19th, 1771, [115]-lord North elected May 4th, 1772, xv. [97] and invefted June 18th, 1772, [109] Knights of the Thiftle, his royal highnefs prince William Henry, the third fon of his Britannic majefty, elected a knight April the 5th, 1770, xiii. [89] the earl of Northington elected a knight Auguft 18th, 1773, xvi. [127]. LA L. ANCASTER, fummer affizes for 1758, i. 105-lent affizes for 1763, vi. [72]-fummer affizes for 1763, [92]-lent affizes for 1764, vii. [68] fummer affizes for 1764, [93]-lent affizes for the year 1765, viii. [81]fummer affizes for 1765, [121]-lent: affizes for 1766, ix. [89]-fummer affizes for 1766, [129]-lent aflizes for 1767, x. [74]-fummer affizes for 1767, [122]-lent affizés for 1768, xi. [97]-lent affizes for 1769, xii. [94] lent aflizes for 1770, xiii. [95, 96] lent affizes for 1771, xiv. [88]-fummer affizes for 1771, xiv. [135]-lent affizes for 1772, xv. [94]-lent affizes for 1773, xvi. [93]-fummer affizes for 1773, [135]-lent affizes for 1774, xvii. [113]-lent afiizes for 1775, xviii. [113]-lent affizes for 1776, xix. [139]-fummer affizes for 1776, [183]-fummer affizes for 1777, XX. [198, 199]-lent and fummer affizes for 1779, xxii. [204] [225] Land tax for 1758, 1. 133-for 1759, ii. 128-ftate of the fums raised by it, from the Revolution to 1760 inclufive, v. [150]-for 1761, [158]-for 1762, [170]-for 1763, vi. [116. 180] for 1764, vii. [162]-for 1765, viii. [241]-for 1766, ix. [204]-for 1767, x. [41. 221] for 1768, xi. [201. 265]-for 1769, xii. [222]-for 1770, xiii. [239]-for 1771, xiv. [226]-for 1772, XV. [213]-for 1773, xvi. [230] -for 1774, xvii. [254]-for 1775, xviii. [182. 245]-for 1776, xix. [99. 101. 250] for 1777, XX. [269, 270] for 1778, xxi. [59, 60. 279, 280]-for 1779,xxi.[330]-for 1780, xxiii.[313] Lane, mr. Nathaniel, of the city of Lon don, verfus a fchoolmafter near Barnard's Caftle in Yorkshire, xix. [149] Launceston, lent affizes for 1768, xi. [98]-lent affizes for 1771, xiv. [87] lent affizes for 1773, xvi. [93]-lent affizes for 1776, xix. [139] Law proceedings. See Action and Damages, and alfo the names of parties to whom the particular cafes relate Leeds in Yorkshire. See NATURAL HISTORY Leeds, duke of, verfus Pugh, xx. [210] Legacies, an account of the ftamp duty laid upon the receipt for any legacy, and the fum propofed to be raised by it, in the year 1780, xxiii. [211] and [320] Legge, mr. attorney at law, verfus Legge, efq. an American governor, xix. [195] Leicefter, fummer affizes for 1763, vi. [92]-fummer affizes for 1764, vii. [93] fummer affizea for 1765, viii. [121]-fummer afflizes for 1768, xi. [156]-lent affizes for 1769, xii. [94] -fummer affizes for 1771, xiv. [135] -lent affizes for 1773, xvi. [93]fummer affizes for 1773, [135]-lent affizes for 1774, xvii. [113]-fummer affizes for 1774, [148]-lent affizes for 1775, xviii. [113]-fummer affizes for 1775, [153]-fummer affizes for 1776, xix. [182]-lent and fummer allizes for 1777, xx. [184] and [198] -lent and fummer affizes for 1778, xxi. [179] and [194]-lent and fummer affizes for 1779, xxii. [204] Leith, fir Alexander, bart. verfus mr, Pope, xxii. [218] Leith-hill, in Suffex. HISTORY See NATURAL Lefkeard, in Cornwall. See NATURAL HISTORY Letters, heads of the act (which received the royal affent on the 18th of April, 1764) for preventing frauds and abufés in relation to the fending and receiving