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go there, and have not receiving "the crown When the king and

to the king. As soon as he was in his presence, fhe knelt, and embracing his knees, said, "Gentle Dauphin, come and be crowned at Rheims. I am very earnest that fhould you the smallest doubt of your which is worthy of you." those with him had considered the great things they had seen her perform, with what prudence and courage fhe had conducted herself, as if he had been bred to arms all her life, and had seen how modest and pious her behaviour had been; considering all these things, those who before had advised the expedition into Normandy now changed their opinion.

Then the king and a few of his principal courtiers, thinking among themselves it would not displease Jane if they afked her what voice it was that fhe had said advised and comforted her; but before they made their request fhe said, "In the name of God I know what are your thoughts, and what you wish to know concerning the voice I have heard touching your coronation; I will tell you, that having placed myself according to my usual method when I pray, and having complained that what I said was not believed; the voice then said to me, Girl, go go; I will be thy aid and supporter —go. And the mo

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encouraged youre adverse partie and enemys to assemble here forth"with in great nombre," &c. &c.

See also in the same volume of the Federa, p. 150, the instructions given by the Regent to Garter, King at Arms, when sent to England by him 16th July 1429. Also p. 160. Ant. Dom. 1430: De proclamationibus contra capitaneos et soldarios tergiversantes, incantationibus Pucelle terrificatos,

319 ment I heard this voice I was marvellously rejoiced." She ordered preparations to be made for the coronation at Rheims; but this was not very easy, as the English were masters of all that part of the country.



About this time the constable de Richemont, who succeeded to that honour after the death of the earl of Buchan's ancestor, John Steuart earl of Douglas, (and when he was duke of Brittany, after his brother's death, thought it honourable to retain the constable's sword,) seeing the affairs of France take a more favourable turn, was desirous of making his peace with the king. Jane was sent to meet him. near, they both alighted; and as fhe was embracing his knees he said to her, " Jane, they tell me you wish to fight me. I know not where you come from, or who you are. If you are sent by God I fear you not, for he knows intentions as well as yours; if by the devil I fear you lefs." She soon satisfied him as to herself and her intentions, and they both went together to the siege of Gergeau. During this siege, the English having kept up a very warm fire upon that part where the duke d'Alençon lodged, Jane came to him and said, " Handsome duke, take yourself from your present quarters as fast as you can, for you will be endangered by the cannons." The duke followed this advice; and he had scarce gone a few paces, when a ball from the town struck off the head of a gentleman from Anjou, who was standing in the place of the duke when the Pucelle spoke to him.

The French were about eight days before the town, which was as valiantly attacked as it was defens

May 1. ded. Among the English was one of a very large size, armed with a very strong helmet of iron, who did wonders by throwing from the walls great stones, and overturning all the scaling ladders which were placed near him. The duke of Alençon seeing the mischief this man did, brought John the cannoneer, who placing properly a culverine struck him down. Jane went into the ditch with her standard in her hand, at that part where the English made the most vigorous defence; fhe was perceived by them, and they cast a heavy stone upon her head with so much violence that he was forced to sit down; notwithstanding which the soon got up again, and cried aloud to her companions, "Frenchmen, mount boldly and enter the town, you will find no longer any resistance." Thus was the town won. The earl of Suffolk retreated to the bridge; but being overtaken by a gentleman called Guillaume Renault, the earl asked if he was a gentleman? who answered "Yes," Art thou a knight? Upon his saying No, he knighted him, and afterwards surrendered himself to him. Baugency was afterwards delivered up on capitulation; and the English quitted Meun, leaving behind them provisions, &c. &c. They marched through Beauce towards Patay, where they were overtaken by the body of the French army commanded by the duke of Alençon, Jane, and many other principal commanders. The place they halted at is called des Coynées,—when the duke d'Alençon said to the Pucelle, “Jane, there are the English in battle array, shall we fight with them?" She answered the duke by asking him If he had his spurs ?1

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321 "What, (says the duke,) must we retreat and fly?" Oh! not at all; In the name of God fall on them for they will fly, and without stopping will be discomfited with scarce any lofs of your men, therefore you ought to have your spurs to follow them.'

After these succefses, the Pucelle took pofsefsion of Auxerre, Troyes, and Chalons, not however without some discontent on her part, as well as of other officers, against la Trimouille, (the favourite of the king,) who received from the principals of Auxerre, a large sum of money to prevent its being taken by afsault. She thus opened for the king the road to Rheims. This town flung open its gates as soon as he appeared before it; and the next day, the 17th of July, he was crowned. Jane afsisted at this ceremony in her armour, with her standard in her hand. Respecting this, fhe made an answer to her

judges worthy of record. Being interrogated by

them, "How fhe dared to come to the coronation with her banner in her hand?" fhe answered, 'That it was but justice that that which had had its fhare of the labour fhould also partake of the honour.'

The moment the king was crowned, Jane, upon her knees, embraced his feet, and with a torrent of tears, exclaimed, "Gentle king, now is the will of God executed, who ordained you fhould come to Rheims to receive your crown, to show that you are the rightful king, and that this kingdom is lawfully yours." The king remained but a few days at Rheims; he made different excursions, and in one of them near Damptrartin, as the people were singing te Deum laudamus, and other holy anthems, fhe

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said to Dunois, "In the name of God these people are very good and devout; I fhould wish that when I die it may be in this country." Whereupon the count de Dunois replied, Jane, do you know when you shall die, and in what part?' she answered that fhe did not that it must be the will of God; and she added, I have accomplished what God ordered me; which was to raise the seige of Orleans, and to crown the king; I could wish now that he would send me back to my father and mother, to take care of their sheep and cattle, and do that which I was accustomed to."

The king went from Rheims to Crepi, to Senlis ; and after having taken possession of St Dennis and Lagni, he besieged Paris. They forced the barriers of St Honoré, and the Pucelle, animated by her former succefs, attempted to crofs the ditch; but received a severe wound in the thigh; and her standard bearer was killed by her side. Her eagerness and courage were so great, that in spite of her wound The would have continued the engagement, if the duke d'Alençon had not forced her to return to her quarters. Through want of provisions, the king was forced to raise the siege. This was cause of triumph to those that were jealous of Jane. She again requested leave to retire; as her mifsion was accomplished; but it was refused her. The king ennobled her and all her family; that is to say, her father, and mother, and her three brothers, and their posterity as well females as males. He gave her for arms, a fhield, azure, with two flower de luces, or, a sword argent, the hilt or, the point up

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