and camps. He was responsible for the introduction of the fishing net as the basis of such a system and also instituted the "dazzle" painting of tanks and guns. In 1918 he was elected President of the Royal Society of British Artists. Memorable recent portraits by him were Lady Swaythling" in 1924 and "His Highness the Maharaja Gaekwar of Baroda in 1926. He was VicePresident of the Maccabeans Society and in 1907 was elected a member of the Athenæum. In 1897 he married the daughter of the late Hyman Montague, F.S.A., and had one son and two daughters. 30. Robert de Flers (Marie-Joseph-Louis-Camille-Robert Pellevé De La Motte-Ango, Marquis De Flers), celebrated playwright and critic, was born in 1872. He began his literary career early by novel and essay writing, joining first the staff of the Soleil and later of the Figaro. His first play (in collaboration with his life-long friend, Armand de Caillavet), an opera bouffe entitled "Les Travaux d'Hercule,' was given in 1901. Between 1905 and 1913 came a series of successful comedies: "L'Amour Veille,” “Le Roi,” “Le Bois Sacré,” “Primerose” and “L'Habit Vert." During the war he was liaison officer to the Rumanian Army, and was mentioned four times in despatches and was awarded the Grand Cross of the Rumanian Crown. In 1921 he wrote for the Gaulois, but returned to the Figaro and edited its literary supplement up to the time of his death. After the war he wrote, in collaboration with M. Francis de Croisset, various plays, including "Les Vignes des Seigneurs " (1924) and “Les Nouveaux Messieurs" (1925). He also wrote an operetta, 'Ciboulette." He was elected a member of the Academy in 1920. He married the daughter of M. Victorien Sardou, who survived him. 31. Sir Harry Hamilton Johnston, aged 69, pioneer of the British Empire in Africa, was educated at Stockwell Grammar School and King's College, London. He then studied for four years in the Royal Academy schools till, for reasons of health, he went to Tunisia. In 1882 he joined Lord Mayo in a journey through Southern Angola. Thence he went on an independent expedition to the Congo where, in 1883, he met Stanley. The publication "The River Congo," in which he described his experiences, caused the British Association and the Royal Society to invite him to lead a scientific expedition to Kilimanjaro. Entering the service of the Foreign Office, he was appointed, in 1885, Vice-Consul in Cameroon and the Niger Delta and remained in the Gulf of Guinea three years. A friend of Cecil Rhodes, he entered into the latter's plans for a trans-African "All Red" route. In 1889 he was sent by Lord Salisbury to Lisbon to negotiate an agreement concerning the British and Portuguese spheres in South Central Africa, but no convention was signed. Johnston then went to Mozambique as Consul to Portuguese East Africa. After encounters with Arabs and Portuguese, with the help of John Buchanan, Sir Alfred Sharpe, and Alfred Swann he hoisted the British flag over most of what is now Northern Rhodesia. In 1890 he was created C.B. From 1891 to 1896 he was in Nyasaland. He was then promoted K.C.B. and transferred in 1897 to Tunisia as Consul-General. In 1899 he was sent to Uganda as Special Commissioner. Two years later he was made G.C.M.G., and in 1904 received the Gold Medal from the Royal Geographical Society. In 1902 he retired from the consular service and entered politics. In 1903 he stood as a Liberal for Rochester, and in 1906 for West Marylebone-both times unsuccessfully. In 1908 he went to the United States and the West Indies to study the negro problem and later wrote "The Negro in the New World." During the last years of his life he wrote a few novels which had a certain success. The study of the Bantu and semi-Bantu languages was his chief interest, and in 1918 and 1922 two large volumes on them were published. He was a medallist of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society and of the Zoological Society of London, He was an honorary D.Sc. of Cambridge University, some time Vice-President of the Anthropological Institute, and President of the African Society. In 1896 he married the Hon. Winifred Irby, daughter of the fifth Lord Boston. AUGUST. 2. Henry Richard Hope-Pinker, sculptor and craftsman, was born in 1849, the son of a master-mason, and learned his trade in the workshop. He became a member of the Art Workers' Guild in 1885 and was elected Master thereof in 1915. His fine portrait of Professor Karl Pearson exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1894 was cut from life straight into the marble-a method from which he never departed and which he impressed on his pupils as the true one to pursue. Some of his most characteristic works are to be seen at Oxford and include portraits of John Hunter, Francis Darwin, Dean Liddell, and Sir Henry Acland. His statue of Friar Bacon ranks as a masterpiece. Other works of his are Sir George Humphrey at Cambridge and W. E. Forster on the Thames Embankment. Examples of his monumental sculpture are Queen Victoria at George Town, Demerara, Lord Reay in India, and Henry Fawcett in Salisbury Market Place. 