Hình ảnh trang

tried at Demerara, for conspiring
with the revolted slaves, [137]; his
death, [ib.]

Somerset, lord Fitzroy, sent with
a confidential communication to
Spain, [23], 118*; duke of Wel-
lington's memorandum to, 116* ; let-
ter to Mr. Canning, 132*
Snow-houses, 258*, 273*
Somnambulism, extraordinary case of,

South Polar ocean, discoveries in, 291*
Spain: Mr. Brougham's speech on the
interference of the continental So-
vereigns, [8]; discussions in par-
liament respecting Spain, [15]; re-
peal of the prohibition of the ex-
portation of arms thither, [17]; di-
plomatic papers relative to France
and Spain, laid before parliament,
[18]; debate on the Spanish nego-
tiations, [28]; state of feeling in
England, towards Spain, [47]; de-
bates in the French chamber rela-
tive to war with, [151]; proceedings
of the Cortes respecting the coni-
munication from the Holy Alliance,
[181]; the king's reply to the ad-
dress of the Cortes, [182]; proceed-
ings of the Cortes after the com
munication of the king of France's
speech, [183]; close of the extraor-
dinary Cortes, [ib.]; operations of
Mina, [184]; Bessieres and Ulman
march on Madrid, [ib.]; but retreat,
[185]; Ulman enters Valencia, [ib.] ;
the king refuses to transfer the
government from Madrid, [ib. ;]
changes in the ministry, [186]; open
ing of the Cortes, [187]; removal of
the king and Cortes to Seville, [188];
military preparations, [ib.]; com-
mencement of the campaign, [189];
blockade of San Sebastian, [190];
march of the French on Madrid,
[191]; operations in Catalonia, [ib.];
Bessieres' attack on Madrid, [192];
regency established at Madrid,
[193]; treachery of Abisbal, [191];
proceedings of the Cortes, at Seville,
[ib.]; removal of the king to Cadiz,
[195]; Bourck's operations against
the Constitutionalists, [197]; Mo-
rillo's defection, [ib.]; Corunna at-
tacked by Bourck, [198]; entered
by Morillo, [199]; reverses of the
Constitutionalists, [ib.]; defection of
Ballasteros [200]; Riego's expedi-
tion, [ib.]; his defeat and capture,
[202]; blockade of Barcelona,

[203]; Milan's victory over the
French, [204]; duke of Angou-
lême before Cadiz, [ib.]; his corre-
spondence with Ferdinand, [205];
capture of the Trocadero, [206];
negotiations, [207]; Ferdinand re-
pairs to the head quarters of the
French, [ib].; surrender of Cadiz,
[208]; and of various fortresses, [];
termination of the campaign, [ib.];
Ferdinand's decree against the Con
stitutionalists, [209]; Riego's exe-
cution, [210]; change in the minis-
try, [ib.]; war declared by Mexico,
[243]; operation in Columbia,-see
Columbia diplomatic correspond
ence respecting the relations be
tween Spain and France, 93′;
dispatch of the Minister for Fo-
reign Affairs, to M. de Columb
104*; conduct of Great Britain
in a rupture between France and
Spain, 130; capture and destruc-
tion of British vessels, 148*; reply
to the French Ministry, 154*;
notes to the Chargés d'Affaires,
at the different Courts, 156*; Ad-
dress voted by the Cortes to the
king, 157; proclamation of the
duke of Angoulême, 158; king's
speech at closing the Session of
1823, 160*; reply of the President
of the Cortes, 163*; king's procla-
mation before quitting Cadiz, 165* ;
preliminary convention with Bue-
nos Ayres, 196*

Spanish Subscription Fancy Ball, and
Covent Garden, 85

Spanish and Portuguese Ambassadors,
entertainment given to, 28

Spanish Slave Ships, capture of, 88, 89*
Sparrows, utility of, in destroying ca-
terpillars, 303*

Speech, King's, at the opening of par-
liament, [4]; of the king of France,
[149]; of the king of Sweden at the
close of the Diet, 151*
Spinach, New Zealand, 307*
Statistics: Paris, 324; Sweden and
Norway, 327*; Russia, 328*; Per-
tugal, ib.

Steam, poultry hatched by, 310*
Stock in trade, liability of, to poor's
rates, 76

Stockholm, fictitious orders to gen.
Gefle, &c., put into the post, 30
Stocks, 247

Stoffel, Philip, tried for murder of
Mrs. Richards, 44*
Stonehenge, prize poem, 363*

[ocr errors]

Storm, dreadful, at Messina, 149
Strength of animals, comparative, 288*
Stuart, Miss, cured by Prince Hohen-
lohe, 108

sir C., correspondence with
Mr. Caming, 113*, 124*, 126*,
128*, 132*, 137*, 140*
Styrian evening hymn, 331*
Succory, used as blanched sallad, 304*
Sugar: proposed equalization of the
duties of East and West India
Sugars, [121]; fish preserved by
sugar, 302*

Suicides law passed respecting their
interment, [88]; extraordinary one,
60; instance of suicide and parri-
cide (A. Griffiths), 77; number of
suicides at Paris, 325*
Sumatra, dissensions between the na-
tives, [171]

Superstition, instance of, 70; of the
Northern Indians, 254*

Sweden: measures of the Diet, and
the king's speech, [172], 151*; po-
pulation, &c. 327*
Swedenborg's skull, 42

