Hình ảnh trang
[blocks in formation]

Beer Bill, [104]

Becard, Jos., prize awarded to, for his
virtuous conduct, 112
Beckett, archbishop, painting discover-
ed representing his murder, 118
Begu and Lafforçade, trial of, for
murder, 98

Belzoni, G., death of, 211
Bettera, count de, committed to prison
for violence towards prince Ester-
hazy, 27

Bills in the House of Commons, form
of engrossing, 66*

of mortality, table of, 250
Bingley, rev. W., death of, 192
Birmingham, nest of coiners discover-
ed at, 90

Bloomfield, the poet, death of, 202
Blucher, count, wounds an actor, 146
Bolivar, pension to, [247]; placed at
the head of affairs, in Peru, [250];
letter to Aguera, [251]; note
Bond, rt. hon. Nath. death of, 209
Bordwine, Mr., instrument for finding
the latitude, 308*

Bourdeaux, case of the vicar of St.
Eloi, and M. Barthes, 115
Boursier, Madame, trial of, for the
murder of her husband, [166] 19"
Bowring, Mr., motion in parliament,
respecting his imprisonment, [139]
Brazil: separation from Portugal,
[217]; commercial regulations indi-
cative of a hostile spirit, [ib.]; politi-
cal dissensions, [18]; meeting of
the congress, [ib.]; emperor's speech,
[219]; change of ministry, [220] ;
emperor's proclamation, [ib.] note:
violent proceedings of the congress,
[222]; congress dissolved by mili-
tary force, [223]; another change of
ministry, [224]; emperor's procla-

mation, respecting a new constitu-
tion, [ib.]; murder of the Portugues
at Para, [226]; horrible destruction
of some of the rioters, [227]; note.
military operations at Bahia, [228];
San Salvador evacuated by the
Portuguese, [229]; lord Cochrane's
operations by sea, [ib.]; Monte Video
surrenders to the Brazilians, [230];
Portuguese commissioners not
lowed to treat, [ib.]; Finances, []
emperor's manifesto, after dissolving
congress, 169*; project of the c
stitution, 172*; the legislative
power, 173; the executive ditta,
176*; of the succession, &c. li
of the ministry, 178*; of the
tary force, 179*; of the judicial
power, ib.: administration of the
provinces, 180; civil and political
rights of the people, ib.
Brewster, Dr., fluid discovered by, in
minerals, 297*; experiments for
forming artificial haloes round the
sun, &c. ib.
Bridgewater, earl of, death of, 209
Brougham, Mr., speech on the attars
of Spain, [8]; unsuccessful reply to
Mr. Canning's vindication of the po
licy of Great Britain towards Spain,
[45]; motion relative to the admi
nistration of justice in Ireland, (65)
invective against Mr. Canning. [76]
Brownlow, Mr., motions by, respecting
the riot at the Dublin theatre. [52
Budget, [113]; French, [157]
Buckinghamshire, Van Dieman's
Land, 77*


Buenos Ayres, prosperity under Riva.
divia, [253]; preliminary
tion with Spain, [ib.], 196; mis
derstanding between the govern
ment and capt. Willis, ib.
Burdett, sir F., speech on the Spanish
affairs, [31]; motion for inquiry
into the conduct of the sheriff of
Dublin, [56]

Byron, lord, letter frou, to the Gree
committee, 63

[ocr errors][merged small]

