CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS ISSUED BY THE BUREAU OF CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS 1928 A.-PURE CHEMISTRY BUREAU [Representing the Chemical Society and the Society of Chemical Industry] Chairman: J. C. PHILIP, O.B.E., D.Sc., F.R.S. Offices of the Bureau: CENTRAL HOUSE, 46, FINSBURY SQUARE, LONDON, E.C. 2. GURNEY AND JACKSON, LONDON AND Edinburgh. Foreword. The "A" section of the abstracts, dealing with pure chemistry, will be issued to Fellows of the Chemical Society and other subscribers at the end of each month; whilst the "B" section, covering applied chemistry, will appear fortnightly, and will be circulated along with the Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry to members of that Society and to special subscribers. The price of the "A" and the "B" sections is £3 10s. Od. each per annum, but Fellows of the Chemical Society may obtain the "B" abstracts for £2 2s. Od., whilst Members of the Society of Chemical Industry may obtain the "A" abstracts for £2 12s. Od. [The yearly membership subscriptions are £3 in the case of the Chemical Society and £2 10s. Od. in the case of the Society of Chemical Industry.] The general basis of classification adopted in the two sections is printed below. For the guidance of readers of "A" abstracts, it should be pointed out that abstracts of analytical papers may be found not only at the end of each section as tabulated below, but sometimes also, when the analytical method described has a very specialised object, in the body of the section, according to the material with which the analytical method deals. In such cases there will be a reference in the "analytical" portion to other abstracts of analytical interest appearing in the same section. In the "A" abstracts the title of the section "Mineralogical Chemistry" will in future be "Geochemistry." In the "B" section, class III will relating to tar will be found in class II. will henceforth appear in class III. deal solely with organic intermediate products, and the abstracts Many of the organic compounds previously included in class XX A. PURE CHEMISTRY. General, Physical, and Inorganic Chemistry. Sub-atomics. (a) Atomic spectra. Infra-red, visible, ultra-violet, X-ray emission and absorption spectra, Zeeman and Stark effects, Compton effect. (b) Electrical properties: Ionisation potentials of atoms, photo-electric and thermionic effects. (c) Properties of electrons and gaseous ions. Magnetic properties. (d) Isotopes-atomic weights. (e) Radioactive processes. (f) Other sub-atomic processes. (g) Theories of atomic structure and sub-atomic mechanism. (h) Atomic dimensions (except in solid state). (a) Gaseous mixtures, liquid mixtures (excluding dilute solutions), solid solutions (including alloys), propertycomposition curves. (b) Miscibility of liquids and of solids. Solubility of gases and solids in liquids. (c) Distribution phenomena: Partition, absorption, adsorption, surface films, surface energy, membrane effects. (d) Dilute solutions: (i) Non-electrolytic solutions; (ii) Solutions of electrolytes. Colligative properties; non-colligative properties. (e) Disperse systems. Preparation and properties of suspensions, emulsions, smokes, foams, sols, gels, jellies. Coagulation, peptisation, ageing, cataphoresis, imbibition, etc. |