H́nh ảnh trang

mitation of penfions, and the fuppreffion of fundry useless, expensive and inconvenient places; and for apply-. ing the monies faved thereby to the public fervice, xxiii. [300-302] Parliamentary grants or fupplies in 1758, i. 79, 80. 91. 127-132-in 1759, ii. 84. 90. 130-in 1760, iii. [106. 184-186] -in 1761, V. [151-158]-in 1762, V. [165-170]-in 1763, vi. [175-180] in 1764, vii. [157-163]-in 1765, viii. [236-240]-in 1766, ix. [200 -202]-in 1767, x. [217-220]-in 1768, xi. [261-263]-in 1769, xii. [218-220]-in 1770, xiii. [234239]-in 1771, xiv. [222-231-in 1772, XV. [84. 209-213]-in 1773, xvi. [226-230]-in 1774, xvii. [250 -254]-in 1775, xviii. [244-246]in 1776, xix: [249-251]-in 1777, xx. [67-70. 265-269]--in 1778, xxi. [275-279]-in 1779, xxii. [325 -335]-in 1780, xxiii. [308-320] Parliament, addrefs of both houtes on the regency bill, viii. [257, 258]-diffolved, and a new one called in 1768, and the royal proclamation relating to it, xi. [270]-the lord chancellor's fpeech when the new speaker was prefented, [270, 271]-addrefs "of both houfes of, at the meeting of this new parliament, with his ma jefty's most gracious anfwer, [271, 272]-addrefs of both houfes on receiving information from his majefty of the turbulent ftate of affairs in Maffachusetts Bay in 1768, xii. [227, 228]-addrefs of both houfes to his majefty on his receiving a remonftrance, &c. from the city of London on March 23d, 1770, xiii. [248, 249] -meffage from his majefty to both houfes of,'in relation to the marriages of the royal family, xv. [221]-iffolved, and a new one called, with the proclamation, in 1774, xvii. [276] -meffage from his majefty to both houfes, relating to the treaty of friendthip and commerce between France and the revolted British colonies of North America, and the addreffes of both houfes upon the occafion, xxi. [290-292]--meffage from his majefty to both houfes of, relative to a declaration of hoftilities on the part of Spain, and the addrefs of the lords upon receiving this meffage, xxii. [344346] Parliamentary debates and proceedings, and ftate of the miniftry in 1758, i. 9-13.65, 66-in 1759, ii. 92, 93

-in 1760, ii. [51-55]-in 1761, iv. [84, 85. 183]-in 1762, v. [46-48] [54-63]-in 1763, vi. [32-43]-in 1764, vii. [18-33]-in 1765, viii. [16-18] [22-49]-in 1766, ix. [31 48] [63]-in 1767, x. [44-45*] in 1768, xi. [75-84]-in 1769, xii. [54-57] [61-73] [72-74] in 1770, xiii. [59-84*] [88*-95*] [73, 74. 76]-in 1771, xiv. [17-41] -in 1772, xv. [80*-105*]-in 1773, xvi. [62-83]-in 1774, xvii. [44] [52-78]-in 1775, xviii. [36-120*]

-in'1776, xix. [55-144*]-in 1777, XX. [32-113]-in 1778, xxi. [42211*]—in 1779, xxii. (75-173]-in 1780, xxiii. [37-200*]

Peace, preliminary propofals entered into by the belligerent powers, and previous negociations and papers relating to the re-establishment of, iv. [3-6. 13-15. 18-23. 37-41]—. [228-230. 233-246]

Pearfon, capt. Richard, of the Serapis, his letter to the lords of the admiralty on the lofs of his fhip, xxii. [309312]

Peter III. emperor of Ruffia, his renunciation of all right to the government, v. [226, 227]

Peterburgh, declaration of the em prefs Elizabeth on the 12th of June 1758, to all the foreign minifters at, relating to the convention between the king of Great Britain and the king of Pruflia, i. 161, 162 Petersburgh,

the famous memorial dated Feb. 17th, 1761, relating to Courland and Semigallia, iv. [100, 101]-declaration relating to the intended congrefs at Augfburgh, iv. [272, 273]-conciliatory and pacific declarations of this court delivered to the foreign minifters at, v. [228, 229] -fubftance of a memorial delivered on the 16th of July 1763 to the Polish refident at this court, vi. [215, 216]

