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My little fills my little wishing mind;

Thou having more than much, yet seekest more.
Who seeks, still wishes what he seeks to find;
Who wishes, wants; and whoso wants, is poor:
Then this must follow of necessity-

Poor are thy riches-rich my poverty.

Though still thou get'st, yet is thy want not spent,
But, as thy wealth, so grows thy wealthy itch;
But with my little I have much content-

Content hath all; and who hath all, is rich:
Then this in reason thou must needs confess-
If I have little, yet that thou hast less.

Whatever man possesses, God hath lent,
And to his audit liable is ever

To reckon how, and when, and where he spent ;
Then this thou bragg'st-thou art a great receiver:
Little my debt, when little is my store-

The more thou hast, thy debt still grows the more.


WHEN lonely Jacob left his home,
The country of his birth,

He had no thought save on to roam,
With not a friend on earth;

He knew not where his path might lead,
He knew not where to dwell;
Whether to seek the flowering mead,
Or dark and rugged fell:

And yet he trusted God for all,

And journeyed to his rest;
For He who marks the sparrow's fall,
Protected him and blessed.

And so in every hour of need,

The hand will guard us too

That deigns the birds of heaven to feed
With love so kind and true.

For he that watches over each,

Safe in its downy nest,

Will lead us on, and bless, and teach,

And take us to his rest.


"Surely God Almighty is angry with England, and it is more sure that God is never angry without a cause. The best way is for every one to lay his hand on his heart, and examine himself thoroughly, to summon his thoughts and winnow them, and so call to remembrance how far he hath offended heaven; and then it will be found that God is not angry with England, but with Englishmen. I find that I have contributed as much to the drawing down these judgments on England as any other."-England in the 17th century. Religious Tract Society.

"LEANING UPON THE BELOVED."-One day a very old man went into Mr. Pitman's (the Missionary) study, when the following conversation took place. "Well, my friend, what is your business?" "I wish to give myself to God in baptism." "Is that the real desire of your heart?" "Yes, the real desire." "Do you love God and Christ?" "Yes, I love God. I have been a wretched being, a great warrior in this place, and many a one have I slain in my days of ignorance; but there is a new day. We now hear things that we never heard before. I heard you preach from the words, 'God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.' I thought much about the cross of Christ." "Do you know who Christ is ?" "He is the Son of God." "What was his object in coming into this world?" "To be the true sacrifice for sin, that we might be saved." "Do you pray to him?" Oh, yes.' trust in him?" "Yes, like this," leaning his back, and resting his whole weight against the sofa in the study; "my soul thus leans on Christ."




Do you

GOOD RESOLUTIONS.-An obituary of Mrs. Ward, wife of a clergyman, contains some excellent resolutions appended to a written prayer. They were sixteen in all, from which these are selected:

1. I will endeavour, each day, to

have a season for secret prayer and meditation; and I will daily read the Scriptures, examine myself, and renew my vows to God.

5. I will cultivate more firmness and consistency in the government of my children...

6. I will avoid irritability of tem


7. I will be meek under reproof. 10. I will endeavour to be faithful to the souls around me.

11. I will cultivate conscientiousness in the disposal of my time. 12. I will cultivate the habit of ejaculatory prayer.

14. I will avoid levity.

15. I will cultivate cheerfulness of temper.

ANECDOTES.-The late Rev. Mr. Young, Jedburgh, was once visiting the death-bed of an aged member of his congregation, who was hourly looking for his last change. "Well, my friend," said the minister, "how do you feel yourself to-day?" "Very weel, sir," was the answer, "very weel, but just a wee confused wi the flitting'."-One stormy winter day he was visiting another of his people, an old man, who lived in great poverty in a lonely cottage a few miles from Jedburgh. He found him sitting with the Bible open on his knees, but in outward circumstances of great discomfort - the snow drifting through the roof, and under the door, and scarce any fire on the hearth. "What are you about to-day, John?" was Mr. Young's question. "Ah! sir," said the happy saint, "I'm sittin' under His shadow wi' great delight!"