3. Professor E. B. Tichener, aged 60, head of the Department of Psychology in the University of Cornell, New York, and one of the most distinguished psychologists in the United States, was by birth an Englishman. He was educated at Brasenose College, Oxford, and after graduating in Classics he turned to the scientific study of the mind, eventually taking the Doctorate at the University of Leipzig. In 1892 he went to America for greater scope and accepted the post of Assistant Professor of Psychology at Cornell. In 1895 he became Sage Professor of Psychology until 1910, when he accepted the Sage Chair of Psychology at the graduate school. From 1896 to 1898 he was also Professor in charge of Music. He was the author of several books on experimental psychology and the psychology of feeling and attention; editor of the American Journal of Psychology, first as associate-editor (1895-1921) and then as editor-in-chief (1921-25); and from 1894 to 1925 he also acted as American editor of the English periodical Mind. He was offered the Chair of Psychology at Harvard on the death of Professor Münsterberg and also the Presidency of Clark University, but he refused both. He was the recipient of many academic honours and a member of many learned societies, both in America and Europe. 4. John Dillon, aged 76, leader of Irish Nationalism, studied medicine at University College, Dublin, and took his degree of licentiate at the Royal College of Surgeons. He was early associated with the Parnell movement, assisting, in 1869, the unopposed return of John Mitchell at the famous Tipperary election. In 1880 he was elected member for the same county, and shared with Parnell a triumphant progress through the United States. He was imprisoned with Parnell in Kilmainham, receiving the freedom of the city of Dublin on his release. In 1862 he was a signatory to the Parnell manifesto; in 1885 he became member for East Mayo; from 1886 he championed the entente cordiale between the Liberal and National parties, but after the defeat of the Home Rule Bill in 1886 he favoured a revival of the agrarian agitation. Arrested under the Crimes Act, he escaped to the U.S.A., whence he wired his acceptance of Gladstone's dictum that to save the Home Rule cause Parnell must go. He supported Gladstone's second Home Rule Bill in 1893. In the confusion which followed its defeat he occupied the anti-Parnellite Chair. His best thought was given to Irish education, and he eventually saw a University Act placed on the Statute Book. From 1909 onward he joined Mr. Redmond and concentrated on an attack on the House of Lords. He demanded "Boer Home Rule for Ireland," and recommended the Liberals' "Better Government for Ireland" Bill to the Nationalists. On the outbreak of the Great War he supported the British cause, but was hostile to the extension of compulsory service to Ireland. He lost his Westminster seat after the war and disappeared from public life, having been elected Chairman of the Nationalist Party just previously. In 1897 he married Elizabeth, daughter of the late Lord Justice Mathew. She died in 1907, survived by two sons and a daughter. He saw 7. Major-General Leonard Wood, Governor-General of the Philippine Islands since 1921, was born in the U.S.A. in 1860. In 1884 he took his medical degree at Harvard and in 1885 entered the Army as Assistant-Surgeon. service in Arizona, receiving the Congressional Medal for valour. In 1895 he was ordered to Washington where he came into close touch with Presidents Cleveland, McKinley, and Roosevelt. On the declaration of war with Spain in 1898 he and Roosevelt were jointly authorised to furnish a regiment of volunteer cavalry. Wood, promoted Brigadier-General after the battle of Guasimas, was made Governor-General of Santiago. Under him the whole province was civilised. He then became Governor-General of Cuba, reconstructing the island economically and socially and entirely exterminating yellow fever. President Roosevelt then made him Military Governor of the Moro Province of the Philippines, and in 1908 he was transferred to Governor's Island, New York, as G.O.C. Department of the East. He went on a special diplomatic mission to the Argentine, and in 1910 was appointed Chief of the General Staff at Washington. He held this post till 1914, persisting in his plans for universal military training. In 1910 he demanded from Congress an appropriation of 5 million dollars for a military aircraft service, but this was refused. During the Great War he saw active service in France; in 1920 he was nominated Republican candidate for the Presidency. 