-fubftance of the treaty between this court and Berlin, ratified the 15th of April 1764, vii. [181]-manifefto published on the death of prince Ivan, [185-187]-declaration from the empress of Ruffia to the courts of London, Verfailles, and Madrid, relating to the armed neutrality in 1780, with the answer to it from the courts of Great Britain, France, and Spain, xxiii. [347-351] Petitions, remonftrances, &c. &c. See. Buckingham; Congrefs, the American; London; Middlefex; New



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caftle; Norfolk; North America; Surry; Weft India Merchants and Planters; Weftminfter; York

Pitt, mr. fecretary, his letter to the feveral governors and councils in North America relating to the flag of truce trade, iii. [219, 220]-anfwer to the French memorials concerning Spain and Germany in 1761, iv. [261, 262] -remarkable letter to in the city of London on the cause and manner of his refignation of the feals, with an anfwer of the hon. gentleman to it, [300, 301]-honoured with a vote of thanks from the city of London, with his anfwer, as alfo from Dublin, York, Bath, and other places, [302, 303]

Placentia, abftract of the convention made between the king of Sardinia, the moft Chriftian King, and the Catholic King, concerning the pretenfions of his Sardinian majefty to the duchy of, vi. [214, 215] Poland, king of, his univerfalis for affembling a general dyet of the ftates at Warfaw, i. 166, 167-memorial (as elector of Saxony) at Vienna on the raifing of the fiege of Drefden, iii. [208-210]-declaration relating to the intended congrefs at Augsburgh in 1761, iv. [272, 273] favourable

anfwer to a declaration of the Ruffian court preparatory to the general peace in 1763, v. [229, 230]-proteft against the Polish dyet affembled for the election of a king drawn up and figned the 7th of May 1764, vii. [182]-a difcourfe by his Polifh majefty in the cathedral of Warsaw, when he received the diploma of his, election, and took the oath ufual on that occafion, [183-185]-copy of a declaration delivered on Nov. 4th, 1766, to the king and republic of, in behalf of the diffidents of, jx. [234, 235]--manifefto of feveral courts, and counter declaration of Warfaw, relating to the troubles of, and method of terminating them in 1772, xv. [250-256]

Pondicherry, papers relating to the furrender of, in January 1761, iv. [290 -293]

Porte, the memorial of, to the foreign minifters at that court, in relation to the future election of a king of Poland in 1764, vii. [182]-manifefto of, at the declaration of war against at Ruffia in 1768, xi. [281-283] Portugal, genuine legal fentence upon

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the confpirators against the life of his moft Faithful Majefty, with the juft motives for the fame, ii. 210-221obfervations on this fentence by William Shirley, late of Lisbon, merchant, 222-224-papers relative to the rupture with France and Spain, v. [205-207. 210-213. 215, 216]— decree or declaration of war against France and Spain, [217, 218]-acceffion of this court to the definitive treaty of peace concluded between Great Britain, France and Spain, [244, 245]-declaration with regard to the alternating with Great Britain and France, [245]-declaration on the quarrel between Great Britain and her North American colonies, xix. [260, 261]

Printers, the, in cafe of publishing li bels, parliamentary proceedings againft, xiv. [59-70*] [81. 101] [183 -192]

Proclamation, form of the, ufed at the acceffion of his prefent majefty George III. iii. [141]-royal, for the encouragement of piety and virtue, and for preventing and punishing viće, profanenefs and immorality, [241-243]-of peace, v. [247]-in relation to the acquifitions in North America, and the government and diftribution of them after the peace, vi. [208-213]-vii. [57]-viii. [75, 76] prohibiting correfpondence with the rebels of Corfica, vi. [213]prohibiting the Mediterranean paffes, viii. [66, 67]-relating to the invafion of England, expected in 1779, xxii. [362]-for diffolving the parlia→ ment in September 1780, xxiii. [337] Prohibitory bill, the famous, paffed Dec. 11, 1775, debates and divifion upon, xix. [109-113*. 142, 143*] -xxi. [62-67]

