The History of Modern Europe: With an Account of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: and a View of the Progress of Society, from the Rise of the Modern Kingdoms to the Peace of Paris, in 1763, Tập 4

B́a trước
William Young Birch and Abraham Small, 1802

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Trang 138 - Wells; Turner, of Ely; Lake, of Chichester; White, of Peterborough ; and...
Trang 390 - Her death took place on the morning of the 1st of August, 1714, in the fiftieth year of her age, and the thirteenth of her reign.
Trang 4 - England, in discipline, ceremony, and government, and shall ever constantly maintain it : so as for what concerns the penalties upon those who, living peaceably, do not conform themselves thereunto, through scruple and tenderness of misguided conscience, but modestly and without scandal perform their devotions in their own way...
Trang 127 - His numbers had now increased to six thousand; and he was obliged every day, for want of arms, to dismiss a great many who crowded to his standard. He entered Bridgewater, Wells, Frome...
Trang 224 - They have published such tenets concerning the duty of opposing princes who were enemies of the Catholic faith, as countenanced the most atrocious crimes and tended to dissolve all the ties which connect subjects with their rulers. As the order derived both reputation and authority from the zeal with which it stood forth in defence of the Romish Church against the attacks of the Reformers, its members, proud of this distinction, have considered it as their peculiar function to combat the opinions...
Trang 333 - Spanish admiral, took of setting fire to the ships, in order to prevent their falling into the hands of the enemy. It was computed that the loss which the Spaniards sustained in this enterprise amounted to twenty millions of ducats...
Trang 149 - ... Cheshire, the earl of Danby seized York, the earl of Bath, governor of Plymouth, declared for the prince, the earl of Devonshire made a like declaration in Derby. The nobility and gentry of...
Trang 219 - Roman catholics, as their system rested on the decisions of an infallible judge, never doubted that truth was on their side, and openly called on the civil power to repel the impious and heretical innovators who had risen up against it. The protestants, no less confident that their doctrine was well founded, required, with equal ardour, the princes of their party to check such as presumed to impugn it.
Trang 238 - Oh ! how I long my careless limbs to lay Under the plantain's shade, and all the day With amorous airs my fancy entertain, Invoke the Muses, and improve my vein!

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