The Annual Register of World Events, Tập 197Ivison Stevenson Macadam Longmans, Green and Company, 1956 |
Từ bên trong sách
Kết quả 1-3 trong 89
Trang 487
... trade agreement with , 242 ; Czechoslovakia , trade agreement with , 242 ; Denmark , trade agreement with , 242 ; Exports , 242 ; Finnish nationals , allowed to leave U.S.S.R. , 241 ; Great Britain , trade agreement with , 242 , 334 ...
... trade agreement with , 242 ; Czechoslovakia , trade agreement with , 242 ; Denmark , trade agreement with , 242 ; Exports , 242 ; Finnish nationals , allowed to leave U.S.S.R. , 241 ; Great Britain , trade agreement with , 242 , 334 ...
Trang 498
... trade agreement | PORTUGAL , 218 ; Agriculture , 218 ; Angola , with , 341 ; U.N. , and vacant seat on Security ... trade with , 237 ; Brazil , trade with , 237 ; Burma , trade agreement with , 236 ; Canada , purchase of wheat from ...
... trade agreement | PORTUGAL , 218 ; Agriculture , 218 ; Angola , with , 341 ; U.N. , and vacant seat on Security ... trade with , 237 ; Brazil , trade with , 237 ; Burma , trade agreement with , 236 ; Canada , purchase of wheat from ...
Trang 505
... Trade Unions , Twenty- Eighth Session , Budapest , 171 WORLD Health Organization : and heroin , 58 ; eighth Assembly ... trade and pay . ments agreement with , 336 ; Burma , rela- tions with , 257 ; Ceylon , trade with , 120 ...
... Trade Unions , Twenty- Eighth Session , Budapest , 171 WORLD Health Organization : and heroin , 58 ; eighth Assembly ... trade and pay . ments agreement with , 336 ; Burma , rela- tions with , 257 ; Ceylon , trade with , 120 ...
Nội dung
PART I | 1 |
14 phần khác không được hiển thị
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Thuật ngữ và cụm từ thông dụng
affairs agreed agricultural American announced appointed April Assembly August Austria Baghdad Pact Britain British British Transport Commission broadcasting Budget cent Chancellor co-operation Commission committee Communist conference Congress Conservative constitutional continued Council countries debate December defence Democratic East economic Egypt election European exports February Federal film Finance forces Foreign Ministers Geneva Geneva Conference German German Democratic Republic Government held House of Commons important increase India industry International Iraq Israel issued January July June Labour Labour Party leaders London Lord March ment million Moscow November October organization pact Pakistan Paris Agreements Parliament Parliamentary party political President Prime Minister production programme proposals published Republic Resignation Russian Secretary September Sir Anthony Eden South Soviet Union strike television tion trade union treaty United Kingdom United Nations votes Western Western European Union