liament, [16]; explains the conduct
pursued by ministers respecting
Spain, [18]; justifies the neutrality
of England, in the war between
France and Spain, [25]; his speech
vindicating the conduct of the
ministry respecting the affairs of
Spain, [37]; his defence on being
charged with defection from the
cause of Catholic Emancipation,
[75]; gives a denial to the imputa-
tions cast against him by Mr.
Brougham, [76]; refuses to ac-
knowledge the regency of Madrid,
[145]; his popularity; and his
speech at Plymouth, [146]; his let-
ter of resignation to his constituents
at Liverpool, 9; takes his seat in
parliament, 16; visit to Plymouth,
151; correspondence with the duke
of Wellington, relative to the affairs
of France and Spain, 97*; letter to,
from visc. Chateaubriand, 110*;
letter to sir C. Stuart, 113*; to sir
W. A'Court, 115*; from ditto 116*;
to ditto 118; from ditto 119*; to
ditto ib.; from sir C. Stuart, 129; to
ditto, ib.; to sir W. A'Court, 132*;
from lord Fitzroy Somerset, ib.; from
sir C. Stuart, 134*; from sir W.
A'Court, 135*; ditto ditto, 136*;
from sir C. Stuart, 137; from sir W.
A'Court, ib.: ditto ditto ib.; from sir
C. Stuart, 138; from sir W.
A'Court, ib., ditto ditto 139*; to sir
C. Stuart 140*

Cape of Good Hope, condition of the
new settlements at, [138]
Carascosa, gen. his duel with gen.
Pepe, 25

Cardinals, new creation of, at Rome,

Cardon, M., editor of the Journal du

Commerce, indicted, 34; sentenced
to imprisonment and fine, 38
Castaing, trial of, for the murder of
Hippolyte Ballet, [165] ; 1*
Caterpillars on fruit trees, destruction

of, 302*; ditto, by sparrows, 303*
Catholic Question, the, [73]; bills for
conferring the elective franchise on
English Catholics, [80]; lord Col-
chester's motion, [81]

Chancery, meeting of solicitors, re-
specting the business of, 19; in
creased business in the court of, 63
Chancery records, 319*

- Chateaubriand, M., letter to Mr. Can-
ning, on the relations between Spain
and France, 110*
Chemistry, 297*

Cherbourg, selected by Dumouriez as
a naval port, 239*
Chili: discontent at O'Higgins' ad.
ministration, [252]; he and Rodri-
guez resign, [ib.]; Freyre appointed
director, [253]; earthquake, 295*
Chickens, hatched by steam, 310*
China, intelligence from, 44; singular
advertisement, 154; affray between
the crew of the Topaze and the
natives, 146

Christian, E., death of, 194
Chronometers, effect of magnetism
on, 299*

Churches, new, 323*

Circuit, correspondence relative to a
barrister's right of changing his cir-
cuit, 49

Cobbett, address moved by, at Nor
wich, [2]

Cochrane, lord, takes several of the
Portuguese fleet, [229]

Coiners, fraudulent, discovered at
Birmingham, 90

[ocr errors]

Coke, Mr., and lady Anne, Mr. Hum.
phrey's pamphlet, against, 129
Cologne, murder at, 131
Columbia: Santa Martha, taken by
the Spaniards, [244]; defeated from
the Spanish fleet, [ib.]; capture of
Maracaybo, and Porto Cabello by
the Columbians, [245]; insurrection
at Pasto, [ib.]:Session of congress,and
decree relative to the loan, [246];
pension to Bolivar, [247]; schools,
[ib.]; alliance with Chili and Peru,
[ib.];message of the executive power,
at opening the first constitutional
congress, 198*; Spain refuses to ac-
knowledge its independence, ib.; ac-
knowledged by the United States,
199*; mission to Lisbon and Rome,
200*; hopes of prosperity, and
spread of information, 201*; treaty
with Peru, 204*

Congress at Verona, [19]; see Verona
Connolly, Mr., taken into custody for
shooting J. Grainge, 165
Constant, B., fined, 18
Convicts, report on, 43

Cooke, lieut., correspondence between
commodore Porter, and the com-
mandant of Porto Rico, relative to
his death, 53

Copper-mine River, 256*
Copper mountains, 261

Corn, motion for a reduction of its
import price, [97]

Coroner's inquest, on T. H. Griffiths,
and his son, Abel Griffiths, 77
Correspondence, diplomatic, relative

to the affairs of France and Spain,


Cotton, sir R. account of, 320*
Cottonian manuscripts, ib.
Covent Garden Theatre; Julian, a
tragedy, 34; Spanish subscription
fancy Ball, 85

Courier François, Legraiveux, the
editor, imprisoned and fined, 39
Courts: Admiralty; case of the Dun-
dee, 32.

