Bill to amend the English Municipal Corporation Act-Amendments the Lords-Bill for governing Charitable Trusts by popular election, rejected by the Lords-The Commons reject the Lords' Amendments on the Corporation Bill-Conference between the Houses, when the Lords insist on their Amendments-Free Conference between the Houses-The Bill abandoned by the Commons-Bill to allow Felons' Counsel to address the Jury-Amendments of the Lords-Bill to lengthen the time for the Execution of Murderers-Bill to remunerate Medical Witnesses before Coroners' Inquests-Abolition of Imprisonment for Debt-Proposed Bills for the Reform of the Court of Chancery.
PARLIAMENT. Select Committee appointed to consider the Constitution of Election Committees-Bill for the Disfranchisement of Stafford passes the Commons-The Lords resolve to take evidence in support of the Bill-The evidence failing, the Bill is thrown out-Modified Bill of Disfranchisement rejected-Writ for Stafford suspended till next Session-Transactions of Mr. O'Connell regarding the representation of the county of Carlow-Petitions on the subject-Referred to a Select Committee-Report of the Committee-Motion that a Breach of Privilege had been committed, and Amendment that the Report of the Committee should be affirmed-Mr. Hardy-Lord John Russell-Lord Stanley-Sergeant Wilde-Sir F. Pollock-Sir R. Peel-Amendment carried-Motion of Lord Stanley rejected-Report of the Dublin Election Committee unseating Mr. O'Connell and Mr. Ruthven-Petition against it refused to be received-Bill to remove the Civil Disabilities of the Jews-Motion in the Commons to expel the Bishops from the House of Lords-Mr. O'Connell gives notice of a motion in the Commons to alter the Constitution of the House of Lords-Withdraws it, and gives a similar notice for next Session-New Houses of Parliament -Motion to change the Site-Motion for a new Competition of Designs-Resolution carried to admit Ladies-The estimate of the expense of admitting them rejected.
AGRICULTURE.-Appointment of a Select Committee of Inquiry-The Committee makes no Report-Motion in favour of Agriculturists in reduction of Taxation-FINANCE.-Motion for the Repeal of the Additional duty on Spirit Licences-Motion to Reduce the Pension List-The Budget-Reduction of Stamps on Newspapers-Motion to reduce the Soap Duties in place of them-Clause requiring all Proprietors to be registered-Struck out in the House of Lords-Bill dropped by the Commons as being an altered Money Bill-New Bill brought in without the Registration Clauses, and passed.
COLONIAL. Discussions regarding the Mauritius-Motion for Reform in Canada. FOREIGN RELATIONS.-Interference in the War in SpainViolation of the Neutrality of Cracow-Discussions on the Power and Designs of Russia-Motion on behalf of the Ministers of Charles X.Greek Loan,- PROROGATION.