Protefts of the lords, relating to the excife on cyder, &c. vi. [153] the privilege of parliament, in the cafe of writing and publishing feditious libels, vii. [172-178]the power exercifed by the houfe of commons. to incapacitate members of that houfe, xiii. [193, 194]-interference of the peers in bufinefs of the commons, where the jurifdiction of the commons is fuppofed to be competent, final, and conclufive, [195, 196] the Middlefex election, [197 1997-the difpute about Falkland's Ilands, xiv. [248-253]-the bill for regulating the marriages of the royal




family, xv. [232-236]-the bill for reftraining the Eaft-India Company from fending fupervifors to India, [236-239]-the Eat-India regulating bill, in 1773, xvi. [240-242] upon rejecting the duke of Richmond's motion relative to this bill, [243]-the bills for better regulating the government of the province of Maffachufett's Bay, and for the impartial adminiftration of juftice in the aforefaid Bay, xvii. [271-276]

on Nov. 30th, 1774, [276-278]— the addrefs to his majefty on the 9th of Feb. 1775, xviii. [248-251]the addrefs to his majefty Oct. 26, 1775, xix. [252-254]-on Oct. 31, 1776, XX. [277-280-on April 16, 1777, [282, 283]-on November 20, 1777, xxi. [288, 289]-on December 7, 1778, against the commiffion granted to the earl of Carlifle and others for restoring peace with America, [292-2951-gainst the proclamation and manifefto published by the faid commiffioners, xxii. [339343]for not removing the right honourable John earl of Sandwich from his office of firft lord of the Admiralty, [343 344-against the addrefs relating to the hoftile declarations of Spain, [346-348]-relating to the bill for the more effectually manning the navy in 1779, [3483511-relating to a motion for enquiring into the public expenditure, and for making certain favings therein, being negatived, in Feb. 1780, xxiii. [326-310]-relating to the" difmiffion of the marquis of Carmarthen from the office of lord lieutenant of the Eat-Riding of York


in which the Ruffian, Auftrian, and Saxon troops laid wafte the marche of Brandenburgh; and of the cruelties committed in October 1760 in their expedition against Berlin, [210 -216]-intercepted letter relating to the revolution in Ruffia, v. [112]definitive treaty of peace with the emprefs queen of Hungary and Bohemia, v. [247-249]-vi. [213,214] manifefto, or declaration of the motives which engaged him to make war against the emperor of Germany, xxi. [308-311]

Pruffian memorial concerning the burn. ing of the fuburbs of Drefden, k 167-174


UAKERS, the, addrefs of, to his majefty George III. on his accef fion, iii. [247, 248]-on his nuptials, iv. [299]-addrefs on the peace, vi. [205, 206]

Quebec, articles of capitulation, on Sept. 18, 1759, ii. 247, 248-bill for making more effectual provifion for the government of, and petitions against its paffing into a law, with the debates upon it, xvii. [74-77. 239, 240]-xviii. [111, 112*


120. 124]-xxi. [176] Quirk, Edward M', warrant for the pardon of, after his conviction for the murder of George Clarke, in January 1769, xii. [228]


Shire, and to the definition of the earl RE

of Pembroke from the office of lord lieutenant of Wiltshire, in Feb. 1780, [330, 331-relating to the motion for the fecond reading of the contractors bill being negatived in April 1780, [332, 333]

Pruffia, king of, his treaty of alliance with his Britannic majefty in January 1756, i. 6-another on April 11, 1758, 38-another on Dec. 7, 1758, ii. 204, 205-his juftification of confining his prifoners of war, 250 treaty of alliance with Great Britain, Nov. 9, 1759, iii. [205]-declaration to his co-eftates of the circle of Weftphalia, who fent deputies to the illegal affembly of Cologne, iii. [208] account of the barbarous manner

EGENCY bill in England, nature of, and amendments in, viii. [3941] and [259-261] Remonftrances. See Petitions Report (the firft) of the commiffioners appointed to examine, take, and state the public accounts of the kingdom in Great Britain; with refpect to the tax on land, windows and houses, fervants, and inhabited houfes, and excife; dated Nov. 27, 1780, xxiii. [380-385]

Revenue, officers of the, motion to dif qualify them from voting at parlia mentary elections negatived, xiii. [69*-71*]