of letters and packets free from the duty of poftage, vii. [131-134] -abftract of an act (which took place on the 10th of October, 1765) to alter certain rates of poftage of letters, and to amend, explain, and enlarge several provifions in an act made in the ninth year of the reign of queen Anne, and in other acts relating to the revenue of the poft-office, viii. [191-193] Levant trade, fad ftate of, in 1770, xiii, [36]-parliamentary grants in fupport of, [237]-xiv. [225]-xv. [212]xvi, [228]-xviii. [244]-xxii. [328] xxiii. [311] Levy, mr. Henry, of Portfmouth, verfus meflrs. William and Richard Clarke, ftage-coachmen, xii. [160] Lewes, S K Lewes, fummer affizes for 1761, iv. [151]lent affizes for 1773, xvi. [93]-fummer affizes for 1775, xviii. [153-fummer affizes for 1777, XX. [198] Lewis, mr. William, brewer, of York, verfus the inhabitants of the hundred of Oufe and Darwent in the EaftRiding of Yorkshire, vii. [69, 70] Lewfly, meffrs. and co. merchants of, Bristol, verfus meffrs. Cam and co. clothiers of Bradford, Wilts, xx. [216] Libels and libellous pamphlets, proceedings relating to, and trials for, i. 115, 116-iv. [70]-vii. [71. 88. 115. 135 137]-vii, [18-25] [50 -52][87, 88] [108. 171]-viii. [59] and [174-179]-xi. [94,95.124.156. 184. 196] xii. [69. 107, 108]-xiii. 117. 129. 164, 165]-xiv. [77. 96,97] -xvii. [134, 135]- -xviii. [119]xix. [135. 158]-xx. [191. 211. 234. 245]-xxii. [219, 220]-xxiii. [209. 216] Lincoln, lent affizes for 1767, x. [74]lent affizes for 1768, xi, [97]-fummer affizes for 1768, [155]-lent affizes for 1769, xii. [94]-lent affizes for 1770, xiii. [79]-fummer affizes for 1770, [139]-lent affizes for 1775, xviii. [113]-fummer affizes for 1775, [154, 155]-summer affizes for 1776, xix. [183]-lent and fummer aflizes for 1777, xx. [184. 197]-lent and fummer affizes for 1778, xxi. [178] and [194]-lent affizes for 1779, xxii. [204]-lent and fummer affizes for 1780, xxiii. [210. 222] Linen cloth ftamped for fale in Scotland, from the year 1740 to the year 1759 inclufive; the quantity and value of it demonftrated, iii. [118]-the quantity and value of the fame for the year 1760, [163]-the quantity and value of the fame from November the 1ft, 1761, to November the ift, 1762, fhewing the decrease of the manufacture in that year; and the quantity and value of the fame from November the t, 1762, to November the ift, 1763, vi. [67] and [119, 120] -the ftate of the export linen and linen-yarn trade of Ireland in the following years, viz. 1701, 1711, 1721, 1731, 1741, 1751, 1761, and in 1771, xvi. [223]-an account of the total quantities of British and Irish linens exported from England from the commencement of the bounty in 3743, to January 1772, diftinguishing . and fpecifying the quantities and bounties paid each feparate year, [224] an extract from the accounts of the linens ftamped in the following years in Scotland, viz. 1727 to 1728, in 1747, in 1757, and 1767, [224]an account of the quantities of foreign, linens imported into England in the following years (converted into Britifh yards, and the duties paid thereon, as taken from the custom-house entries in the port of London) viz. 1762, 1763, 1764, 1765, 1766, 1767, 1768, 1769, 1770, and 1771, [225]— a fhort account of the present state of the linen manufactory, as it appeared to the committee of the house of commons in March 