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this article; and if they infift upon it, we shall endeavour to fatisfy them.

Done at Garhelly, Dec. 1, 1759. Richard Becher, John Cooke, John Bacheracht, J. C. Hift. Dutch demands with the answers of

the English thereto.

Article I. That the English fhall effect the nabob's return, or, at leaft, prevail on him to remain quiet in his camp, without doing us any injury; and that the articles of our agreement be accepted, approved, and confirmed by the nabob's principal, as far as they concern him, as well for the prefent as for the future.

Anf. We have already made ufe of all our intereft with the nabob, and shall continue to engage him to withdraw his arms, the moment the Dutch government has fulfilled his orders. The articles agreed on between the English and Dutch cannot be included in the treaty which the government of Hughley may conclude with the nabob's principal.

Art. II. That what has paffed, during the troubles which have now ceafed, fhall be mutually forgot; and an affurance given of a perfect friendship, fidelity, and correfpondence, being kept up between the two nations, by their respective chiefs, without permitting any hoftility on one fide or the other, on any pretence whatsoever; that each shall do his utmost to preserve this good intelligence, and to contribute, as far as poffible, to the good of both, without aflifting, directly or indirectly, thofe who would prejudice either.

Anf. Approved, as far as is con

fiftent with the alliance between the nabob and us, and while friendship fubfifts between our fovereigns in Europe.

Art. III. As we have neither acted by a declaration of war, nor by commiflion, our troops and mariners cannot be confidered as prifoners of war, fubject to a capitulation, but merely as temporary captives, and therefore ought to be set at liberty, with all military honours.

Anf. We don't look upon the Dutch officers and troops as our prifoners, but as those of the nabob; and are therefore ready to releafe them as foon as they have concluded their treaty with him, except fuch as are willing to enter into our fervice, or who demand the protection of the English flag."

Art. IV. They fhall leave us in the free poffeflion of our fettlements, commerce, rights, and privileges.

Anf. We have never interrupted the Dutch in their juft rights and privileges, nor ever purpose doing it.

Art. V. That all the people, poffeflions, fettlements, lands, houses, thips, and veffels, belonging both to the company and individuals, and every thing belonging thereto, thall be declared free, and reftored, in prefence of the deputies appointed by both parties, in their proper condition.

Anf. All the fhips and veffels in our poffeflion fhall be reftored as foon as our demands are complied with, or on an affurance thereof given by the director and council of Hughley..

Art. VI. These treaties to be exchanged, with the approbation of the directors of both companies, as foon as poffible.

Anf. Granted.
Art. VII. Finally, the two par

ties fhall be reciprocal guarantees for the execution of the preceding articles.

Anf. We do not fee any neceffity for this article.

Done at Garhelly, Dec. 1, 1759.
John Bacheracht,
S. C. Hift.

Done at Garhelly, Dec. 3, 1759.
Richard Becher,
John Cooke.

Copy of the Dutch proposals made to the Chuta Nabob, with the anfwers, ratified the 5th of December, 1759:

Art. I. That the purchafes and fales of the Dutch company be again made, in the fame manner as in former times.

Anf. The purchases and fales of the Dutch company shall be carried on according to cuftom, excepting the falt-petre of Azimabad, which fhall be purchafed by the means of Raja Ramnarian Bahadar; nor fhall any one moleft them,

Art. II. That nobody cause any obftruction in the provifion of cloth, &c. at the Aurungs, on account of the Dutch company.

Anf. Nobody fhall obftruct the provifion of cloth, &c. according to the custom of the Aurungs, nor ufe any violence.

Art. III. That the goods and treasure of the Dutch company be allowed to pafs and repafs with the Dutch Duftuck; that nobody obstruct them, nor any longer demand illicit cuftoms.

Anf. The merchandize of the Dutch company fhall pafs and repafs, by land or by water, free from any unprecedentedimpofitions; nor fhall any one demand illicit cuftoms.

Art. IV. That payment be made, by the officers of the mint of Mur

fhedabad, of the balance due to the Dutch company.

Anf. The officers of the mint at Murfhedabad fhall be made to pay whatever balance is justly and truly due to the Dutch company.