15. Elbert Henry Gary, aged 80, chairman and chief executive officer of the United States Steel Corporation, was educated at Wheaton College, Illinois, and later at Chicago University, where he took his LL.B. in 1867. In 1871 he began his practice in Chicago, and quickly became a noted corporation lawyer. In 1874 he organised the Gary Wheaton Bank; and in 1882 was elected Judge of Du Page County. He also twice served as Mayor of Wheaton. Interested in the development of iron and steel, he was one of the organisers of the Consolidated Steel Corporation in 1891, and retiring from legal practice, became President of the Federal Steel Corporation in 1898. In 1901 he absorbed the Carnegie interests and formed the United States Steel Corporation, which became the greatest industrial concern in the country. In industrial politics he was somewhat reactionary, but in 1906 a model town for workmen was built and named after him. On America's entry into the war he played an important part as Chairman of the Steel Committee of the Council of National Defence. He was in favour of promoting friendship between the U.S.A. and Japan; was an advocate of a free labour market, opposing the limitation of immigration under the " quota law; was President of the Chicago Bar Association (1893-94), and of the American Iron and Steel Institute (from 1909). He also held many foreign orders and various honorary university degrees. He was twice married: in 1869 to Miss Julia Graves, who died in 1902, leaving two daughters; and in 1905 to Mrs. Gertrude Sutcliffe. 17. Richard Caton Woodville, the well-known painter of battle pictures, was born in 1856. He was educated at Düsseldorf and exhibited his first Academy picture in 1879. He went through the Turkish War of 1878, the Egyptian campaign of 1882, and various minor wars in the East. Besides his battle pictures he also painted a number of portraits for the Royal Family under Queen Victoria and full-length portraits of King Edward and King George. He was a member of the Duke of Clarence's suite during his tour in India, and painted many Indian princes. Among his best pictures were: "The Return from Metemmeh," The Guards at Tel-el-Kebir," The Charge of the Light Brigade,” "The Relief of Lucknow," and "The Cock o' the North." His picture, "Hallowe'en 1914," inspired by the stand of the London Scottish on Messines Ridge, hangs in the Cornell Gallery. He wrote a book of memoirs called " Random Recollections." His wife predeceased him, and he left one son. 66 39.66 23. Zaghloul Pasha, aged 70, Nationalist leader of Egypt, was educated at the Mohammedan University of Al Azhar. He joined in the rebellion of Arabi Pasha in 1882, and was arrested when the British occupied Cairo. Later he gained a great reputation as a barrister in the native courts, and in 1893 he rose to be Counsellor of the Court of Appeal. He came under the influence of Mustapha Fahmy (Prime Minister, 1895-1908) and of Sheikh Mahomed Abdu, a converted Nationalist of 1882. Through the latter's recommendation Lord Cromer appointed Zaghloul, in 1906, to be Minister of Education. In 1910 he became Minister of Justice. His relations with the Khedive were never cordial, and when his allegations against the Khedive concerning irregularities in the Wakfs administration could not be substantiated, Lord Kitchener was obliged to ask for his resignation, and henceforth he became embittered against the British. At the opening of the new Legislative Council he led the Opposition against the Khedive. After the proclamation of the British Protectorate Zaghloul demanded the instant recognition of Egypt's complete independence. The British Government rejected his demands and ignored his propaganda till the resignation of the Egyptian Cabinet in 1919, when they arrested him and deported him to Malta. When Lord Allenby secured his release, he directed the agitation for independence from Paris. He was finally induced to meet Lord Milner in London, but he refused a settlement on the lines of the Milner Mission Report in 1920. He was allowed to return to Egypt, but on the collapse of further negotiations between Britain and Egypt he was again arrested and deported. After the promulgation of the new Constitution he was allowed to return for the elections, and he became Prime Minister in 1924. His vacillation hung up the negotiations between himself and Mr. Ramsay MacDonald. In 1924 an attempt was made on his life, and later in the year he met Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, but conversations were abruptly broken off. He returned to Egypt with lost prestige. The assassination of Sir Lee Stack later in the year was a direct blow to his cause, and finally he resigned. He then stood as candidate for the Presidency of the Chamber. Early in 1926 Ziwar Pasha's Ministry fell, and the new elections ended in a complete victory for the Zaghloulists. Zaghloul formed a Ministry, but though obliged to resign shortly after, he directed affairs from behind the scenes during the following year. In 1896 he married the daughter of Mustapha Fahmy Pasha. 