Hình ảnh trang

Printed by J. Brettell,

Rupert Street, Haymarket, London.

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HINTS, &c.


IT is with considerable diffidence, that the Writer offers to the attention of Mothers, and those engaged in the care and instruction of young children, the following Remarks; though she hopes that their being the simple result of experience, will compensate for their imperfections.

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The origin of this little work was as follows: The Author having formed a few rules, as directions for her nurse-maid, in the management of her first child, committed them to paper, that they might be the more clearly understood and remembered; and as she found these written

rules beneficial in her own nursery, she conceived they might prove useful to others. Whilst attempting, however, to improve and enlarge them, she was persuaded they touched upon so many important points; they were so closely interwoven with the first principles of education; that they could not, with propriety, be addressed to those whose duty is more to obey than to rule; and that they were most likely to be useful, as an assistance to a mother, in the exercise of her own authority; in training those who are to act under her; and in establishing the discipline of her nursery. Nor was it considered incompatible with such an object to retain the one chapter which treats exclusively of " the motives that should. influence a nurse;" but this being in some measure unconnected with the rest of the work, is placed in the Appendix.

Those "are the golden hours of child

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