomas-to the right honourable lady Harriot Stanhope, daughter of the earl of Harrington, xix. [208] Foley, the honourable Edward-to the right honourable lady Ann Margaret Coventry, youngest daughter of the earl of Coventry, xxi. [220] Foljambe,, efq.-to mifs Mary Thornhagh, niece to fir George Saville, baronet, xvii. [181] Folkes, fir Martin, baronet--to mifs Turner, daughter of fir John Turner, bart. xviii. [200] Folkeftone, the right hon. lord viscount -to the lady dowager Feverfham, viii. [163] Forbes, right hon. lord-to the right hon. lady Georgina Berkley, fifter to earl Berkley, ix. [162] Forbes, right hon. lord to the right honourable lady Selina Rawdon, daughter daughter of the earl of Moira, xxii. -to mifs Elizabeth Matthew, xx? [242] Gr William, baronet--to the Gardiner, colonel-to the honourable Forbes, fir honourable mifs Sempell, xxiii. [243] Fordyce, Alexander, efq.-to the right honourable lady Margaret Lindlay, xiii. [180] Forfter, Richard, efq.-to mifs Baynton, Fowke, captain Thomas-to mifs Ann Fowler, William, efq.-to lady Fow- Fox, the honourable Stephen, eldest Frankland, Thomas, efq. to mifs Smelt, niece to Leonard Smelt, efq, fub-governor to his royal highnefs the prince of Wales, xviii. [196] Frederic, prince of Denmark--to the princefs Sophia Frederica, niece to the reigning duke of Mecklenburg Schwerin, xvii. [26] Freke, John, efq,- to the right hon. lady Elizabeth Gore, daughter of the earl of Artan, viii. [163] Fuller, Ofborne, efq.-to the right hon. lady Blois, viii. [164] Fuller, John Tryton, efq.-to mifs Elliot, daughter of lieutenant-general Elliot, xix. [209] Fuft, fir John, baronet--to mrs. Hamilton, of Hampton Court Palace, xvi. [160] G. mifs Wrottefley, a maid of honour to her majefty, and fifter to the duchefs of Grafton, xxii. [241] -to Garlies, the right honourable lord, eld- Gafcoigne, fir Thomas, baronet-to mifs Gates, John, efq-to lady Beaumont, Gaven, David, efq.-to lady - Maitland, eldest daughter of the earl of Lauderdale, xiii. [180] Gay, the rev. fir Peter Rivers, baronet, to mifs Coxe, of Kensington, xi. [208] Gibbons, William, efq. eldeft fon of fir Gideon, fir Sampfon, baronet, to mila Gilbert, fir Roger to lady dowager Gilbert, Thomas, efq.-to mifs Cran- Glandore, the right honourable earl of Glynne, the rev. fir Stephen, baronet→→ Gooch, fir Thomas, baronet-to mifs Gooch, William, efq. fecond fon of fir Gordon, his grace the duke of—to mifs Gordon, right honourable lord Adam- GAGE, Thomas, efq. to mifs Gordon, the honourable Alexander Charlotte Fitzherbert, xxii. [242] Galway, right honourable lord viscount to the right honourable the countersdowager of Dumfries, xii. [170] Gordon, |