26. John St. Loe Strachey, aged 67, editor of the Spectator, was the second son of Sir Edward Strachey, who had married a sister of John Addington Symonds. He went up to Balliol where he took a First Class in the History School and made life-long friendships with Sir Herbert Warren, Dean Beeching, and Sir Bernard Mallet. He then read for the Bar in London, writing for the Saturday Review, the Standard, the Economist, and other papers. In 1886 he became editor of the Liberal Unionist with Mr. Charles Graves, and in 1896 he was appointed editor of the Cornhill. All this time he had been reviewing for the Spectator, and after the Home Rule split he replaced Asquith as leader-writer on that weekly. In 1897 he became editor and proprietor, and under him the Spectator exercised great influence on public opinion not only in this country, but also throughout the Colonies and the U.S.A. In 1906 he unsuccessfully contested the seat for Edinburgh and St. Andrews as a Unionist Free Trader. During the war he had a serious breakdown in health but partially recovered. In 1925 he parted with the control and editorship of the paper, but still wrote for it. He published two autobiographical books: "The Adventure of Living" and "The River of Life," as well as others on social and economic subjects. He married Miss Amy Simpson, a granddaughter of Nassau Senior. A son and a daughter survived him. 27. Stuart Reid, aged 78, reviewer, writer, and publisher, came of Liberal and Nonconformist stock. For fourteen years he was the chief reviewer of the Leeds Mercury, and for thirty years was on the literary staff of the old Standard. He also contributed regularly to the Speaker. From 1891 to 1898 he was a director of Sampson Low & Co.; in 1907 he joined the firm of Duckworth & Co., retiring in 1914. He edited the " Queen Victoria's Prime Minister" series, the memoirs of his brother, Sir Wemyss Reid, and of Sir Edward Blount. He published "Representative Men in the Reign of Queen Victoria" and memoirs of Sir Sydney Smith, Lord John Russell, and Sir Richard Tangye. The honorary degree of D.C.L. of Dublin University was conferred on him for his edition of the "Life and Letters of the First Earl of Durham." He also published an annotated catalogue of historical tracts from the reign of Queen Elizabeth to George III. He did some important family bibliographical work for the eighth Duke of Marlborough; his book on the first Duke and Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, appearing in 1914. He was married but left no issue. 28. Sir Charles Patrick John Coghlan, first Premier of Southern Rhodesia, was born in 1863 in Cape Colony. He was educated at St. Aidan's College, Grahamstown, and the South African College, Cape Town. His father's death obliged him to leave the latter within a year, and he was then articled to his brother, a solicitor at Kimberley. He became a partner in 1886, practising in Kimberley till he moved to Bulawayo in 1900. In 1908 he was elected to a seat on the Legislative Council, and later in the same year he represented Rhodesia at the South African National Convention. On the Convention he held a "watching brief" for the Rhodesians with regard to the question of their joining the Union. He eventually became President of the Responsible Government Association. He moved the resolution in which Rhodesia requested the grant of self-government; the Legislative Council passing it in 1920. In 1921 he headed the Rhodesian delegation to London to discuss the basis of the Constitution. In 1923, when the new Constitution came into effect, he was elected Premier of Rhodesia. In 1910 he received his knighthood, and in 1925 was created K.C.M.G. In 1899 he married Gertrude Schermbrucker and had one daughter. 29. The Very Rev. John Henry Bernard, Provost of Trinity College, Dublin, was born in 1860. After having been privately educated he entered Trinity College, Dublin. After a brilliant career he was made a Fellow in 1884, being appointed four years later Archbishop King's Lecturer in Divinity, a post he retained till he became a Bishop in 1911. In 1897 he was appointed Treasurer, and in 1902 Dean, of St. Patrick's Cathedral. In 1911, in face of some opposition, he was appointed Bishop of Ossory by the Bishops of the Church of Ireland, and on the resignation of Dr. Peacocke in 1915 he was translated to the Archbishopric of Dublin. He worked in close touch with Lord Midleton for the ideal of Ireland one and undivided, and when Sir Horace Plunkett's Convention of Irishmen nearly broke down, Bernard accompanied Lord Midleton to England in an effort to arrive at a solution. After the war he turned his attention to reorganisation problems at the University. In 1919 he was appointed ViceChancellor, and on the death of Sir John Mahaffy was chosen to succeed him as Provost. Amongst his books may be mentioned his edition of Kant's "Critical Philosophy for English Readers," his "Notes on Butler's Analogy," his Commentaries on the Pastoral Epistles and Second Corinthians," his Irish "Liber Hymnorum," and an edition of the "Odes of Solomon." He held honorary degrees at Oxford, Durham, and Aberdeen, was an honorary Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford, and of the Royal College of Physicians, Ireland. In 1885 he married Maud, daughter of Dr. Robert Bernard, and had one son and two daughters. 66 SEPTEMBER. 2. Robert Bright Marston, aged 74, well known as an authority on angling, was educated at Croydon, Bonn, and the Islington Proprietary School. He was in the publishing business for over fifty years, being a partner in Sampson Low, |