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Temporary suspension of Discussions in Parliament on the Negotiations rela-

tive to Spain-Questions put to the Ministers by Lord Lansdown and Mr.

Brougham-Removal of the Prohibition of the Exportation of Arms to

Spain-Papers relating to the Negotiations on the Spanish Question, laid

before Parliament-Ministerial exposition of the course of Policy which

the English Cabinet had followed: the first mention of diplomatic discus-

sion relative to Spain: Proceedings at Verona: Negotiations at Paris : our

communications with, and advice to, the Spanish Government: our Pro-

ceedings subsequent to the publication of the Speech of the King of France

at the Opening of the Session of the Chambers: justification of a Pacific

Policy-Motion for the Repeal of the Foreign Enlistment Bill-Debate in

the House of Lords on the Negotiations relative to Spain: an Address,

disapproving of the Conduct of Ministers, moved by Lord Ellenborough :

grounds on which it was supported: amendment moved by Lord Granville:

arguments against the Address-Debate in the House of Commons, during

three nights, on the Spanish Negotiations: the Address moved by Mr.

Macdonald, and an Amendment to it by Mr. S. Wortley: Speech of Mr.

Wilberforce; Speeches of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir James

Mackintosh, Mr. Peel, and Sir Francis Burdett: Mr. Canning's Speech;

excellence of this Speech: Mr. Brougham's feeble Reply: manoeuvre of the

Opposition to avoid a Division of the House: result of the Division-Sub-

sequent Motion of Lord Grey in the House of Lords-General state of

feeling with respect to Spain throughout the progress of the Spanish


Bills of Indictment preferred against the Rioters in the Dublin TheatreFailure of those Bills in consequence of the finding of the Grand JuryRemarks of the Attorney General on this result-The Grand Jury vindicate their Conduct-Ex-officio Informations filed against the Rioters-Result of their Trial-Remarks on these Proceedings-Motions of Mr. Brownlow and Colonel Barry for the Production of Papers-Petition from the Grand Jury-Mr. Brownlow's Motion against Mr. Plunkett: Mr. Plunkett's Defence: course of the Debate-Petition of the Sheriff and Grand Jury of Dublin, calling for inquiry into their conduct-Sir F. Burdett's Motion for Inquiry carried-Course and result of the inquiryState of Ireland: violence of party dissensions: extension of the system of outrageous attacks upon Persons and Property-Insurrection Act renewed-Provisions of the Bill authorizing Compositions for Tithes: course of the Bill through the two Houses-Mischiefs of the system of granting Leases to numerous Joint-Tenants: Remedy applied to that Evil-Debate on Mr. Brougham's Motion concerning the administration of Justice in Ireland-Mr. Hume's Motion against the Church Establishment of IrelandHis Motion on the Vice-regal Office-Other Motions relative to IrelandState of Ireland towards the end of the Year.



Catholic Question: Sir F. Burdett declares his intention of withdrawing from the Discussion: Imputations on Mr. Canning and Mr. Plunkett: Mr. Canning's Defence: Mr. Brougham's Invective against Mr. Canning: intemperate Conduct of the latter: Motion for committing Mr. Canning and Mr. Brougham to the custody of the Serjeant at Arms: termination of the Quarrel: Remarks on this Proceeding-Mr. Plunkett's Motion on the Catholic Claims: its fate-Bills for conferring the Elective Franchise on English Catholics, and admitting them to certain Offices, passed by the Commons, but stopped in the Lords-Lord Colchester's Motion with respect to Catholic Institutions-Parliamentary Reform-The state of the Elective Franchise in Scotch Counties-Motion with respect to the Election of Magistrates for the Borough of Inverness,



Sir James Mackintosh's Resolutions for the Improvement of the Criminal Code: nature and grounds of the Opposition to them: they are rejected -Bills on the same Subject introduced by the Government-Two Bills taking away capital punishment from certain Offences-Bill empowering the Judges to record Judgment of Death, without pronouncing it-Bill concerning the interment of any Persons found Felo de se-Change in the Law of Principal and Factor-New Marriage Law: Discussion and Rejection of the Clause making certain marriages voidable-Delays in the Court of Chancery-Appellate Jurisdiction-Proposed Bills for the Recovery of Small Debts-Conduct of the Lord Advocate in Borthwick's Case.. [85


Agricultural Distress-Discussions on this Subject-Mr. Whitmore's Motion for a Reduction in the Import Price of Corn-Improvement in the Situation of the Agricultural Interest-Mr. Western's Motion on the Currency—

Equitable Adjustment of Contracts-Re-appointment of the Committee on Foreign Trade-Warehousing Bill-Reciprocity of Duties Bill-Beer Bill -Attempted Repeal of the Laws regulating the Silk Trade.



