Scarce ferves to quench my furnace-burning heart: *Nor can my tongue unload my heart's great bur den; * For self-fame wind, that I fhould speak withal, *Is kindling coals, that fire all my breast, * And burn me up with flames,+ that tears would quench. *To weep, is to make lefs the depth of grief:5 *Tears, then, for babes; blows, and revenge, for me! Richard, I bear thy name, I'll venge thy death, 'Or die renowned by attempting it. EDW. His name that valiant duke hath left with thee; 'His dukedom and his chair with me is left." RICH. Nay, if thou be that princely eagle's bird, Show thy descent by gazing 'gainst the fun :7 And burn me up with flames, &c.] So, in King John: 66 5 To weep, &c.] Here, in the original play, instead of these two lines, we have "I cannot joy, till this white rose be dy'd MALONE. • His dukedom and his chair with me is left.] So the folio. The quarto thus: "His chair, and dukedom, that remains for me." STEEVENS. Show thy defcent by gazing 'gainst the fun :] So, in Spenser's Hymn of Heavenly Beauty: like the native brood of eagle's kind, "On that bright fun of glory fix thine Again, in Solyman and Perfeda: eyes." "As air-bred eagles, if they once perceive For chair and dukedom, throne and kingdom fay; Either that is thine, or elfe thou wert not his. March. Enter WARWICK and MONTAGUE, with Forces.8 WAR. How now, fair lords? What fare? what news abroad? 'RICH. Great lord of Warwick, if we fhould recount Our baleful news, and, at each word's deliverance, Stab poniards in our flesh till all were told, The words would add more anguifh than the wounds. O valiant lord, the duke of York is flain. EDW. O Warwick Warwick! that Plantagenet, Which held thee dearly, as his foul's redemption, Is by the ftern lord Clifford done to death.9 "That on the earth it may untimely die, "For looking but aikew at heaven's bright eye." STEEVENS. Enter Warwick &c.] This meeting was at Chipping-Norton. W. Wyrcefter, p. 488. RITSON. 9 Is by the stern lord Clifford done to death.] Done to death for killed, was a common expreffion long before Shakspeare's time. Thus Chaucer : "And feide, that if ye done us both to dien." GRAY. Spenfer mentions a plague " which many did to dye." JOHNSON. Faire mourir, a French phrase. So, in The Battle of Alcazar, 1594: "We understand that he was done to death." Again, ibid: done to death with many a mortal wound." Again, in Orlando Furiofo, 1599: "I am the man that did the flave to death." STEEVENS. WAR. Ten days ago I drown'd these news in tears: And now, to add more measure to your woes, March'd towards Saint Alban's to incercept the queen, Bearing the king in my behalf along: Touching king Henry's oath, and your fucceffion. * And very well &c.] This neceffary line I have restored from the old quartos, STEEVENS. 2 to his captives] So the folio. The old play reads→→→ captaines. MALONE. 3like the night-owl's lazy flight,] This image is not very congruous to the fubject, nor was it neceffary to the comparison, which is happily enough completed by the thrasher. JOHNSON. 'Or like a lazy thrasher with a flail,4- EDW.5 Where is the duke of Norfolk, gentle Dr. Johnfon objects to this comparison as incongruous to the fubject; but I think, unjustly. Warwick compares the languid blows of his foldiers, to the lazy strokes which the wings of the owl give to the air in its flight, which is remarkably flow. M. MASON. Or like a lazy thrasher-] The old play more elegantly reads-Or like an idle thrasher, &c. MALONE. Edw. &c.] The exact ages of the Duke of York's children, introduced in the prefent play, will beft prove how far our author has, either intentionally or otherwise, deviated, in this particular, from hiftorical truth. Edward, Earl of March, afterwards Duke of York, and King of England, his fecond fon, was born at Roüen, on Monday the 27th or 28th of April, 1442; Edmund, Earl of Rutland, his third fon, at the fame place, on Monday the 17th of May, 1443; George of York, afterwards Duke of Clarence, his fixth fon, in Dublin, on Tuesday the 21ft of October, 1449; and Richard of York, afterwards Duke of Glofter, and King of England, his eighth fon, at Fotheringay, on Monday the 2d of October, 1452; Henry, the first fon born in 1441, William, the fourth, in 1447. John, the fifth, in 1448, and Thomas, the feventh, in 1451, died young. He had likewife four daughters. The battle of Wakefield was fought the 29th of December, 1460, when Edward, of course, was in his nineteenth year. Rutland in his eighteenth, George in his twelfth, and Richard in his ninth. RITSON. And when came George from Burgundy to England? 'WAR. Some fix miles off the duke is with the foldiers: And for your brother, he was lately fent From your kind aunt, duchefs of Burgundy, 'With aid of foldiers to this needful war.6 RICH. 'Twas odds, belike, when valiant Warwick 'fled: Oft have I heard his praises in purfuit, But ne'er, till now, his fcandal of retire." WAR. Nor now my fcandal, Richard, doft thou hear: For thou shalt know, this ftrong right hand of mine RICH. I know it well, lord Warwick: blame me 'Tis love, I bear thy glories, makes me speak. But, in this troublous time, what's to be done? Shall we go throw away our coats of steel, Edw. when came George from Burgundy to England? he was lately fent From your kind aunt, duchess of Burgundy, With aid of foldiers to this needful war.] This circumstance is not warranted by history. Clarence and Glofter (as they were afterwards created) were sent into Flanders immediately after the battle of Wakefield, and did not return until their brother Edward got poffeffion of the crown. Befides, Clarence was not now more than twelve years old. Ifabel, Duchefs of Burgundy, whom Shakspeare calls the Duke's aunt, was daughter of John I. King of Portugal, by Philippa of Lancaster, eldest daughter of John of Gaunt. They were, therefore, no more than third coufins. RITSON. |