Riots, tumults, and unlawful affemblies, &c. royal.proclamation againft, in 1768, xi. [277, 278]-another


proclamation againft, in 1769, xii. [229] Roberts, Hugh, conftable and returning-officer at the election for New Shoreham in Suffex, in 1771, reprimanded by the fpeaker at the bar of the house of commons, xiv. [240242]

Roman Catholic peers and commoners of Great Britain, their addrefs to his majefty, May 1, 1778, xxi. [301, 302]-and bill to repeal certain difqualifications and penalties they were liable to, [189*191*]

Ruffia, fubftance of a memorial relating to the provinces of Courland and Semigallia, belonging to this country, iv. [100, 101]-papers relative to the revolution in, v. [222229]-declaration of, upon the arreft of its minifter at Conftantinople in 1768, xi. [283, 284]-See alfo Pe, tersburgh


SACKVILLE, lord George, his fhort addrefs to the public, relative to his conduct in Germany, i. 267, 268 -letters which have been published under the title of a Vindication of him, 269, 270-copy of the declara tion of captain Smith, aid-de-camp to his lordthip, 271, 272 Saratoga, papers relating to the capitulation at, xx. [298-303]-debates relating to the plan of the expedition, xxi. [67-69. 75, 76. 102, 103. 168-170*. 194*-200*], Savile, fir George, bart. his addrefs to his conftituents in the county of York, dated Sept. 5, 1780, xxiii. [399-404] Saxon memorial relating to the burning of the fuburbs of Drefden, i. 174176

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Saxony (Frederick), elector of, his circular letter to all the nobles of Poland, on the death of his father, vi. [216]

Seamen, proclamation for encouraging, to enter on board his majefty's fhips of war, in 1770, xiii. [249, 250] Shaftesbury election in 1774, proceed

ings and trials relating to, xviii. [102, 109. 155-xix. [182]

Sherlock, dr. Thomas, bishop of London, copy of his letter to his majefty George IIIon his acceffion, iii. [243, 244] Shoreham, New, proceedings relative to the election of, in 1770, xiv. [54 -56] [74, 75. 104] [240-242] Spain, king of, (Charles III.) addrefs of the report made to him by the phyficians appointed to examine the prince royal, his eldeft fon, ii. 251 -act of abdication and fettlement of the crown of the Two Sicilies, made by him in favour of his third fon, and in prejudice of the natural right of the elder, 252-255-conduct of, during the negociation for peace between England and France, iv. [41, 42. 49, 50]-treaty of family compact with France, [51. 281 -284]-orders to the governors of the Spanish fea-port towns for the detention of the Englifh fhips, [285]

form of the declaration of war againft Great Britain, Jan. 16, 1762, [288-290]-two remarkable letters, declaratory of the changeable public fentiments of this country at that time, and the caufe, v. [203]-papers relative to the rupture with Portugal in 1762, [203-216]-declaration of war against Portugal, [218]-edict relative to any Spaniard, who should revolt to the Portuguefe, [219]-de finitive treaty of peace between his Britannic majefty, the moft Chriftian king, and the king of Spain, [233243]-pragmatic fanction for the banifhment of the Jefuits, x [185190]-remarkable remonftrance of the infurgents at Madrid in 1766, xii. [211-215]-declaration of war againft Morocco, xvii. [278-280]profeffion of bare neutrality, in the quarrel between Great Britain and her colonies in 1776, xix. [261]chedules, manifefto, and declaration of hoftilities against Great Britain in 1779, xxii. [359, 360. 363-390]aniwer from this court to the declaration of the armed neutrality by the emprefs of Ruffia, dated April 18, 1780, xxiii. [350, 351]

