Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, Tập 38,Trang 1487-1980Chemical Society., 1993 |
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85 trang phù hợp với 1993 by Zhurnal trong sách này
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Kết quả 1-3 trong 85
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Vol 38 No 10 | 1487 |
Synthesis of Dithiocarbamate Complexes Containing the Cluster Fragment MoSS₂4+ | 1492 |
Interaction of Sodium Cyclotriphosphate with Metallic Aluminum | 1499 |
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1993 by Interperiodica 1993 by Zhurnal absorption bands acid Acta Akad aluminum analysis anion atoms bismuth blues bond length calculated cations Cd(II Chem chemical chromium(III cm-¹ CMCs complexes composition concentration COORDINATION COMPOUNDS copper(II crystal curves decomposition decrease dodecahedron English Translation Copyright enthalpy eutectic experimental films force constants formation frequencies H₂O heating hydride increase Inorg interaction ions Khim kJ/mol Kondratov ligands metal method mixture mol/l molecules molybdenum(VI Moscow Nauk SSSR Neorg Ni(II nitrate nitrogen obtained octahedral octahedron Original Russian Edition oxide oxygen atoms parameters phase physicochemical platinum platinum(II plexes Porotnikov powder precipitate properties Raman rare-earth ratio reaction rhodium Russian Edition Copyright samples solid solutions solubility space group spectra spectrum structure studied sulfides synthesis Table temperature ternary tetraphosphorus thermal Thermodynamic thermolysis tion values vapor vibrations X-ray diffraction yttrium Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii Zn(II ZnBr₂