Hình ảnh trang

by the commiffioners. Cautionary measures recommended by the Congress
to the people; followed by a counter manifefto, threatening retaliation.
Singular letter from the Marquis de la Fayette, to the Earl of Carlisle.
American expedition for the reduction of the British fettlements in the country
of the Natches, on the borders of the Miffifippi. Expedition from New

York, under the conduct of Commodore Parker and Colonel Campbell, for

the reduction of the province of Georgia. Landing made good, and the

rebels defeated. Town of Savannah taken, and the province in general

reduced. Major-General Prevoft arrives from the fouthward; takes the

town and fort of Sunbury, and affumes the principal command. [18


fland of Dominica taken by the Marquis de Bouille, governor of Martinico.

State of the French fleet at Bofton. Riot between the French and inhabi-

tants. Defperate riot between the French and American failors, in the city

and port of Charlestown. M. D'Eftaing fails from Boston for the Weft-

Indies having firft issued a declaration addreffed to the French Canadians.

Admiral Byron's fleet driven off from the coaft of New-England by a vio-

lent hurricane, which afforded an opportunity for the departure of the

French jquadron. British fleet detained at Rhode-Island, to repair the da-

mages juftained in the tempeft. Reinforcement fent from New-York to the

Weft-Indies, under the conduct of Commodore Hotham, and Major-General

Grant: narrowly miss falling in with the French fleet: join Admiral

Barrington at Barbadoes, and proceed together to the reduction of the island

of St. Lucia: troops land, take the French posts in the neighbourhood of

the Grand Cul de Sac: proceed to Morne Fortune and the Viergie. M.

D'Eftaing appears in fight, with a vaft fuperiority both of land and marine

force: attacks the British Squadron in the Grand Cul de Sac; and is

bravely repulfed by Admiral Barrington, twice in the fame day. French land

their troops in Choc Bay: attack General Meadows three times in the Vier-

gie; are repulfed every time, and at length defeated with great loss. Great

glory obtained by the British forces, both by fea and land, in thefe feveral en-

counters. M. D'Estaing, after ten days longer fay, abandons the island of

St. Lucia, without any farther attempt for its recovery. The Chevalier de

Micoud, with the principal inhabitants, capitulate before the French fleet is

sut of fight.


engagement between the Arethusa, and the Bell Poule, frigates. French
fchooner, bravely taken by the Alert cutter. Another French frigate falls
in with the fleet; and is, with the Licorne and Schooner, brought to
England. Fleet returns to Portsmouth for a reinforcement. Rewards
and bounty of the French King, to the officers and crew of the Bell Poule.
Admiral Keppel fails again from Portjmouth. Falls in with the French
fleet under the Count d'Orvilliers; and after a chace of five days, brings
them at length to action. Account of the engagement on the 27th of July.
View of those circumstances which were fuppofed to have prevented that
action from being decifive. French fleet escape in the night, and return
to Breft. Prudent and temperate conduct obferved by the Admiral. Re-
turns to Plymouth to refit. Proceeds again to fea, but cannot meet the
`French fleet.


officers. Sir P. J. Clerke brings in a bill against the contractors;
firft queftion carried upon a divifion; but the bill rejected upon another.
Bill in favour of Diffenters brought in and paffed. Affairs of Ire-
land. Various attempts and proposals for affording commercial relief to
· [105
that country, prove at length ineffectual.

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Debates on the army extraordinaries. Motion for printing the estimates re-
jeed upon a divifion. Committee on Eaft India affairs, Rejolutions
moved for and carried, relative to the violence committed on the late Lord
Pigot in his government. Motion for profecuting certain members of the
late council at Madras, agreed to. Mr. Fox's motion, for the removal
of the firft lord of the admiralty from that department, is, after long
debates, rejected upon a divifion. Committee of enquiry into the conduct
Amendment moved to the motion for the examina
of the American war.
tion of Earl Cornwallis, by the minifter, and carried upon a divifion in
the committee. Amended motion then put, and rejected upon a divifions
Third motion rejected. Transactions in the committee, difcuffed in the
Earl Cornwallis, and other
Houfe, and refcinded. Committee revived.
witnesses examined, in behalf of Lord and Sir William Howe. Counter
evidence propofed, and agreed to. In the interim, General Burgoyne's
Counter evidence examined.
evidence brought forward and examined.
Committee fuddenly diffolved.



Two enquiries in the House of Lords, tending to the fame object, and carried
on through the greater part of the feffion. Enquiry into the fate of the
navy, and the conduct of the admiralty, inftituted by the Earl of Bristol.
Motions for naval papers, bring out much debate, and are rejected upon a
divifion. Motion by the Earl of Bristol, for the removal of the firft Lord
of the admiralty from his employment. Great debates. Motion rejected
upon a divifion. Protefts. Enquiry into the government and management
of Greenwich Hofpital, conducted by the Duke of Richmond. Moves for
a compensation to Captain Baillie, late Lieutenant-Governor of Greenwich
Hofpital. Motion rejected upon a divifion. Minority Lords quit the Houfe.
Refolutions in vindication of the Earl of Sandwich. Hard cafe of Captain
Baillie. Marquis of Rockingham endeavours to bring forward an enquiry
into the affairs of Ireland. After feveral ineffectual attempts, a kind of
compromije takes place, referring the buftness of that country to the ensuing
Jeffion. Mr. Townshend's motion to defer the prorogation of parliament,
rejected upon a divifion. Spanish manifefio. Address from the Commons,
Second addrefs moved by Lord John Cavendish. Motion of adjournment
carried upon a divifion. Amendment to the address of the Lords, moved by

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