On the Third Hand: Humor in the Dismal Science, an AnthologyCaroline Postelle Clotfelter University of Michigan Press, 1996 - 324 trang If ever you suspected that economic humor is an oxymoron, read on. This anthology, offering over a hundred selections of economic humor in the form of essays, fables, cartoons, verses, parodies, and epigrams drawn from works ancient and modern, will disabuse you of that notion by way of laughter. The contributors, about evenly divided between economists and noneconomists, share a common urge to poke fun at economics and its practitioners. Their styles and methods, however, range from kind and gentle to mordant and misanthropic; this is not surprising given the diversity of their professions: diplomat, playwright, printer's devil, publisher, columnist, physician, inventor, minister, corporate president, radio star, New York Stock Exchange member, and philosopher, to name but a few. Bringing economic humor into the light of day, Caroline Clotfelter gathers her collection of materials into recognizable categories: economists as others see them, the language and methods of economics, Econ 101, micro- and macroeconomics, and basic economic models and ideas. Aiding and abetting her include such luminaries as John Stuart Mill, George Bernard Shaw, "Mad Magazine, " Stephen Leacock, Emily Dickinson, Rube Goldberg, Pogo, and John Kenneth Galbraith. As no other, this book will challenge economists to enjoy jokes at their own expense; noneconomists may have even less difficulty finding something funny in this most dismal of sciences. Caroline Postelle Clotfelter, former Professor of Economics, Mercer University, is now retired. |
Từ bên trong sách
Kết quả 1-3 trong 15
Trang 21
... Wicksteed on the subject , then they had Shaw ( me ) , then Wicksteed a second time , then Graham Wallas , then Hyndman , and now Shaw again . It began by Wick- steed saying that Marx was wrong and Jevons right , whereupon I contended ...
... Wicksteed on the subject , then they had Shaw ( me ) , then Wicksteed a second time , then Graham Wallas , then Hyndman , and now Shaw again . It began by Wick- steed saying that Marx was wrong and Jevons right , whereupon I contended ...
Trang 89
... Wick- steed , man of the cloth and the world , applies the notion of diminishing marginal utility to the act of praying . Written in 1910 , the Wicksteed essay shows that in prayer and in goods there is increasing opportunity cost - the ...
... Wick- steed , man of the cloth and the world , applies the notion of diminishing marginal utility to the act of praying . Written in 1910 , the Wicksteed essay shows that in prayer and in goods there is increasing opportunity cost - the ...
Trang 123
... , as soon as we give up the cant of the absolute in a world in which all things are relative . Posthumous Humor and Other " After " Thoughts Stephen B. 123 Philip H Wicksteed On the Diminishing Marginal Utility Prayer (excerpt)
... , as soon as we give up the cant of the absolute in a world in which all things are relative . Posthumous Humor and Other " After " Thoughts Stephen B. 123 Philip H Wicksteed On the Diminishing Marginal Utility Prayer (excerpt)
Nội dung
Economists EndtoEndAs Ithers See Them | 1 |
Mencken | 8 |
Dwane Powell | 14 |
Bản quyền | |
31 phần khác không được hiển thị
Ấn bản in khác - Xem tất cả
On the Third Hand: Humor in the Dismal Science, an Anthology Caroline Postelle Clotfelter Xem trước bị giới hạn - 1996 |
Thuật ngữ và cụm từ thông dụng
Adam Smith Alexander Pope Ambrose Bierce Armco Art Buchwald Bill brushing budget called Canto cartoon caste cent cheese Clerihew Company Copyright curve dept dismal science dividend earned Econ Econometrics economists edited Edmund Clerihew Bentley example excerpt fact forecast George Bernard Shaw hand Herbert Stein income inflation interest Introduce an Economist investment John Kenneth Galbraith jokes Journal of Political Laffer curve Macro Malthus Math-Econ mathematical symbols ment Micro million modl modl-making Mouseville never night opportunity cost physician Political Economy President problem published readers Reprinted with permission rise Robert Frost Rube Goldberg share Shaw social status Stephen Leacock Stigler stockholders sympathy tell theory thing tion Tony Auth totem trade tribe University verse Wall Street Wicksteed Wisconsin Securities woman's place words writing York
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Economic Globalisation as Religious War: Tragic Convergence Michael McKinley Không có bản xem trước - 2007 |