1774, xvii. [98] [102, 103] Literary property, actions at law and verdicts relating to it, in 1768, xi. [105] in 1769, xii. [92]——in 1770, xiii. [131]-in 1775, xviii. [138] Liverpool, bill paffed June 2d, 1762, for enlarging the harbour of this city, v. [89] Liverpool, ftate of the trade, from June 1762 to June 1763, vi. [92]-in 1765, ix. [75, 76]—riot of the failors in 1775, xviii. [146, 147]-xix. [44]offer to raise a regiment of 1000 men, xxi. [81] Liverpool. See alfo NATURAL HIS TORY Lloyd, mr. Samuel, verfus mr. Thomas cooper, furveyor-general of the excife, xxiii. 217] Loan, the, of 200,000l. to his majesty in 1758, by whom raifed, i. 103-terms on which one for 200,000l. was raised in 1759, ii. 111-methods of raifing one for eight millions in the fame year, 130-the fum raifed by a loan in 1764, vii. [167]-the fum raifed in 1765, viii. [246]-the sum raffed in 1766, ix. [83] and [205]-in 1767, x. [221]the bill for railing a loan, ,and the fum raifed in 1768, xi. [79] and [266]-in 1769, xii. [83] and [222]in 1770, xiii. [86] and [239] -in 1771, xiv. [227]-in 1772, XV. [101] [116] and [214]in 1773, xvi. [231]-in 1774, xvii. [125] and [254, 255]-in the year 1776, xix. [143] and [251]in the year 1777, XX. [184] and [270]-in the year 1778, xxi. [184] and [282,283]-loans dif-, charged in 1779, xxii. [329]——and money raised by one in the fame year, [334] London, London, proceedings of the city of. See Guildhall London. See alfo NATURAL HISTORY London bridge, temporary wooden, burned, i. 89, 90-parliamentary fums voted for rebuilding it, and compleating the works neceffary for improving, widening, and enlarging the paffages over and through it, and for opening the north-eaft avenue to it, 91 and 130-ii. 173-iii. [186]-v. [88.153. 167]-viii. [237]-x. [100]-account of money vested in the funds for the purposes of the bridge-houfe eftate, xiv. [102, 103] London, ftate of the hofpitals fubject to the city of, in 1759, iii. [90, 91]-in 1760, iv. [89]-in 1761, v. [81] [86] -in 1762, vi. [73. 98]-in 1763, vii. [57. 70. 81. 95]-in 1764, viii. [78. 128, 129. 141]-in 1765, ix. [84, 85. 106]-in 1766, x. [84, 85. 130] [155. 168]-in 1767, xi. [91.138]-in 1768, xii. [91. 107]-in 1770, xiii. [102. 131. 134. 166]-in 1771, xv. [95. 123. 126]-i 1772, xvi. [87.94]-in 1773, xvii. [108]-in 1775, xix. [130] London hofpital, rules of, benefactions and collection for 1759, ii. 86-for 1760, iii. [93]-for 1761, iv. [104]for 1762, v. [8. 108]-for 1763, vi. [67, 68] for 1764, vii. [57. 70. 81] for 1765, viii. [72, 73. 128. 141]-for 1766, ix. [84. 106]-for 1767, x. [86] for 1768, xi. [92, 93]-for 1769, xii. [91. 107]-for 1771, xiv. [94]-for 1772, xv. [89. 126]-for 1773, xvi. [92]-for 1774, xvii. [109] London lying-in hofpital, proceedings and collection for 1758, i. 93-in 1759, ii. 89-in 1761, iv. [114]-in 1762, V. [68.94]-in 1765, viii. [109] -in 1766, ix. [106. 117]-in 1767, x. [75. 168]-in 1768, xi. [119, 120] -in 1770, xiii. [119] [154]-in 1773, xvi. [104]-in 1775, xviii. [110]in 1776, xix. [135] Lottery, the, the fum raifed by it, and by annuities in 1758, i. 133, 134-in 1759, ii. 181, 182 in 1760, iii.' [191, 192]-in 1761, v. [158-160] in 1762, [170-172]-in 1763, vi. [65] and [181-183]-in 1765, viii. [71. 88] and [243, 244]-in 1766, ix. [103 and 205, 206] and [213, 214] -in 1767, x. [81. 