The Annual Register, Tập 234Longmans, 1965 |
Từ bên trong sách
Kết quả 1-3 trong 94
Trang 343
... National Assembly unanimously approved a new constitution . The new text reaffirmed the commitment to economic reform but also reiterated the leading political role of the Communist Party of Vietnam . It also specified that a president ...
... National Assembly unanimously approved a new constitution . The new text reaffirmed the commitment to economic reform but also reiterated the leading political role of the Communist Party of Vietnam . It also specified that a president ...
Trang 371
... national political level . The High Court ruled that attempts to limit political advertising during elections were unconstitutional , thus implying in a novel departure that an element of civil rights was protected by the constitution ...
... national political level . The High Court ruled that attempts to limit political advertising during elections were unconstitutional , thus implying in a novel departure that an element of civil rights was protected by the constitution ...
Trang 551
... national development policies and priorities and on the basis of environmentally sound national guidelines . In the formulation of such guidelines , account should be taken , as appropriate and if applicable , of relevant ...
... national development policies and priorities and on the basis of environmentally sound national guidelines . In the formulation of such guidelines , account should be taken , as appropriate and if applicable , of relevant ...
Nội dung
ROMANIA Gabriel Partos Senior Talks Writer BBC World | 8 |
Relative Quiet on the Home Front | 13 |
Bản quyền | |
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agreed agreement announced April Arab Arab League AREA Assembly August Bank Britain British budget Bush cabinet CAPITAL cent CFA franc claimed coalition Community conference constitution continued cooperation countries criticism Croatia CURRENCY Cwth December defence Democratic deputy despite economic elections electoral English POLITICAL SYSTEM European favour February federal Fianna Fáil finance forces foreign affairs former GNP PER CAPITA HEAD OF GOVERNMENT held increase independence industry INTERNATIONAL ALIGNMENT Iran Islamic issue January July June justice Labour leader Liberal Maastricht Maastricht treaty MAIN EXPORT EARNERS major March membership military million National negotiations November October OFFICIAL LANGUAGE opposition parliament parliamentary democracy parliamentary democracy HEAD peace-keeping People's polls premier President Prime Minister PRINCIPAL MINISTERS programme referendum reform republics resigned RULING PARTY Russian seats Security Council September Serbia social Somalia South Soviet sq km POPULATION summit tourism trade treaty Union UNPROFOR vote Yugoslavia