The German Way of War: From the Thirty Years' War to the Third ReichUniversity Press of Kansas, 2005 - 428 trang For Frederick the Great, the prescription for warfare was simple: kurz und vives (short and lively) - wars that relied upon swift, powerful, and decisive military operations. Robert Citino takes us on a dramatic march through Prussian and German military history to show how that primal theme played out time and time again. Citino focuses on operational warfare to demonstrate continuity in German military campaigns from the time of Elector Frederick Wilhelm and his great sleigh-drive against the Swedes to the age of Adolf Hitler and the blitzkrieg to the gates of Moscow. Along the way, he underscores the role played by the Prussian army in elevating a small, vulnerable state to the ranks of the European powers, describes how nineteenth-century victories over Austria and France made the German army the most respected in Europe, and reviews the lessons learned from the trenches of World War I. |
Nội dung
The Great Elector and the Origins of Prussian War Making | 1 |
The Origins of Frederician Warfare | 34 |
Frederick in the Seven Years War | 63 |
The Prussian Army in | 104 |
Innovation and Tradition | 142 |
From Schlieffen to World War I | 191 |
From Versailles to Case White | 238 |
Ấn bản in khác - Xem tất cả
The German Way of War: From the Thirty Years' War to the Third Reich Robert M. Citino Xem trước bị giới hạn - 2005 |
Thuật ngữ và cụm từ thông dụng
2nd Army advance Alfred von Schlieffen allied Army Group Army Group North artillery assault attack Auftragstaktik August Austrian battalions battle battlefield Berlin Blitzkrieg Brandenburg campaign cavalry Clausewitz columns commander Corps decisive defensive Delbrück deployed Division E. S. Mittler east East Prussia echelon Elector enemy entire Eylau Fehrbellin fighting fire force Franco-Prussian War Frederick William French Friedrichs des Grossen front German army German General Staff German military Geschichte der königlich Grosse Kurfürst guns Hans Delbrück Hitler Hohenfriedeberg II Corps infantry Jena Königgrätz königlich preussischen Armee Krieg launched Leuthen maneuver Militär-Wochenblatt Militär-Wochenblatt 124 military history Mollwitz Moltke Moltke's Napoleon Northern War offensive operational Panzer Polish position Press of Kansas Prince Prussian army rear regiments retreat right flank right wing River Rossbach Schlacht Schlieffen Schlieffen Plan Showalter Silesia Swedes Swedish tactical tanks thousand tion troops University Press victory warfare Warsaw Wehrmacht Wilhelm Zorndorf
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