91]-in 1768, xi. [79]-in 1769, xii. [98] and [222] [223]-the entire new plan of the lottery in 1770, which was very advantageous to the public, defcribed, iii. [101] [102] and [240-242]-the bill for raifing 650,000l. by the lot. tery in 1771, xiv. [104]-remarkable trial and penalty for difpofing of plate and other things, by way of prizes, contrary to the lottery aa, [139]-the money raised by the lottery in the year 1771, and the nature of the lottery explained, [227, 228]-trials relating to the legality or illegality of infuring tickets, xvi. [80] xviii. [133]-and xix. [184]-and the method taken by parliament to fupprefs the practice of infurance, xviii. [174] -particulars relating to the nature of the lottery in 1774, xvii. [255, 256]-a remarkable trial relating to a fraud committed against a lottery office keeper near the Change in 1775, xviii. [182, 183]-profit on the lottery in 1775, [245]—in 1776, xix. [251]-in the year 1777, xx. [185] and [270-272]--the various devices invented by lottery-office keepers to deceive and impofe upon the credulous in 1777, [206, 207]-a defcription of feveral particulars of the new lottery bill, which paffed March the 28th, 1778, xxi. [173] [231] and [280-282]--the effect produced by this bill in leffening the number of lottery offices, [195]-a bill paffed April 1, 1779, for better regulating lottery-office keepers, xxii. [206]-the fum raifed by the lottery in 1779, with feveral particulars relating to it, [215] and [331, 332]an account of the lottery in the year 1780, xxiii. [314-316] Lowther Hall, an account of the contents of a curious pye made at this place in 1763, vi. [59] Lowther, fir James, baronet, verfus his. grace William Henry Cavendish Bentinck, duke of Portland, xi. [78*80*]-xiv. [154, 155]-xix. [183]XX. [167] Lundfon, mr. Edward, of Morpeth in Northumberland, verfus mr. Chrif topher Fawcett, x. [109, 110] Lynn, navigation from, to Northampton, opened, iv. [146, 147] MABERLEY, M. MABERLEY, mr. I, verfus two gentlemen of the hundred of Offulfton, xxiii. [237, 238] Manchester, Daniel, efq. verfus Francis Heylon Peacock, efq. xiii. [170] Macklin, mr. of Covent-Garden theatre, verfus two bookfellers, xiii. [168, 169]-verfus mr. Aldus and others, xvi. [149]-xvii. [90. 118. 127, 128] -xviii. [95. 117, 118] Madder, a bill paffed for the cultivation of it in England, viii. [79] Mad-houfes, private, oppreffions, and trials, and parliamentary proceedings relating to, iv. [76]-vi. [56, 57. 158, 159] xiv. 78, 79]-xv. [90, 91. 117. 142-xxii. [202] Magd den Hofpital, the, in Goodman's Fields, was opened Auguft the roth, 1758, i. 107-fome account of the nature and inftitution of this charity for the relief and affiftance of penitent proftitutes, taken from the preface of a fermon preached before the governors, by the rev. William Dodd, lecturer of Weft-Ham, Effex, and St. Olave, Hart-ftreet, ii. 166-168his royal highnefs the duke of York added to the collection made in 1760, a donation of 50l. iii. [67]-in 1761, the fum collected was 440!. 28. 