Articles agreed on by the Dutch company with the Nabob, and ratified under the hands and feals of the Dutch directors and council, and the feal of the company.

I. We will immediately fend away the Europeans, Buccaffes, and Tilangas, that have been brought hither in our fhips; and we will difmifs the Europeans, Seapoys, and Burgundaffes, lately entertained.

II. We will bring no more armed forces into the country of Bengal, nor ever make war in the country, nor erect any fortifications, nor make any military preparations.

III. We will entertain no more than 125 European foldiers in all our factories eftablished within the three provinces.

IV. We will carry on our trade with peace and quietnefs; and, in cafe (which God forbid !) our bufinefs thould meet with any obftructions, difputes, or oppreffions, we will apply for redress to the Nazem of the provinces.

he Subftance of the Memorial prefented by General Yorke to the States General, concerning the foregoing affair, is as follow:

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this article; and if they infift upon it, we shall endeavour to fatisfy them.

Done at Garhelly, Dec. 1, 1759. Richard Becher, John Cooke, John Bacheracht, J. C. Hift. Dutch demands with the answers of

the English thereto.

Article I. That the English fhall effect the nabob's return, or, at leaft, prevail on him to remain quiet in his camp, without doing us any injury; and that the articles of our agreement be accepted, approved, and confirmed by the nabob's principal, as far as they concern him, as well for the prefent as for the future.

Anf. We have already made ufe of all our interest with the nabob, and fhall continue to engage him to withdraw his arms, the moment the Dutch government has fulfilled his orders. The articles agreed on be. tween the English and Dutch cannot be included in the treaty which the government of Hughley may conclude with the nabob's principal.

Art. II. That what has paffed, during the troubles which have now ceafed, fhall be mutually forgot; and an affurance given of a perfect friendship, fidelity, and correfpondence, being kept up between the two nations, by their respective chiefs, without permitting any hoftility on one fide or the other, on any pretence whatfoever; that each fhall do his utmost to preserve this good intelligence, and to contribute, as far as poffible, to the good of both, without aflifting, directly or indirectly, thofe who would prejudice either.

Anf. Approved, as far as is cons

fiftent with the alliance between the nabob and us, and while friendship fubfifts between our fovereigns in Europe.

Art. III. As we have neither acted by a declaration of war, nor by commiffion, our troops and mariners cannot be confidered as prifoners of war, fubject to a capitulation, but merely as temporary cap. tives, and therefore ought to be fet at liberty, with all military honours,

Anf. We don't look upon the Dutch officers and troops as our prifoners, but as thofe of the nabob; and are therefore ready to releafe them as foon as they have concluded their treaty with him, except fuch as are willing to enter into our fervice, or who demand the protection of the English flag."

Art. IV. They shall leave us in the free poffeffion of our fettlements, commerce, rights, and privileges.

Anf. We have never interrupted the Dutch in their juft rights and privileges, nor ever purpofe doing it.

Art. V. That all the people, poffeffions, fettlements, lands, houses, hips, and veffels, belonging both to the company and individuals, and every thing belonging thereto, thall be declared free, and restored, in prefence of the deputies appointed by both parties, in their proper condition.

Anf. All the fhips and veffels in our poffeflion fhall be restored as foon as our demands are complied with, or on an affurance thereof given by the director and council of Hughley.

Art. VI. These treaties to be exchanged, with the approbation of the directors of both companies, as foon as poffible.

Anf. Granted.
Art. VII. Finally, the two par

ties fhall be reciprocal guarantees for the execution of the preceding articles.

Anf. We do not fee any neceffity for this article.

Done at Garhelly, Dec. 1, 1759.
- John Bacheracht,
S. C. Hift.

Done at Garhelly, Dec. 3, 1759.
Richard Becher,
John Cooke.

Copy of the Dutch proposals made to the Chuta Nabob, with the anfwers, ratified the 5th of December, 1759

Art. I. That the purchafes and fales of the Dutch company be again made, in the fame manner as in former times.

Anf. The purchases and sales of the Dutch company fhall be carried on according to cuftom, excepting the falt-petre of Azimabad, which fhall be purchased by the means of Raja Ramnarian Bahadar; nor fhall any one moleft them,

Art. II. That nobody cause any obftruction in the provifion of cloth, &c. at the Aurungs, on account of the Dutch company.

