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The Prince Regent's Speech.—Addresses thereon and Debates.-Thanks to Lord Minto-State of the King's Health.-Debate on Colonel M' Mahon's Appointment of Paymaster of Widow's Pensions-Distillery



HE session of parliament was tions with the enemy. The suron a French the Prince Regent's Speech, delivered by commission: it was to the following effect :-Commencing with the expression of deep concern for his Majesty's continued indisposition, respecting which the reports of the Queen's council were to be laid before the two houses, it particularly adverted to their indispensable duty of continuing to preserve for his Majesty the facility of resuming his royal authority in the event of his recovery. The success of the measures for the defence and security of Portugal were next touched upon, with the -reputation acquired by the British and Portuguese troops in their acVOL. LIV.

dura, by Lieut.-Gen. Hill, was mentioned with commendation; from which a transition was made to the general merits of Lord Wellington in the direction of the campaign; and the spirit shewn by the Spanish nation in their peculiar system of warfare, the extension of which was placed in balance against the success of the enemy in some quarters. This part of the subject concluded with the Regent's confident hope that parliament would enable his Majesty to continue the most effectual aid for supporting the contest in the Peninsula. The speech then took notice of the success of the British [B]


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