3d. iv. [80]-the fum collected in 1762, was near 700!. v. [74, 75]—the collection in 1763, amounted to 5651. vi. [63]-the report of the fate of this charity from its opening on the 10th of Auguft 1758, to the 22d of Mar. 1764, vii. [59]-the collection for this charity in April 1764, amounted to upwards of 1200l. [63]-the collection on May the 2d, 1765, amounted to upwards of Sool. viii. [87]— the gracious declaration of her majefty to become patronefs of this inflitution, and the noble prefent which her majefty made to it in 1765, [ibid.] -the valuable legacy of 4000l. by a black merchant, lately of Fort St. George, and the collection of 2501. more that was made at the fame place for this charity, [141] -the collection in 1766, amounted to 1,745. ix. [92]-a legacy of rool. left to this charity by Richard Newman, efq. of Weft-Ham, Effex, [102]-her majefty's royal gift and bounty of 300l. towards building a new Magdalen houfe made in 1767, x. [52, 53]—the collection in 1767, amounted to the fum of 5831. 88. od. [80]—the donation of 1000l. to this charity by a noble lady, fent by an alderman of the city, xi. [135]--the collection in 1769, amounted to about 1,700l. xii. [91]-the first stone of the new building for this charity was laid June the 7th, 1769, [107]-the legacy of mr. Farquarfon of 500l. to this charity, [107]-the firft ftone at the altar of the chapel was laid by the earl of Hertford, attended by the vice-prefident, governors, &c. &c. on the 28th of July, 1769, [119, 120]-the fum of 1,3391. gs. 9d. was collected at the anniversary in 1773, xvi. [95] -the collection at the anniversary for 1774, amounted to the fum of 1000l. xvii. [116]--the collection in the year 1776, amounted to 1,007). 138. 6d. xix. [140] Maidftone, fummer affizes for 1761, iv. [150][101] [91][68] [93] [95] -fummer affizes for 1762, v. -fummer aflizes for 1763, vi. -lent affizes for 1764, vii. -fummer aflizes for 1764, 193]- -fummer affizes for 1765, viii. [121]-lent affizes for 1766, ix. [89] -fummer aflizes for 1766, [129] -lent affizes for 1767, x. [74] [75]fummer affizes for 1767, [122] -lent affizes for 1768, xi. [97] -fummer affizes for 1768, [154]ent affizes for 1769, xii. -lent affizes for 1770, xiii. -fummer affizes for 1770, [139 -fummer affizes for 1771, xiv. [135]lent affizes for 1772, xv. [93]lent affizes for 1774, xvii. [113] -lent affizes for 1775, xviii. [1531 -lent affizes for 1776, xix. [138] -fummer affizes for 1775, [183] -lent and fummer affizes for 1777, XX. [184] and [197]——lent and fummer aflizes for 1778, xxi. [178] and [194]- -lent affizes for 1779, xxii. [204]-lent affizes for 1780, XX. [210] Maidftone, dreadful riot of the felons in 1765, in the gaol, viii. [121, 122] -ix. [89]-privileges granted to the city of, in 1766, ix. [127]-defperate riot in the gaol in 1776, xix. [122, 123] Malt, mum, cyder, and perry, money raised by the duties on these articles in 1758, i. 132, 133-in 1759, ii. 128 and 178-in 1760, iii. 70. 153. 191 and 192]-in 1761, iv. [183]in 1762, v. [118] and [158] and [170] -in 1763, vi. [65] [116] and [180] -in 1764, [190]-vii. [163]-in 1765, viii. [64] and [241]-amount of the duty continued in 1766, ix. [66]-a computation of the quantity of malt confumed in England by brewers, innholders, and 'publicans, in the year 1766, exclufive of what is used in private families, [127]--the fum raifed by the temporary duties upon thefe articles in 1766, [204] and [205] -the money raifed by this tax in 1767, X. [221]-in 1768, xi. [200] and [265]--in 1769, xii. [222] in 1770, xiii. [73] [239]-in 1771, xiv. [226]-in 1772, xv. 79. 