Speech of his majeity George II. to his parliament, Nov. 23, 1758, by the lord keeper, i. 114, 115-of the fame, on May 22, 1760, by the lord keeper, iii. [238-240]-of his prefent majefty, George III. to his firft Q3 parliament,


parliament, Nov. 18, 1760, iii. [248 250]-of the fame, recommending a law for making the commiffion of the judges perpetual, during their good behaviour, notwithstanding any demife of the crown, &c. March 3d, 1761, iv. [243]-on putting an end to the feffion of parliament, March 19, 1761, [244-246]-on opening a new parliament, Nov. 6, 1761, and propofing an adequate and honourable provifion for the queen, [246-· 248] on occafion of his having declared war against Spain, [303, 304] -on June 2, 1762, at the prorogation of the parliament, v. [178]on the fuccefs of his arms, and the preliminary articles of peace being figned, [179, 180]-on April 19th, 1763, vi. [191]-on November 15th, 1763, [192, 193] on April 19, 1764, vii. [178]-on January 10th, 1765, viii. [253, 254]-- on the 24th of April 1765, to recommend a regency bill, [256, 257]-on May 25th, 1765, [261, 262]- -on December 17th, 1765, relating to American affairs, [263] on January 14th, 1766, ix. [216, 217] on June 6, 1766, [219, 220]-on Nov. 11, 1766, [220, 221] -on July 2, 1767, x. [230]November 24, 1767, [230, 231]on March 10, 1768, xi. [269, 270] -on November 8, 1768, [272, 273] -on May 9, 1769, xii. [229, 230] -on Jan. 9, 1770, xiii. [244, 245] -May 19th, 1770, [250, 251]November 13th, 1770, [252, 253]on May 8th, 1771, xiv. [254, 255]* -on January 21ft, 1772, xv. [218] on the 9th of June 1772, [221]on the 26th of November 1772, [222]


on the ift of July 1773, xvi. [233]. -on January 13th, 1774, xvii. [2599 260]-on June 22d, 1774, [262, 2631- -on November 30th, 1774, [263] on May 26th, 1775, xviii. [256, 257]-on the 26th of October 1775, [269-271]--on May 23d,. 1776, XIX. [256, 257]-on the 31st day of October 1776, XX. [275, 276] -on June 6th, 1777, [284, 285]on November 20th, 1777, xxi. [286, 287-at proroguing the parliament. in 1778, [295, 296]-on November 25th, 1778, xxii. [336, 337]--on clofing the feffion of parliament, July 3d, 1779, [35, 352]-on opening the feffion of parliament, November, the 25th, 1779, xxiii. [321, 322]on occafion of the dreadful riots and.

tumults iu the cities of London and Weftminster in the months of June and July 1780, [333, 334]-on July the 8th, 1780, when his majelty clofed the feffion of parliament, [336]

Stamp act, relating to the British colonies in North America, parliamentary debates, and other proceedings relating to, viii. [33-38. 49-55]-ix. [46, 47. 68, 69] [72. 77. 79. 87. 104. 173-182]

States-General, the, their letter to the ftates of Holland and Weft Friefland on the propofed augmentation of their forces by fea and land in 1758, i. 152-154--the refolution taken by them, November the 16th, 1780, relative to the infults and violences committed at the island of St. Martin, on the 9th of Auguft 1780, xxiii. [374, 375]

Subfcription to the thirty-nine articles of the church of England, nature and confequences of the petition on this fubject prefented to parliament, xv. [86-89*] [72]-copy of the petition, [171-173]--xvi. [77 89]

Suffolk, earl of, his anfwer to the reprefentation of count Welderen, envoy extraordinary from their high mightineffes the ftates general in 1778, xx. [305-308]

Surry, addrefs of the county of, to his majefty, on the tumults in 1769, xii. [196, 197]-petition of, to his majefty on the Middlefex election, [203]

Sweden, anfwer to the famous French

declaration and memorial relative to
the intended congrefs at Augfburgh,
delivered at this court in 1761, iv.
[269-273]-the fpeech of Guftavus,
king of, at the death of his father, on
the 25th of June, 1771, XV.
his act of bond or obligation on the
28th of February 1772, [240-242]
-fpeech on the 1ft of June 1772,
[242, 243]-fpeech on Auguft 21ft,
1772, [243-246]-gracious affur-
ance to all his faithful fubjects on the
fame day, [246, 247]-fpeech to the
ftates, and gracious propofals to
them Auguft 25th, 1772, [247, 248]
-fpeech of the marthal of the dyet
to his majefty in aufwer to thefe
gracious propofals, [248, 249]-bis
majefty's fpeech to the ftates at the
clofing of the dyet September 9th,.
1772, [249, 250]-declaration of the



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