The Annual Register, Tập 34

B́a trước
Longmans, Green, 1799

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Trang 225 - Sir Joshua expired, without any visible symptoms of pain, on the twenty-third of February, 1792, in the sixty-ninth year of his age. "His illness," says Burke, "was long, but borne with a mild and cheerful fortitude, without the least mixture of any thing irritable or querulous ; agreeably to the placid and even tenor of his whole life. He had, from the beginning of his malady, a distinct view of his dissolution ; and he contemplated it with that entire composure, which nothing but the innocence,...
Trang 444 - Pleased with the distant roar, with quicker tread Fast by his hand one lisping boy she led ; And one fair girl amid the loud alarm Slept on her kerchief, cradled by her arm ; While round her brows bright beams of honour dart And love's warm eddies circle round her heart.
Trang 225 - His talents of every kind, powerful from nature, and not meanly cultivated by letters ; his social virtues in all the relations, and all the habitudes of life, rendered him the centre of a very great and unparalleled variety of agreeable societies, which will be dissipated by his death. He had too much merit not to excite some jealousy, too much innocence to provoke any enmity.
Trang 396 - Nay, madam, he is a doctor; never rack his person, but rack his style: let him have pen, ink, and paper, and help of books, and be enjoined to continue the story where it breaketh off, and I will undertake, by collating the styles, to judge whether he were the author or no...
Trang 225 - Sir Joshua Reynolds was, on very many accounts, one of the most memorable men of his time. He was the first Englishman who added the praise of the elegant arts to the other glories of his country. In taste, in grace, in facility, in happy invention, and in the richness and harmony of colouring, he was equal to the great masters of the renowned ages.
Trang 444 - exhaust your rage!" Then with weak arms her weeping babes caressed, And, sighing, hid them in her blood-stained vest. From tent to tent the impatient warrior flies, Fear in his heart and frenzy in his eyes ; • Eliza's name along the camp he calls : " Eliza !
Trang 457 - The good and evil of Eternity are too ponderous for the wings of wit; the mind sinks under them in passive helplessness, content with calm belief and humble adoration.
Trang 390 - Tower, having so many things in my hands to put in readiness ; but in the evening when all was ready, I sent for Mrs Mills, with whom I lodged, and acquainted her with my design of attempting my lord's escape, as there was no prospect of his being pardoned ; and this was the last night before the execution.
Trang 444 - O'er groaning heaps, the dying and the dead, Vault o'er the plain, and in the tangled wood, Lo ! dead Eliza weltering in her blood ! — — Soon hears his listening son the welcome sounds, With open arms and sparkling eyes he bounds : —
Trang 161 - It having pleased the Divine Providence to dispose the hearts of the Most Serene and Most Potent Prince, George the Third, by the grace...

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