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"And there was a certain priest which came by,-he did'nt mind; he passed by the other side; and-and, then Eli came, and he looked upon him—and then the good Samaritan came, and he got off his horse, and picked him up, and put wine and oil on him."

A pause.

Father. "Who did he put the wine and oil on ?" "Oh-on that poor man."

"On what poor man?"

"Oh, on that poor man which fell among the thieves." "You did not tell me about any poor man who fell among thieves; begin at the beginning and tell me all about him." "Well, once there was a man, he was going to Jelusalem,Jelusalem-to Jericho,-I can't say Jelusalem very well." "Well, no matter; go on."

"And the naughty thieves caught him and stripped him of his raiment. That's all I know."

[blocks in formation]

"Suppose you should go and pull off your little brother's cap and run away with it? would it be right or wrong?"

"Oh, it would be wrong."

"Well suppose your little brother should fall down and hurt him, and while he was lying there, you should go and help him up, should you be like the priest?"

"Oh no, no, I should be like the good Samaritan."

Children will be very ready to make a practical application of the lessons they thus learn. Some guidance and assistance on the part of the parent may be necessary, but with this the child will himself do much to bring the lessons of the Bible to his own conscience. It will be perhaps in some simple way like the following.

A mother read and explained to her little child, less than three years old, the story of Cain and Abel, and described the punishment inflicted on Cain in consequence of his sin. The story made evidently a deep impression.

Two days afterwards the following conversation occured.
"Mother will you tell me the story about Cain ?"

"I have told you once, and now I should like you would tell me all you can remember."

"Was Cain wicked?"


"So he was, because he hurt his brother. brother?"

Must I hurt my

"No, you must be kind to him, and help him up when he falls, and play gently with him."

"Mother I pushed.my little brother down and struck him; didn't I? What will God do to me? Will he drive me away off-will he ?"

"God is displeased with you when you are naughty, and wishes your father and mother to punish you."

"Well I shan't hurt him any more.

me and take care of me."

Then God will love

A child after such a dialogue will seldom repeat the fault of unkindness to his younger brother, and when he does, will be very likely either at the time, or soon after, to allude to the story of Cain and Abel, and God's displeasure at the wickedness of the former, in such a way as to show that his conscience feels the reproof which that narrative conveys.

I have now mentioned three distinct modes in which the parent should go over the passages of scripture taught to the child,-reading and explaining it, asking questions,—and requesting the child to repeat it in his own language. There

is one other to be added, requiring him to commit it to memory. This must be done by repeatedly reading it to him, as at this age, he cannot read himself. The four modes then of studying the passage stand thus.

1. The child hears it read, explained, and illustrated; and asks as many questions as he pleases.

2. He is questioned upon the passage by the parent.

3. He repeats it in his own language.

4. He commits the narrative to memory, in the language of scripture.

So far as this course is faithfully pursued, the Bible is studied thoroughly. Its truths must reach the understanding, the conscience, and the heart. We shall continue this subject in a future number.



Should any father or mother be induced to try the plan described in the following letter, we should be happy to receive an account of the result, as suggested by the writer. The plan seems to be admirably adapted to accomplish its object. It consists simply in so connecting the exercises of family worship, with those of the Sabbath School, as to increase the interest of both. We should think the effect would be as striking and as favorable, in its influences upon the morning and evening devotions at home, as upon the preparation of the lesson for school.

To the Editors of the Religious Magazine.

If there is any subject of a practical religious character, deeply interesting to the friends of the Redeemer, it is the condition of our Sunday Schools. Parents are, especially, called upon to afford them their cordial and unremitting support, and by their efforts at home, so far as such efforts can be made consistently with other duties, to co-operate with the teachers in the exertions they make at school.

There are, probably, many parents who estimate this subject as they ought, and yet, from the peculiar circumstances of their family, find it difficult, often, to visit the Sunday School;while others feel, that the amount of good is but small, that will arise from their mere presence in the school-room, and their looking on the classes, or hearing the recitations, and beyond this, they scarcely know what to do.

There is one way for such parents to show to their children the interest which they feel in this subject, entirely free from these difficulties, and indeed, so far as I can see, from all possible objections or excuses. If pursued, for a little while, it cannot fail to lead the parent the better to appreciate the inestimable value of Sunday Schools, and to adopt other modes of co operating with the teachers in the discharge of their very arduous duties.