Chancery; Gill v. Gill, de lunatico
inquirendo, 101
Common Pleas; Thurtell, v. Beau-
mont, recovery of value of pro-
perty insured, 82
Common Pleas, Dublin; Cuthbert,
v. Browne, deception in marriage,

Crabb, rev. G., Hope and Memory,
poem by, 331*

Delegates; Miller v. Bloomfield, &c.
liability of stock in trade to
church-rates, 76; Seager v. Bonde;
right of erecting a monument in a
church without the consent of the
ordinary, 77

House of Lords; Reid v. Reid,
Scotch marriage, 29*
King's Bench; intimation to the
bar, Mr. Selwyn, 14; the King,
v. Wright, blasphemous libel, 18;
O'Meara, libels on sir H. Lowe,
19; Novello, v. Towgood, 53;
Macpherson, v. Lovie, breach of
promise of marriage, 12; the King,
v. Bigley, Edmonton fair, 86;
Savoy v. Price, infringement of
patent Seidlitz powders, 156
Guildhall; Shaw v. Williams, se-
duction, 40*

Dublin; Forbes, &c. for outrage on
the lord lieutenant, 21*
Palace Court; Oates v. Burgoyne,
trespass, 143

Of Session, Scotland; Macgregor v.
M'Neil, or Jolly, declarator of
marriage, 10; case of law of mar-
riage, 149

Court-Martial; lieut. Hamilton of the
Topaze, firing on some Chinese,
Crawford, Mr., his mission to Siam,


Crees, an Indian tribe, 253*
-see Mackintosh.

Criminal code,-s
Cuba, piracies at, [20]; repressed by
the United States, 188*.
Curwood, Mr., correspondence with
Mr. Jervis, relative to his changing
his.circuit, 49

Currency, motion on, [100]

Davison, secretary, account of the
transactions connected with the
execution of Mary Queen of Scots,

D'Enghien, Duc, account of his death,

Dead bodies, how long recognizable,


Death, sudden, extraordinary case of

Deccan prize case, 16
Demerara, insurrection of the slave
at, [134]; general Murray, the g
vernor, fired at, [135]
Denmark: privateers not allowed to
enter the Danish ports, [171]; the
nobles complain of being deprived
of their political privileges, [172]
Digestion, experiments on, 285"
Diorama, 309*

Disturbances: a police-officer and
proctor killed, at Castlehaven, Ire
land, 85; Musselburgh races, 97;
by the prisoners in the court at
Manchester sessions, 140
Dixon, captain, robbed by banditti at
Faenza, 48

Dobereiner, experiments on vegeta-
tion by, 301*

Downe, Sarah, murdered by John
Radford, 95

Dublin: parliamentary inquiry into

the conduct of the sheriff relative
to the trial of Forbes, &c. [56];
spiracy against the lord lieutenant,
3; remonstrance of the grand jury
on the attorney-general animed-
verting on the bills being ignored by
them, 6; claims of the Catholics to
pray over their dead in Protestant

church-yards, 116; trial of Forbes,
&c. for an outrage on the lord-lieut


Duel between generals Pepe and Ca

rascosa, 25

Duelling, American, 68

Dumouriez, general, memoir of, 239
Dundee and Princess Charlotte, ves
sels, case of, 32*

Dynamometer, Regnier's, 289
Earthquake in Chili, 295*
East, G., executed for rape, 8


Edmonton fair, declared illegality of,
Education of the poor, in Ireland, re
turns to Parliament on, 56*; state
of, in Portugal, 328*

