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first importance to gain over the affections; to draw the hearts of our children by the cords of love; that they may know, and feel for themselves, that "her ways are ways of pleasantness;" and that "all her paths are peace:”—

"Nor know we any thing so fair,

As is the smile upon her face*."

Care must be taken not to press too closely upon children such non-essential points as form the distinguishing peculiarities of the various sects of Christians. It is a question worthy of much serious consideration, whether such points are of a nature to be imposed as a law upon those who are placed under our authority; and whether, in doing this, there may not be a danger of "teaching for doctrines" the commandments of men," and of fet

* Wordsworth's Ode to Duty.

tering the conscience, by false associations of right and wrong? We are more likely to prepare our children for the reception of truth, if secondary distinctions are not brought into prominent view, and if our efforts are directed to the great object of leading them to that knowledge" of God, and of his son Jesus Christ, which alone is life eternal.”

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If children live under a religious influence, some vigilance will be required, lest they should assume a seriousness, which is not real. Every thing unnatural; every thing, bordering on hypocrisy, is to be most carefully checked; and that divine test deeply impressed on their hearts, as on our own; "if ye love. me, keep my commandments." We must not therefore, force either the feelings, or expression; satisfied, that, if the true principles of Christianity have taken possession of the heart, it will, necessarily,


manifest itself in something better than in words or profession.

Children must, besides, be guarded against placing too much dependence upon external observances. We are to bring them up with a reverence and a value for the ordinances of religion; and to accustom them to a diligent and persevering attendance upon them, as a sacred and important duty, to which secondary objects ought always to yield. But, at the same time, they will be able to understand that these ordinances, of themselves, are wholly insufficient; that "he is a Christian who is one inwardly;" and that our real character is determined, not by that which we may appear before men, but, by that which we are in his sight, who "looketh at the heart." i wo


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IN concluding this little Work, the -Author would, once again, remind all who are engaged in the care of children, that much patience and much perseverance will be required in the fulfilment of their duties toward them; and that they may hope to succeed, "not so much by the vehemence, as by the constancy of their exertions." We must not expect to witness the immediate fruit of our labour.

The husbandman scatters his seed, and hath long patience for it ;" and we are commanded, “in the morning to sow the seed; and, in the evening to withhold not our hands, for we know not whether shall prosper." To those who are conscientiously employed in the business of education, there is the most solid ground for encouragement; and it is of no small

importance that they should cherish a hopeful and, cheerful temper of mind, This will not only increase the vigour of their efforts, but greatly add to the probability of success. .

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Let us ever bear in mind the extensive benefit which may result from our bringing one child to choose and " hold fast that which is good." Have we not reason to hope that it will be a blessing, not only to himself, but, to his children, and his children's children? Does not the result of universal experience; do not the records of history and biography, in addition to the express commands of Scripture, afford abundant encouragement for females diligently to exercise their powers in the education of children--powers which appear peculiarly given to fit them for the performance of this important duty? How many eminent, how many excellent men have attributed their most


valuable attainments to the impressions

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