English Poetry of the Eighteenth Century, 1700-1789

Bìa trước
Longman, 2003 - 304 trang

In recent years the canon of eighteenth-century poetry has greatly expanded to include women poets, labouring-class and provincial poets, and many previously unheard voices. Fairer's book takes up the challenge this ought to pose to our traditional understanding of the subject.

This book seeks to question some of the structures, categories, and labels that have given the age its reassuring shape in literary history. In doing so Fairer offers a fresh and detailed look at a wide range of material.

Từ bên trong sách

Nội dung

Between Manuscript and Print
Debating Politeness
Wit Imagination and MockHeroic
Bản quyền

11 phần khác không được hiển thị

Ấn bản in khác - Xem tất cả

Thuật ngữ và cụm từ thông dụng

Giới thiệu về tác giả (2003)

David Fairer is Professor of Eighteenth-Century English Literature at the University of Leeds.

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