Eldon, lord, his character as a lawyer,


Elephant, narrow escape from, by
captain Gambier and Mr. Hay, at
Ceylon, 136

Elizabeth, queen, secretary Davison's
interview with, for her signing the
warrant for the execution of Mary
queen of Scots, 244*
Ellenborough, lord, motion respect-
ing the conduct of ministers, [27]
Engrossing of bills in the House of
Commons, form of, 66*; engrossing
hand the best for the purpose, 67*
Erskine, lord, memoir of, 212*; his
defence of captain Baillie, 213*; of
lord G. Gordon, 215; character as
a parliamentary orator, 217; cre-
ated lord chancellor, 218*
Esquimaux, 261*, 272*; their snow-
houses, 273*; superstitions, 274*
Excise revenue, improvement in,

Executions: Robert Hartley for stab-
bing captain Owen, 2; Giles East,
rape, 8; John Radford, murder, 95;
Pallet, for murder of Mr. Mumford,

Fanaticism, horrible instance of, in
Switzerland, 41.

Female convict, disguised as a man,
132; preacher, 69.

Ferguson, lieut., killed in duel by
captain Roche, 1773, 224*
Finances Brazilian, [230]; Russian,
153; of the United States, [240],
186; table of ditto, 195

Fires the new theatre at Munich, 8;
church of S. Paolo fuor delle Mura,
Rome, 89; at the settlement of the
Moravian brethren at Sarepta, 107;
at Liverpool, 136

Fish, very large one at Montreal, 123;
sugar used in preserving, 302*
Forbes, Graham, Brownlow, &c. mo-
tions and proceedings in parliament
connected with their trial, [52],
[56]; trial of at Dublin, for an out-
rage on the lord lieutenant, 21*
Foreign stock exchange, 1
Forests, royal, 256

sador leaves Madrid, [151]; Talley.
rand's speech in favour of peace, [ib.];
debate in the Chamber of Deputies
on war with Spain, [154]; the ad-
dress, [155]; Budget, [157]; provi.
sion for expenses, &c. for 1824, [158];
discussion on the policy of the Spa-
nish war, [b.]; Chateaubriand's de-
fence of the ministerial policy, [159];
proceedings against Manuel, [160];
disturbances excited by his expul-
sion from the chamber, [162]; tu-
mults at Lyons, [163]; addresses
against the war, [ib.]; war announced,
[ib.]; triumphal return of the duke of
Angoulême, [164]; communication
with England respecting South
America, [ib.]; dismissal of the
duke of Belluno, [165]; remarka-
ble trials, [ib.]; maintenance of the
clergy, [167]; English artisans,
[168]; the duke of Angoulême's
proclamation to the Spanish nation,
[189], 158*; commencement of the
campaign in Spain,[189]; see Spain;
contraband slave trade, 81*; France
not sincere in her professed desire
for the suppression of slavery,
86; diplomatic correspondence re-
lative to France and Spain, 93*;
danger to France from a revolu-
tion in Spain, 112; neutrality
adopted by England respecting
France and Spain, 141: no hostile
views towards Portugal, 147*; king's
speech, Jan. 28th, 149*

Franklin, captain, journey to the Polar
Sea, 251; Crees, 253*; Chepey-
wans, 254*; musquitoes, 255*;
Copper-mine river, 256*; winter
preparations, 257*; intense cold,
258*; snow-houses, ib.; winter oc-
cupations, 259*; wolves, 261*;
copper mountains, ib.; excessive
privations, 264*, and horrible suf-
ferings of the party, 266*; Dr.
Richardson's narrative, 267*; Mr.
Hood assassinated by an Iroquois,

Franks family, murder of, in Ireland,

against, [179]

Russian ordinances

French marriages, 1; loan, 88; news-
papers, 90; manufactures, 119
Fruit, maturation of, 305*

France: Mr. Canning's statement of
the policy pursued by Great Bri-
tain towards France, [23]; pretend-
ed violation of the neutrality of the
French soil by Spanish troops, [148];
elevation of Villèle to the ministry,
[149]; speech at the opening the
Chambers, [ib.]; the French ambas- Gaming houses, 19

