The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year1799 |
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Kết quả 1-3 trong 31
Trang xxxix
... should not be made , but by a decree of the assembly , after the king's formal notification of the neceffity of war ; and that the king should be obliged to make peace if the affembly require it , xxxii . [ 143 ] - the affembly ...
... should not be made , but by a decree of the assembly , after the king's formal notification of the neceffity of war ; and that the king should be obliged to make peace if the affembly require it , xxxii . [ 143 ] - the affembly ...
Trang 14
... should be fufpended , xxxiv , [ 499 ] -M . Chodieu moves that the federates should remain in Paris until they were formed into regular battalions , xxxiv . [ 499 ] - the Jacobins busy in the provinces , through the corresponding ...
... should be fufpended , xxxiv , [ 499 ] -M . Chodieu moves that the federates should remain in Paris until they were formed into regular battalions , xxxiv . [ 499 ] - the Jacobins busy in the provinces , through the corresponding ...
Trang 15
... should be restored , xxxiv . [ 506 ] France ; the king directs that Petion should be invited to assist at confultations , xxxiv . [ 506 ] - the infurrection intended on the 29th of July poftponed to the 9th or 10th of August , xxxiv ...
... should be restored , xxxiv . [ 506 ] France ; the king directs that Petion should be invited to assist at confultations , xxxiv . [ 506 ] - the infurrection intended on the 29th of July poftponed to the 9th or 10th of August , xxxiv ...
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addreſs affairs againft alſo America anſwer army aſſembly Auſtrian bart bart.-to miſs bill biſhop Britiſh capt cauſe Charles cloſe commiffioners congreſs conſtitution counteſs court daugh daughter of fir daughter of lord debates declaration deſign duke duke of Orleans earl Eaſt efq.-ſheriff emperor empreſs Engliſh eſcape eſq eſtabliſhed Fayette feffion fent fifter figned fir George fir Henry fir James fir John fir William firſt fleet Fox's France French Holland houſe India Ireland iſland jacobin jacobin club king of Pruffia king of Sweden king's ſpeech lady letter lord viſcount manifeſto mifs minifter miſs-to moſt motion national affembly Paris parliament paſſed peace perfons Pitt's Porte preſented prifoners prince of Wales princeſs proceedings propoſed proteſt publiſhed refuſed reſolutions reſpecting royal Ruffia Ruſſia ſecond ſent Sept ſeveral ſheriff ſhips ſhire ſhould ſociety ſon ſpeech ſtate ſuppoſed Sweden taken Thomas tion Tippoo Sultan xxiv xxix xxvi xxvii xxxi xxxiii xxxiv