I have known the mode to which I refer successfully practised in one family, and attended with the most beneficial results, and I will state it for the benefit of your readers.

The father, at the family devotions on Monday morning, inquires of one of the children where the Sunday School lesson is, for the ensuing Sabbath. He reads it, as the portion of

scripture for the morning; and makes occasional illustrations of the meaning, as he goes along, with simple, practical remarks, adapted to the capacity and circumstances of the children, and other members of the family. He also states the topics of inquiry to be pursued, and the difficulties to be solved, in the study of the lesson during the week.

During the week, a female in the family, (the mother, if practicable, or private teacher, or elder brother or sister should attend to it,) guides the inquiries of the children, directs them to the examination of suitable books, and, if necessary, gives them explanations and illustrations of the passage. The father, too, prepares himself on the lesson ;-and, in what more profitable way can he spend a few hours weekly, in deriving instruction from the oracles of Truth?

On Saturday, or Sunday morning, he reads this passage again, at the devotions of the family; and both while reading and at the conclusion asks questions of the children, to see whether they have been faithful in attending to it; answers inquiries which they may propose; and makes such further illustrations and practical remarks as his study of the lesson, and reflections on it, during the week, may have suggested.

At meals, too, during the week, he often brings up, for familiar and pleasant conversation, some of the topics of the lesson, not in a formal and solemn manner, but so as to let his children see that the Bible can afford as agreeable and instructive subjects to talk about, as the other numerous, frivolous and useless ones which so often go to make up the intercourse of the domestic circle.

I should rejoice, Mr. Editor, to have your readers make trial of the above simple mode of letting the children, and indeed the whole family, see practically the interest that the parent takes in the Sunday School, and of thus increasing the interest which they ought to take in it, and affording a very powerful auxiliary to the efforts of the teachers. And if parents would give you the results of the experiment, I am persuaded it would furnish some very useful matter for the Magazine.



The following interesting incident is narrated in a small work giving the history of the Moravian missions in Labrador, which, together with some other similar works, is soon to be published in New York, forming a sort of

series succeeding the journal of Gutzlaff. It presents a picture of missionary trial and danger, which may perhaps be interesting at the monthly concert. If the church at home could distinctly see the trials and sufferings borne by her servants in the field of missionary labor abroad, they would need no other appeals to induce them to afford most efficient support.

The missionaries left Nain on March 11th, 1782, early in the morning, with very clear weather, the stars shining with uncommon lustre. The sledge drawn by dogs in which the Brethren travelled, was driven by the haptized Esquimaux, Mark, and another sledge carrying some heathen Esquimaux joined company.

The two sledges contained five men, one woman, and a child. All were in good spirits, and appearances being much in their favor, they hoped to reach Okkak in safety, in two or three days. The track over the frozen sea was in the best possible order, and they went with ease at the rate of six or seven miles an hour. After they had passed the islands in the bay of Nain, they kept at a considerable distance from the coast, both to gain the smoothest part of the ice, and to weather the high rocky promontory of Kiglapeit. About eight o'clock, they met a sledge with Esquimaux, turning in from the sea. After the usual salutations, the Esquimaux alighting, held some conversation as is their general practice; the result of which was, that some hints were thrown out by the strange Esquimaux, that it might be as well to return. However, as the missionaries saw no reason whatever for it, and only suspected that the Esquimaux wished to enjoy the company of their friends a little longer, they proceeded. After some time, their own Esquimaux hinted that there was a ground-swell under the ice. It was then hardly perceptible, except on lying down and applying the ear close to the ice, when a hollow disagreeably grating and moaning sound was heard as if ascending from the abyss. The weather remained clear, except towards the east, where a bank of light clouds appeared interspersed with some dark streaks. But the wind being strong from the northwest, nothing less than a sudden change of weather was expected.

The sun had now reached its height, and there was as yet little or no alteration in the sky. But the motion of the sca under the ice had grown more perceptible so as rather to alarm the travellers, and they began to think it prudent to keep closer to the shore. The ice had cracks and large fissures in many places, some of which had chasms of one or two feet wide; but as they are not uncommon even in its best state, and the dogs

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