Fruit-trees, caterpillars destroyed on,

Gas, coal, expansive force of, 299*
Gas-lighting, extent of, in London, 59
Georges, mademoiselle, French actress,

Germany discussion on the military
establishment of Baden, [172]; re-
gulations respecting Jews, at Wei-
mar, [173]; alarm of a conspiracy
at Hesse Cassel, [ib.]; suppression of
the German Observer,' at Wir-
temberg, [175]; that state refuses
to sanction the proceedings at Ve-
rona, [176]; restrictions on the
press, in Bavaria, [177]
Ghost at Abbervillers, 104
Gilchrist, Octavius, death of, 199
Gill v. Gill, case of, de lunatico in-
quirendo, 101

Glenbervie, lord, death of, 197
Gooch, Mary, extraordinary suicide
of, 60

Gooseberries, different species of, 304*
Granholm, capt. steals Swedenborg's
scull, 43

Grant, Chas., memoir of, 224; his zeal
for the promotion of religious wor-
ship in India, 225; elected a direc-
tor of the East India Company,
226; disapproves of lord Welles-
ley's administration, 228; defends
sir G. Barlow's administration,
232*; urges the policy of enlighten-
ing and civilizing India, 234*
Grants of land in New South Wales,
and Van Dieman's Land, 78*
Graves, col., tried in Virginia, for
duelling, 68

Grecian (cutter) captures La Gata, a
pirate vessel, 43

Greece: war with Turkey, [233];
naval operations, [235]; incursions
on the coast of Asia Minor, [ib.];
massacre of the Greek population at
Pergamo, [ib.]; want of artillery and
stores, 64; favourable wishes of the
United States, 192*

Greek committee, lord Byron's letter
to, 63

Griffiths, Abel, shoots his father, and
himself, 77

Guebhard, M., his letter to the editor

proved to have been innocent, by
the confession of the murderer, 110
Haydon, Mr., petition respecting his-
torical painting, 329*
Hayti, [254]

Heralds' college, state of the build.
ings, 322*

Hesse Cassel,-see Germany
Hislop, sir T., commander-in-chief of
the Deccan army, his claims to
prizes allowed, 17

Hohenlohe, prince, cure of a nun st
the convent of New Hall, by, 26,
and of Adelaide Veysre, at Tou
louse, 29; other miracles by, 70;
cures a nun at Ranelagh convent,


Holland, see Netherlands
Holy alliance, demands the expulsion
of refugees from Switzerland, [173]
Home, sir E., experiments on the

auricular organs, 289*

Hood, Mr. (Captain Franklin's com
panion), assassinated, 268*
Hope and Memory, poem by rev
G. Crabb, 331*
Horrocks, Mr., attempted assassina.
tion of, 101
Horticulture, 304*

House of Commons, votes during the
last session, 15
Hume, Mr., motion against the Irish
church establishment, [69]; ditto
respecting the vice-regal offices of
the lord lieutenant, [70]
Hunt, Joseph, his confession relative
to Weare's murder, 141.-See also


Hutton, Dr. C. death of, 189
Hydrophobia, efficacy of injecting
warm water into a vein, in curing,
135; case of, 281*

Jamaica: resolutions voted by the
house of assembly, in consequence
of the proceedings in the British
parliament respecting the slave.
trade, [132]

Jenner, Dr., death of, 188
Jew, extraordinary knavery of one, al
Warsaw, 66

of the Journal du Commerce, on his Jews, regulations respecting, at Wei-

loan with the Spanish government,

[blocks in formation]

mar, [173]

Ice, life-preserver, 309*
Indians, Northern, superstition of,


Indies, East, the late Mr. Grant's op
position to lord Wellesley's mea
sures, 228; revenue and jurispru
dence, 230 institution of the col

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