The Annual Register: World EventsSt. Martin's Press, 2003 |
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Kết quả 1-3 trong 83
Trang 150
... resigned fol- lowing criticism that his management style had contributed to the newspaper's problems . His managing editor , Gerald Boyd , also resigned . Bill Keller , a jour- nalist with the Times for twenty years , became editor on ...
... resigned fol- lowing criticism that his management style had contributed to the newspaper's problems . His managing editor , Gerald Boyd , also resigned . Bill Keller , a jour- nalist with the Times for twenty years , became editor on ...
Trang 175
... resigned as Presidency Min- ister on 27 May after a group of twenty - eight legislators had refused to recog- nise her as the member of the executive responsible for liaison with the uni- cameral Legislative Assembly . Astrid Fischel ...
... resigned as Presidency Min- ister on 27 May after a group of twenty - eight legislators had refused to recog- nise her as the member of the executive responsible for liaison with the uni- cameral Legislative Assembly . Astrid Fischel ...
Trang 197
... resigned in November . Opposition leaders in the Congress had endorsed the presentation of charges against the six ... resign in October , was soon afterwards appointed to a position on the board of the Yacyretá hydroelectric ...
... resigned in November . Opposition leaders in the Congress had endorsed the presentation of charges against the six ... resign in October , was soon afterwards appointed to a position on the board of the Yacyretá hydroelectric ...
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Thuật ngữ và cụm từ thông dụng
African agreement al-Qaida Alliance announced April AREA arrested Assembly attacks August Baghdad bicameral British Commonwealth HEAD Bush campaign CAPITAL cent civilian co-operation coalition constitution continued country's Court CWTH December defence Democratic Party Deputy despite economic electoral English POLITICAL SYSTEM European February forces former France Francophonie Francophonie CURRENCY GNI PER CAPITA government's HEAD OF GOVERNMENT held human rights IGO MEMBERSHIPS NON-UN Iraq Iraqi Islamic Israeli issue January July June killed leader legislation legislature MAIN IGO MEMBERSHIPS major March ment military million multiparty republic HEAD National NATO negotiations November October OFFICIAL LANGUAGE opposition Organisation OSCE Palestinian peace peacekeeping People's polls President presidential election Prime Minister referendum reform region resigned resolution RULING PARTY Russia Saddam Saddam Hussein Saudi seats Security Council September Serbia South sq km POPULATION terrorist tion Tony Blair troops unicameral Union US-led vote