The Annual Register, Tập 225Longmans, 1984 |
Nội dung
Politics before the Election | 1 |
Scotland | 7 |
Canada | 69 |
Bản quyền | |
29 phần khác không được hiển thị
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Thuật ngữ và cụm từ thông dụng
affairs African agreement alliance American Andropov Angola announced April arms army Assembly attack August Bank Britain British budget Cabinet campaign cent Central coalition Committee Communist Congress continued cooperation Council countries December defence deficit Democratic economic election electoral Europe European exports February forces Foreign Minister Germany Government Government's Grenada guerrillas held House increased industrial inflation invasion of Grenada Israel Israeli January July June Labour Labour Party leader Lebanon Lesotho Libya major March meeting military million missiles MPLA Namibia National Nato negotiations November nuclear October opposition Parliament Party peace political President presidential Prime Minister problems production programme proposals Qadafi Reagan relations reported seats Secretary September social socialist South Africa Soviet Union summit Syria talks trade troops unemployment United votes Warsaw Pact weapons West West Germany Western Yassir Arafat Zaïre Zimbabwe