Ministerial Exposition of the Financial Situation of the Country-Repeal of some, and Diminution of others, of the Assessed Taxes-Ministerial misrepresentation of the Amount of the Surplus Revenue-Improvident Contract with the Bank for the payment of part of the Naval and Military Pensions-Bill regulating the reduction of the National Debt-BudgetAmount of Taxes reduced since the termination of the War-Mr. Maberly's Motion respecting the redemption of the Land Tax-The Tax on Foreign Wools-Motion with respect to the office of Lieutenant General of the Ordnance.



Newfoundland and Cape Breton-New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land -Proposed Equalization of the Duties on East-Indian and West-Indian Sugar Mr. Buxton's Motion on Slavery-The resolutions proposed by Government on that subject-Lord Bathurst's Circular-Alarm in the West-Indian Colonies-Proceedings in Jamaica and Barbadoes-Insurrection in Demerara: its Origin, Progress, and Suppression: trials of the Conspirators: trial of the Missionary Smith-Condition of the New Settlements at the Cape of Good Hope. [121


Motion respecting Mr. Bowring's Imprisonment: the Conduct pursued by the British Government in that affair-Claim of Mrs. Olive Serres to be Princess of Cumberland: Mr. Peel's exposition of the Imposture-Prorogation of Parliament-Mr. Canning's refusal to acknowledge or hold communication with the Regency of Madrid-Appointment of Consuls and Consuls-General in the States of South America-Our Relations with South America-Mr. Canning's increasing popularity: his speech at Ply[139



FRANCE-Pretended violation of the neutrality of the French soil–Ambiguous conduct of the French Ministry-Speech at the opening of the French Chambers-Duplicity of the Minister-The subsequent explanation attempted to be given of the doctrine contained in that Speech-Respective departures of the French and Spanish ambassadors-Debate in the Peers on the Address; amendments moved; speech of Talleyrand-Address of the Peers-Debate in the Chamber of Deputies on the Address; Address of the Deputies-The Budget-Discussions on the war in the progress of the Financial measures; Chateaubriand's speech-Course of observation pursued by Manuel: proceedings against him; his expulsion from the Chamber-Protest against this measure tendered and rejectedSecession of the Opposition-Riots-Addresses against the War-Annunciation of the commencement of the War-Exultation of the French in the success of the Spanish Campaign-Proceedings in Paris-Communi


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SPAIN-Delivery of the French, Russian, Austrian and Prussian Notes at

Madrid-Proceedings of the Cortes upon them-The Answers of the

Spanish Government-The Russian, Austrian, and Prussian Ministers

receive their passports-Address from the Cortes to the King--Proceedings

in the Cortes after the communication of the speech of the King of France

-Close of the Extraordinary Cortes-March of Bessieres and Ulman

upon Madrid; their retreat; Ulman's inroad into Valencia-Ferdinand's

refusal to concur in the transference of the government from Madrid; the

Ministers removed and restored on the same Day — Another change of

Ministry-Opening of the Ordinary Cortes-Removal of the King and

Cortes to Seville-Military Preparations-Commencement of the Cam-

paign-French Refugees-St. Sebastian-March towards Madrid-Opera-

tions in Catalonia-Arrival of the French at Madrid-Convention with the

French-Attempt of Bessieres on the Capital-Establishment of a Re-

gency at Madrid-Treachery of Abisbal-Proceedings of the Cortes at

Seville-They appoint a Regency-The Removal of the King and Cortes

to Cadiz-March of the French Troops, from Madrid into Andalusia-

Cordova-Seville-Operations in the Asturias and Galicia: Defection of

Morillo-Corunna-Operations in Valencia and Murcia: Defection of

Ballasteros-Riego's expedition: his defeat, and capture-Operations in

Catalonia-Arrival of the Duke d'Angoulême before Cadiz : his corres-

pondence with Ferdinand: The Trocadero taken : Negotiation attempted

by the Cortes: Military operations: Ferdinand repairs to the head-quarters

of the French-Surrender of the Fortresses-Termination of the Cam-

paign-Course of Administration pursued by Ferdinand-Change in the

Spanish Ministry.


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