HOLLAND AND BELGIUM.-Candidates for the Belgic Crown-France
declares that it will not recognize the Duke of Leuchtenberg-The Duke
of Nemours is chosen-Decision of the Five Powers in regard to the
Sovereign of Belgium-The Duke of Nemours refuses the Crown-The
Belgians elect a Regent-Proceedings of the Conference-Disputes re-
garding the Scheldt-Warlike spirit of the Belgic Congress-The Con-
ference lays down Bases of Separation-Belgium rejects and protests
against them-Wavering Policy of France-Holland accepts of the
Bases-Answer of the Conference to the Belgian Protest-The Confer-
ence declares the terms accepted by Holland to be "fundamental and
irrevocable"-Belgium refuses them, demands War, and calls on Luxem-
burg to rise against the decision of the Five Powers-Anarchy through-
out Belgium, and Riots in the principal Towns-Belgium is allowed till
the 1st of June to accept of the Bases, under the pain of all relations
between her and the Five Powers being broken off-The Conference
endeavours to compass the Election of Prince Leopold of Saxe Coburg,
and promise their good offices with Holland in favour of Belgium, on
the latter accepting the Bases-Belgium endeavours to negociate directly
with Holland, under a threat of renewing hostilities-Breach of the
Armistice by the Belgians at Antwerp-Letter of Lord Ponsonby, on the
part of the Conference, to the Belgian Government-The Congress,
without accepting the Bases, elects Prince Leopold King-Holland de-
mands the execution of the fundamental and irrevocable Bases-The
Conference again promise to enforce them, and order their Representa-
tives to quit Brussels-Prince Leopold delays accepting the Crown-
The Conference recede from the irrevocable Bases, and propose new
terms at the expense of Holland-The Belgian Congress accepts them-
Holland rejects them, and demands the performance of the existing
Agreements-Prince Leopold accepts the Crown, and he is installed at
Brussels with the concurrence of the Conference-Holland declares the
Armistice at an end, and the Dutch Army enters Belgium-Rout of the
Belgians at Hasselt-Their Army, commanded by the King, defeated at
Louvain, and Louvain captured-A French Army arrives at Brussels,
and the Dutch troops retire-Proceedings of the Conference in reference
to the march of the Dutch and French Armies-The French troops are
recalled-Opening of the Session of the Belgic Chambers-The Confer-
ence frames another new set of Articles, and declares that their accept-
ance shall be compulsory-Belgium accepts them-Holland rejects
them, but offers to negociate-Negotiation refused-Treaty signed_be-
tween the Five Powers, and the King of Belgium