The Annual Register 2001, Tập 242D. S. Lewis Worldwide Government Directories, Incorporated, 2002 - 635 trang |
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Kết quả 1-3 trong 90
Trang 492
... COURT OF JUSTICE ( ICJ ) , one by Liechtenstein against Germany , arising out of decisions to treat certain prop- erty of Liechtenstein nationals as German assets seized for the purposes of repa- ration as a consequence of World War II ...
... COURT OF JUSTICE ( ICJ ) , one by Liechtenstein against Germany , arising out of decisions to treat certain prop- erty of Liechtenstein nationals as German assets seized for the purposes of repa- ration as a consequence of World War II ...
Trang 502
... Court of Appeal held that the doctrine of precedent did not require that a court was bound by a propo- sition of law which had been assumed rather than argued in a previous case . The House of Lords refused to allow a judgment of its ...
... Court of Appeal held that the doctrine of precedent did not require that a court was bound by a propo- sition of law which had been assumed rather than argued in a previous case . The House of Lords refused to allow a judgment of its ...
Trang 503
... court , however , affirmed the district court's finding that Microsoft had engaged in anti- competitive practices . Subsequently , Microsoft and President Bush's administra- tion settled the case , without Microsoft having to sell any ...
... court , however , affirmed the district court's finding that Microsoft had engaged in anti- competitive practices . Subsequently , Microsoft and President Bush's administra- tion settled the case , without Microsoft having to sell any ...
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11 September Afghanistan African agreement al-Qaida announced appointed April Arab AREA August Bank became British Bush Cabinet campaign CAPITAL cent co-operation coalition continued country's Court CURRENCY DATE OF FOUNDATION December Defence Democratic despite Died economic election European February federal film forces foreign former Francophonie GNI PER CAPITA HEAD OF GOVERNMENT held IGO MEMBERSHIPS NON-UN Islamic Israeli issue January July June Kosovo Kyoto Protocol Labour leader legislation MAIN IGO MEMBERSHIPS major March meeting MEMBERSHIP END-'01 ment military million multiparty republic HEAD Muslim NATO negotiations November October OFFICIAL LANGUAGE opposition Organisation Osama bin Laden OSCE Pakistan Palestinian Parliament POLITICAL SYSTEM President Prime Minister programme reform region resigned RULING PARTY Rwanda seats Secretary South sq km POPULATION summit Taliban terrorism terrorist terrorist attacks tion Tony Blair trade troops vote whilst Zimbabwe