The Annual Register: World EventsEdmund Burke St. Martin's Press, 2006 |
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Kết quả 1-3 trong 26
Trang 314
... KOREA South Korea CAPITAL : Seoul AREA . 99,000 sq km POPULATION : 48,100,000 OFFICIAL LANGUAGE : Korean POLITICAL SYSTEM : multiparty republic HEAD OF STATE AND GOVERNMENT : President Roh Moo Hyun ( since Feb '03 ) RULING PARTY ...
... KOREA South Korea CAPITAL : Seoul AREA . 99,000 sq km POPULATION : 48,100,000 OFFICIAL LANGUAGE : Korean POLITICAL SYSTEM : multiparty republic HEAD OF STATE AND GOVERNMENT : President Roh Moo Hyun ( since Feb '03 ) RULING PARTY ...
Trang 317
... Korea as the country's main enemy . President Roh and US President George W. Bush met on several occasions , and ... South Korea argued that engagement was working . The USA appeared to differ . US statements castigated North Korea ...
... Korea as the country's main enemy . President Roh and US President George W. Bush met on several occasions , and ... South Korea argued that engagement was working . The USA appeared to differ . US statements castigated North Korea ...
Trang 389
... South Korea , Sri Lanka , Taiwan , Tajikistan , Thailand , Tonga , Turkmenistan , Tuvalu , Uzbekistan , Vanuatu ... SOUTH - EAST ASIAN NATIONS ( ASEAN ) was held on 12-14 December in Kuala Lumpur , the capital of Malaysia , along ...
... South Korea , Sri Lanka , Taiwan , Tajikistan , Thailand , Tonga , Turkmenistan , Tuvalu , Uzbekistan , Vanuatu ... SOUTH - EAST ASIAN NATIONS ( ASEAN ) was held on 12-14 December in Kuala Lumpur , the capital of Malaysia , along ...
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African agreement alleged announced April Arab AREA attacks August Baghdad based on regression bicameral bomb budget Bush campaign CAPITAL Caricom cent China civilians co-operation coalition Commonwealth HEAD constitution continued corruption Côte d'Ivoire countries country's Court CWTH December Democratic Party economic ECOWAS elections electoral English POLITICAL SYSTEM European February forces former Francophonie Francophonie CURRENCY GNI PER CAPITA HEAD OF GOVERNMENT held human rights IGO MEMBERSHIPS NON-UN Iraq Iraqi Islamic issue January July June killed Kyrgyzstan Labour leader legislation legislature MAIN IGO MEMBERSHIPS major March ment military million mission multiparty republic HEAD NATO negotiations November October OFFICIAL LANGUAGE opposition Organisation OSCE Palestinian peacekeeping polls President presidential Prime Minister programme referendum reform region remained resigned RULING PARTY Russia seats Secretary Security Council September Serbia Shi'ite South Korea sq km POPULATION summit terrorist tion trade troops Union vote