Anf. Nobody fhall obftruct the provifion of cloth, &c. according to the custom of the Aurungs, nor ufe any violence.

Art. III. That the goods and treasure of the Dutch company be allowed to pafs and repafs with the Dutch Duftuck; that nobody obstruct them, nor any longer demand illicit cuftoms.

Anf. The merchandize of the Dutch company fhall pafs and repafs, by land or by water, free from any unprecedentedimpofitions; nor fhall any one demand illicit customs.

Art. IV. That payment be made, by the officers of the mint of Mur

fhedabad, of the balance due to the Dutch company.

Anf. The officers of the mint at Murfhedabad fhall be made to pay whatever balance is juftly and truly due to the Dutch company.

Articles agreed on by the Dutch company with the Nabob, and ratified under the hands and feals of the Dutch directors and council, and the feal of the company.

I. We will immediately fend away the Europeans, Buccaffes, and Tilangas, that have been brought hither in our fhips; and we will difmifs the Europeans, Seapoys, and Burgundaffes, lately entertained.

II. We will bring no more armed forces into the country of Bengal, nor ever make war in the country, nor erect any fortifications, nor make any military preparations.

III. We will entertain no more than 125 European foldiers in all our factories established within the three provinces.

IV. We will carry on our trade with peace and quietnefs; and, in cafe (which God forbid !) our bufinefs thould meet with any obftructions, difputes, or oppreflions, we will apply for redrefs to the Nazem of the provinces.

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regárd which the British fubjects had on every occafion fhewn for them: that their high mightineffes must be greatly aftonished to hear, by this memorial, of that extraordinary and unexpected event; but that they would be much more fo on reading the piece annexed to it, containing a minute account, drawn up with the ftrictest regard to truth, of the irregularity of the behaviour of the Dutch, at a time when they enjoyed all the fweets of peace, and all the advantages of an unmolefted trade; at a time, in thort, when his majesty, from his great regard to their high mightineffes, carefully avoided giving them the leaft umbrage.

That his Britannic majefty was greatly ftruck to hear of the monftrous proceedings of the Dutch in the Eaft-Indies, and their mischievous defigns to deftroy the fettler ments of his subjects there, which they would certainly have effected, had not his majefty's victorious arms brought them to reason, though only three of his fhips engaged feven Dutch fhips, and obliged them to conclude an accommodation: that his majefty would willingly believe that their high mightineffes gave no order for coming to fuch extremities, and that the directors of the India company had no hand therein; that, nevertheless, he (Mr. Yorke) was ordered to demand, in the name of the king his mafter, fignal fatisfaction; and that all who fhall be found to have had any fhare in this offence, which manifeftly tended to the deftruction of the British fettlements in that country, fhould be exemplarily punished; and that their high mightineffes fhould moreover give orders, that the ftipulations agreed on the day

after the action, between the directors of the respective companies, in confideration of which the Dutch had their fhips reftored, after they had acknowledged their fault, and that they were the aggreffors, fhould be firi&ly complied with..

The fubftance of the states general's anfwer was as follows: "That nothing had as yet come to the knowledge of their high mightineffes, of what their subjects were charged with: that they requested his Britannic majefty to fufpend his judgment till he thould be exactly informed of the grounds of thofe difputes; and that his majefty fhould have reafon to be fatisfied with the exemplary punishment of all who fhould be found to be concerned in that affair.”

The Speech of the Lords Commiffioners appointed by his Majefty, for bolding this Parliament; delivered by the Lord Keeper to both Houses of Parliament, on Thursday the 22d of May 1760.

My Lords, and Gentlemen,


E have received the king's commands to put an end to this feffion of parliament; and, upon this occafion, to affure that you, his majefiy looks back, with entire fatisfaction, on your proceedings during the courfe of it. The duty and affection which you have expreffed for his perfon and government, and the zeal and unanimity which you have fhewn in maintaining the true intereft of your country, can only be equalled by what his majefty has formerly experienced from his parliament.

His majefty has commanded us to acquaint you, that it would have

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