ROME THE ENEMY OF ENLIGHTMENT.-Rowland Philip, the vicar of Croydon, preaching at St. Paul's against the art of Printing, then lately brought into England, uttered this sentence in the course of his sermon: "We [meaning the Romanists] must root out printing, or printing will root,out us."-Fox.

THE USE OF MEANS.-God never promised to save by miracles those that would not save themselves by means.-Henry.


HARD WORK WITHOUT STRONG DRINK Respected Friends,-For the information of some who still think that hard work cannot be done so well without intoxicating drink as with it, and for the encouragement of others who may wish to try the temperance system, I will make a statement of the manner in which we find teetotalism to act.

I occupy nearly 200 acres of corn and dairy land, and have regularly five hired servants. During hay and corn harvest last summer, I had about ten, who boarded in the house. They worked much better, and with more comfort to themselves and all about them, than when we gave them intoxicating drink (after which I used to observe there was "more talk than work.") I am glad to say that we have not had any intoxicating drink in the house for more than twelve months. We have substituted good coffee, of which the servants are very fond. Most of them are now pledged temperance members. I have been so four years. I am upwards of 75 years of age, had been accustomed to a little all my life, though never intemperate, yet I feel myself better without it. I can endure fatigue with any ale-drinker of my age, and more than many much younger. I I have been told, "A little is quite necessary at my age," but I have proved the fallacy of that. Many say, "Those who take but little, have no need to sign." I did it to encourage others, and good has been the result. I can with confidence recommend it to every fellow-being, of whatever station, age, or constitution. Above all,-give not strong drink to children.


A NEW SPECIES OF TEMPERANCE SOCIETY (a provisional one, however) has been formed at Cernay (Haut-Rhin). The beer-drinkers have entered into a pledge with each other not to drink a drop of their favourite liquor until the brewers reEurn to the old usage of making it

without any other ingredient than malt and hops and water. They have appointed a committee in each canton to taste the beer offered for sale, admitting that which they find genuine, and rejecting all other..

ANNUAL COST OF INTOXICATING LIQUORS.-In France, £52,777,777; Great Britain, £39,692,407; Sweden, £13,500,000; Prussia, £9,000,000; United States, £8,062,416. This calculation, however, shews only a partial result. It does not give the expense incurred in upholding prisons, police, asylums, workhouses, &c., which are rendered necessary by habits of drunkenness. Taking these into account, the annual cost of intoxication in the United Kingdom is carefully estimated at one hundred millions annually-a sum large enough to relieve the distresses of the poor and unemployed, and which doubles the government revenue!

POLAND. The temperance societies have been spreading very rapidly in that part of Poland in which their existence is tolerated, viz. the Duchy of Posen, Galicia, and the Republic of Cracow. Recent accounts from Cracow announce the most beneficial results from this new movement. In the country, illness and mortality have sensibly decreased, notwithstanding the very wet autumn we have had this year. In one parish, the population of which amounts to 6000, only four persons died, and these were children, during the two worst months in autumn.

DOGS WISER THAN DRINKERS. -The Edinburgh Weekly Advertiser relates "a curious instance of the intelligence of a dog.. Its owner, a professor of chemistry, tried upon it the effect of a poison, and afterwards saved its life by an antidote. The animal would never afterwards eat solids, unless he also saw his master partaking of the same food; and he would drink nothing but water at the fountain.'

There are, at this moment, 1000 American vessels ploughing the sea without the use of ardent spirits.


"Love not the things that are in the

world."-1 JOHN ii. 15.

Hapless the votaries of the world,
Soon on rocks of ruin hurl'd,
Who, admiring it untried,
Court its pleasure, wealth, or pride.

Is not this a sad symptom of a declining state of soul, to be so hot, eager, and anxious about the superfluous trifles of this life? Thinkest thou, O my soul, that one who walks in the view of the glory above, and maintains a conversation in heaven, can be much taken with these vanities? Do not the visions of God veil the tempting splendour of the creature? Is it not dishonourable to God, and a justification of the way of the world, for me, who profess myself a Christian, to be as eager after riches as other men? If

had no Father in heaven, nor proImise in the world, it were another matter. Let me henceforth learn to measure and estimate my condition, rather by its usefulness to God, than its content and ease to my flesh.Flavel.