148] and [213]-in 1774, xvii. [89] and [254]-in 1775, xviii. [245]in 1776, xix. [250]-in 1777, xx. [270] -in 1778, xxi. [280]-in the year 1779, xxii. [330]- and in the year 1780, xxiii. [313] Manchefter, riots and tumults in it in 1758, i. 105-ftate of the unfortunate affair between major Glover and mr. Jackin of this place, iii. [98] Manchefter, remarkable riot at in 1779, xxii. [228, 229] [233] Manchester. See alfo NATURAL HISTORY Manfell, lady, relict of fir Edward Man fell, verfus the heir at law, ii. 130 Manufactures and goods, foreign, difcouraged by parliament in 1759, ii. 97 March, lord, verfus mr. Pigot, xiv. [113, 114] Marine fociety, in London, ftate of the fubfcriptions, &c. and proceedings of in 1759, 11. 71. 84. 115-in 1761, iv. [69]in 1762, v. [71. 111]in 1763, [118]in 1764, vii. [92] i in 1769, xii. [113]- -in 1770, xiii. [172]in 1772, xv. [117, 118] in 1773, xvi. [96]-in 1778, xxi. [203] Maritime affairs. See Admiralty-Naval engagements-Navy Marriage contract, actions at law and verdicts relating to the non-performance of, ix [75]-xi. [155]-xix. [200, 201]-xxi. [187] Marriage, royal. See Nuptials royal Marriages, cautions to perfons going to Scotland to be married, explaining the laws as to marriages in the kirk of Scotland, and fhewing the irregular manner in which thofe perfons are married who go from England to Scotland to evade the marriage act, v. [66, 67]--encourage, ment given by the earl of Bucking hamshire to marriages among freemen and their families in the city of Norwich in 1762, [71, 72]--remarks on fome cautions given (in vol. v. [66, 67])to perfons going to Scotland to be married, vi. [165, 166]-vii. [48]-x. [60]-xii. [72] Marybone, bill for lighting, &c. the town of, xiii. [91] Middlefex election in 1768 and 1769, and proceedings relating thereto, and in confequence of this election, xi. [85, 86. 107. 127. 182, 183. 193— 195. 197-xii. [60-62. 64-67*] [66, 67. 70. 74, 75. 82, 83, 84. 86. 89 -91. 100. 102, 103. 109. 192-206] xiii. [56*68*] [70. 87] [102. 193199] xiv. [26]-xvi. [85. 91, 92. 94, 95.98]xvii. [152]-xviii. [93]-xix. [136] Middlefex Hofpital, rules for admif. fion into, and the collection for in 1759, ii. 86—in 1761, iv. [104][126] -in 1762, v. [82]-in 1763, vi. [74] -in 1765, viii. [89]-in 1766, ix. [117]-in 1768, xii. [107] Middlefex and Weftminster, proceedings of, on the invafion threatened in 1759, ii. 112, 113 Milford, parliamentary grants for fortifying the harbour of, i. 131-ii. 84. 97-iii. [106] 100 Militia, the reluctance thewed to the acts for raifing it in 1758, and the rioters who were convicted of high treafon in obftruéting the act in the county of York, i. 89. 112 -the money raised for the fervice of it in 1758, 131-the fupply of arms fent from the Tower in 1759, for the ufe of the militia in the Weft of England, ii. 78--amendment of the act for applying the money granted to it, and for enforcing the laws relating to it, 97--the ftate of it in 1759, the fum rarfed in the year 1759 for the fervice of it, 179. 181acts of parliament relating to it in 1760, iii. [10]-money allowed by parliament for the fervice of the year 1760, [188]-remarkable riot on account of enforcing the acts relating to it in Northumberland in 1761, iv. [82, 83]- -the muftering of the Middlefex militia in May 1761, [110] the Dorfetfhire militia reviewed by his majesty in Hyde Park, November the 2d, 1761, when his majefty expreffed his entire fatisfaction at their behaviour, [174]--& bill paffed April the 8th, 1762, to explains |