TH 195 PEA ADVERTISEMENT. T HE Compiler of the following Index, equally defirous of communicating pleafure and information to the reader, has endeavoured in its execution to adopt that plan which appeared moft likely to convey a fummary and comprehenfive knowledge of the valuable materials difperfed throughout the ANNUAL REGISTER. For this purpofe he has collected from the various parts of the Register (whether contained in the CHRONICLE OF APPENDIX, or under any particular head or title) whatever has been faid on that head or title, and placed it under the fame; fo that the Reader may fee, in one connected and uninterrupted view, whatever has been recorded or faid on that particular fubject. For instance, any revolution which has taken place in any country (as in Denmark, Ruffia, or Sweden), or any occurrence in any foreign country, (as France, Spain, &c.) will be found under the titles Denmark, France, Ruffia, Spain, Sweden, &c. in the HISTORY OF EUROPE; the first figure denoting the volume, the fecond and following figures the page and pages of the volume.-Thus, alfo, every difcovery in, or obfervation upon, Natural Hiftory, Ufeful Projects, &c. &c. contained in the Regifter, is arranged in alphabetical order under NATURAL HISTORY, USEFUL PROJECTS, &C. &c. the volume, and the pages of the vol being to be found according to the abovementioned edi LIBRARIES To elucidate this hiftorical part of the ANNUAL REGISTER, the reader is referred to the end of the fixth volume, where he will find the following maps: a new Map of the SEAT f WAR on the COAST of MALABAR and COROMANDEL, in the EMPIRE of the GREAT MOGOL; a CHART of the SEAT of WAR on the Coafts of FRANCE, SPAIN, PORTUGAL, and ITALY, with the adjacent Coafts and Islands in the OCEAN and MEDITERRANEAN SEA; a new Map of the BRITISH DOMINIONS in NORTH AMERICA, with the Limits of the Governments annexed thereto, by the late Treaty of Peace, and fettled by Proclamation, October 7, 1763. With refpect to England, every occurrence, political and parliamentary, relating to the public tranfactions of this country, as connected with other States, is placed under the titles England and English Parliamentary, in the HISTORY OF EUROPE, whilft every article which relates to the internal adminiftration or domeftic occurrences of this kingdom in general, and of London in particular, is comprised under the head of CHRONICLE AND THE APPENDIX. The figures contained within crotchets [], or within crotchets and afterifks [*], refer to the articles in the former part of the Register; viz. the HISTORY OF EUROPE, the CHRONICLE, APPENDIX TO THE CHRONICLE, and the STATE PAPERS: and these crotchets and afterifks have been faithfully attended to and preserved in the Index. The remaining parts of the Regifter, beginning with CHARACTERS, are, printed without thefe crotchets and afterifks, and therefore they have none in the Index, unless when any of thefe articles are brought from the CHRONICLE (which is dif tinguished by crotchets) and placed under one of these general heads. The utility of referring to proper names of perfons (whether authors or others) is very obvious, as it greatly facilitates the mode of finding out any article, and is more eafily remembered than the fubjects to which thefe names relate. It has therefore engaged a particular fhare of the Compile's attention, efpecially in the article CHARACTERS, fo as to form an easy access to this valuable repofitory of the manners and and customs of nations and of individuals, whether ancient or modern, barbarous or civilized, Pagan or Christian. Such is the plan which the Compiler has purfued. He has endeavoured to execute the work with accuracy, and has omitted no article worthy the attention of the reader. From the rapid fale of the first edition, he is inclined to hope, that his labours may have met with a candid reception in general. With a view to make this fecond edition more worthy of public favour, he has corrected feveral errata of the prefs which appeared in the first edition, and has made fome confiderable additions in various parts of the Index. At the fame time he begs leave to obferve, that any hints, for improving this work and rendering another edition (if neceffary) more perfect, will be thankfully received by the Publisher, who will take care that they fhall be attended to and inferted, HISTORY |