"Rend your hearts."-JOEL ii. 13.

Our mouth as in the dust we lay,
And still for mercy, mercy, pray:
Unworthy to behold thy face,
Unfaithful stewards of thy grace,
Our sin and wickedness we own,
And deeply for acceptance groan.

A broken and a contrite heart is a sacrifice Christ will not despise. You must sow in tears, if you would reap in joy; for a wet seed-time doth prognosticate a sun-shiny and plentiful harvest. It was of water that Christ made the choicest wine at the marriage-feast in Cana of Galilee; so the water of true repentance will produce the choicest wine of consolation in the sacrament. When Joseph's brethren came to be sensible of their sin in selling him, then it was, and not till then, that he made them a feast and kindly entertained

them at his table: so, till such time as we be sensible of our sins, and repent for piercing our Redeemer, he will not feast us, nor smile upon us.-Willison.

"Be not weary nor faint in your minds."-HEB. xii. 3.

As when the weary traveller gains The height of some o'erlooking hill, His heart revives, if 'cross the plains He eyes his home, though distant still.

A traveller, after a long journey, when he is weary and faint, and sits down, if he sees the town before him, it puts life into him, and he plucks up his feet, and resolves not to be weary till he be at his journey's end. O look at the crown and white robe set before you, and faint if you can; get on the top of Mount Nebo-look on the land of promise-those good things set before you; taste the grapes of Canaan before you come to Canaan.-Nalton.

"It is good for me to draw near to God."-Ps. lxxiii. 21.

Stedfast let us cleave to thee-
Love, the mystic union be;
Union to the world unknown-
Joined to God-in spirit one:
Wait we till the Spouse shall come-
Till the Lamb shall take us home.

O beloved! let wicked men fall out with us, and hate us, and reproach us as much as they will-they cannot hurt us, if we keep in with God; therefore, my beloved, above all things get communion with God, and keep communion with God. Communion with God will yield you two heavens-a heaven upon earth, and a heaven after death. All saints shall enjoy a heaven when they leave the earth; some saints enjoy a heaven while they are on the earth. He enjoys nothing that wants communion with God.-Dyer.



No. 333.

JUNE, 1846.

VOL. 28.


A YOUNG lady being overtaken in a shower, thankfully accepted old Sally's invitation, as she passed her cottage door, to "walk in till the rain was over."

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It is not easy to imagine a more humble dwelling than old Sally's. These only one small room, and little more in the way of furniture than an old bed and two old chairs, one of which served for a table. The window was too small to admit suffi. cient light or air. "Oh how I pity you!" said the young lady; how miserable you must be here!” "Miserable!" rejoined old Sally, with a smile, "I am as happy as the day is long-I have every thing I want." 'But you have no one to speak to," said Miss ; "how can you be happy here all alone?" "O miss," replied Sally, "I don't want for company. I am not alone. I have the best companion to cheer me: I enjoy sweet communion with my Saviour, and find he is a Friend that sticketh closer than a brother.' He is better to me than any earthly friend, and supplies me with all I need, either for soul or body." "Well, Sally," said the young lady, "I only wish I was as happy as you are. I have plenty of friends, and every thing I could desire. My dear parents never refuse me any thing, and yet I am miserable." "Forgive me, miss," said Sally, "if I tell you that no earthly thing can make us happy. This world, and all that is in it, will soon pass away-but our souls will live for ever-and therefore we need something more than this world can give to make us happy. It is God alone who can satisfy us, and in his word he invites us to go to him, and he will give rest unto our souls. It is the love of God in the heart that gives real happiness. May I ask if you read your Bible?" The Bible!" replied the young lady, hastily; "oh, don't talk of that; I have often been told if I read the Bible I should be happy, and I have tried till I am tired, and it does me no good at all, and I am determined never to look at it again.' "Stop, miss," said Sally, earnestly; "don't say so, I entreat you. You have not set about reading it the right way, or I am sure you would find comfort from it. A little child may be able to


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