Switzerland, decrees respecting the
censorship of the press, and foreign
ers, [177]; measures of the Diet,
[178]; further demands of the
Holy Alliance, [ib.]; instance of fa-
naticism at Zurich, 41

Talleyrand, wishes to prevent the
publication of Savary's memoirs,


[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

Trade foreign trade, [101]; reci-
procity of duties bill, [103]; ship-
ing, [104]; of Great Britain, 231;
of Ireland, 232; state of trade in
New South Wales, 71*
Tread-mill, 26; sir J. C. Hippesley's
letter on, 113

Treasury Chambers: the Deccan
prize case, 17

Trials: Mad. Lecouffe and son, mur-
der, [166]; Thomas Hughes admi-
nistering an unlawful oath, 5; W.
Moore, assault on gen. Kerr, 20;
J. Rolfe, murder, 21; W. Arden,
&c. unnatural crime, 30; Elizabeth
Bryant and daughter, maiming
Anne Burgess, 45; Kraus, &c.,
killing two Custom-house officers,
53; J. Burrows, rape, 91; Henry
Delap, murder, 93; Pat. M'Cann,
murder, 94; Begu and Lafforcade,
Paris, murder, 98; W. Donally,
murder of his wife, 103; W. B.
Dyson, murder, 121; Beeman and
Cahuac, stealing books, 125; J.
Wilson, assault on his own daughter,
1e8; James and Sarah Roxborough,
imposition and stealing, 139; Shore,
&c., robbery, 140; Aaron Smith,
piracy, 158; V. Simon, murder of
M. Honein, 162; Castaign, murder
of H. Ballet, [165], 1; Widow
Boursier, murder of her husband,
[166], 19*; T. Randall and J.
Croker, murder, 37*; P. Stoffel
and C. Keppel, murder, 44*
Trimleston, lord, trials in the House
of Lords respecting the validity of
his will, 73

Turkey war with the Greeks, [233];
military operations, [234]; massacre
of the Greeks at Pergamo, [235];
affairs at Constantinople, [ib.]; quar-
rel and negotiations with Russia,
[236]; arrangements with Austria,
[ib.] treaty with Persia, [237]

Vaccination, introduced into Africa,

Van Dieman's Land its geographical
divisions and agricultural produce,
77*; number of cattle, 78*; grants
of land, ib.; trade, ib.; ecclesiastical
establishment, 79*; population re-
venue, ib.; public expenditure, 80*
Vansittart, Mr., created lord Bexley,

Vegetation, in atmospheres of dif
ferent densities, experiments on,

Veloz, Mariana, captured by the Jean
Bart, 57

Verona, Congress at, [19]; negotia-
tions respecting the Slave-trade,
80*; resolutions respecting ditto,
85*; determinations respecting the
relations between France and Spain,


Vessels, British, convention respect-
ing the capture and detention of,
by Spanish authorities, 148*
Vigilante, French slave ship, captured
by lieutenant Mildmay, 88*
United States: law against the slave-
trade, [238]; opening of Congress,
[ib.]; negotiations with England to,
[239]; Finances, [ib.]; quarrel
with the Riccaree Indians, [240];
Message to Congress, 183; nego-
tiations with Great Britain respect-
ing boundary, 184; negotiations
with France and Russia, ib.; pro-
jected proscription of the Slave-
trade, and privateering, 185*; mi-
nisters appointed to Columbia, &c.,
186*; finances and army, ib.; ord-
nance department, 187*; hostilities
of the Riccarees, ib.; Militia and
Navy, 188*; putting down piracies,
189*; post-office department, 190* ;

[blocks in formation]

Weyhill, tesselated pavement disco-
vered at, 67
Whiteboyism, 124

Wilberforce, speech on the conduct of
ministers towards Spain, [29]
Wild beasts, escape of, from a cara-
van, 26

Wilson, sir R., his expedition in
Spain, [197]; imprisoned at Braga,
[216]; address to the Portuguese,
Winchester, Bishop of, heir of sir
Thomas Pretyman, 38

projected junction of the Chesapeak Wine, quantity exported from Opor-

and Ohio, 191*; improvements at
Cape Henlopen, 192*; wishes for
the success of the Greek cause, ib.;
policy towards Europe, 193*; in-
creased population, 194*; table of
finances, 195*

Voltaic, apparatus, Mr. Pepys', 298*
Voyages: capt. Parry's second voyage,
271; Russian voyage of discovery,
Wallace, Mr., answer to the address
respecting the trade of the port of
London, 23

Wanstead-house, sale of, 65
Warehousing-bill, passed, [102]
Warsaw, Jew shot at, for fraud, 66
Waterspout, at Padiham, 108
Weare, Mr., murder of, 141
Wellesley, marquis, (lord lieutenant

to, 1
Wirtemberg,-see Germany
Witchcraft, pretended, 139
Wollaston, Dr., elected associate o
the French Institute, 38
Woman, wild, discovered in Spain,
Wool, foreign, petition for repeal of
duties on, [119]

Wootton Basset, painting of the mur-
der of archbishop Beckett disco-
vered, 118

Writing, what kind of hands best for
public records, &c., 67*

Zanguebar, state of the slave-trade,

Zaragozana, (pirate schooner), taken
by the Tyne and Thracian, 42


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