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lowing such wise principles that the learned prelate filled all Christendom with the fame of his merit; and when he expected it least, he saw himself nominated to the archbishoprick of Compostella.

The people and clergy of Badajoz, as may be easily imagined, lamented such an event, as it deprived them of their worthy pastor; and the canons of the cathedral, as the last mark of their respect and attachment, unanimously desired of him to name his succefsor. Don Torribio did not mifs so good an oppor tunity to advance his son: He asked the bishoprick of the new archbishop, and it was with all the grace imaginable, that the archbishop refused it him. "He had so much veneration for his dear master !—he was so grieved-so very much afhamed to refuse what appeared scarcely a request !-But how could he act otherwise? Don Ferdinand de Lara, constable of Castile, had asked this bishoprick for his natural son; and though he had never seen the constable, he was under such strong, secret, and old obligations to him, that he felt it as his indispensible duty to prefer the old benefactor to the new one: But if he would consider his will, it would not appear so very harsh; for he would see what he might with certainty depend upon when his turn came, and come it soon must." The magician had the politenefs to believe all this, and made himself as happy as he could with its being given up to Don Ferdinand.

Nothing was thought of now, but the preparations for setting out to take pofsefsion of Compostella, though it was scarce worth while, considering the fhort time they were to remain there. A chamber


lain from the pope, broùght, a few months afterwards, the cardinal's hat, with a complimentary brief from his holiness, who invited him to come and afsist him with his counsels, in governing the christian world; he permitted the archbishop to dispose of his mitre in favour of whom he pleased. Don Torribio was not at Compostella when the pope's mefsenger came there; he was on a visit to his dear son, who still remained a poor curate to a small parish in Toledo -he soon returned; but for this time he had not the trouble to request the vacant archbishoprick. The prelate ran out to meet him with open arms : My dear master, I am happy to tell you two pieces of good news instead of one; your disciple is a cardinal, and your son will fhortly be one, or I have no interest at Rome. I wifhed in the mean time to have made him archbishop of Compostella; but only think how unfortunate he is, or rather I am; my mother, whom we left at Badajoz, has written to me, during your absence, a cruel letter, which has totally disconcerted all my measures. She insists upon my nominating, as my successor, the archdeacon of my former church, the licenciate Don Pablos de Salazar, her confefsor, and intimate friend; fhe threatens me with her death, if she does not obtain what she wishes for her dear ghostly father, and I have not a doubt but she will keep her word. My dear master, put yourself in my place, fhall I kill my mother?" Don Torribio was not a man to recommend a parricide; he applauded the nomination of Don Pablos, and did not show the smallest resentment against the mother of the prelate.


209, This mother, if it must be known, was a good sort of an old woman, almost childish, who lived with her cat and housekeeper, and scarce knew the name of her confessor. Was it likely that it was the who gave the archbishoprick to Don Pablos? was it not rather a very devout and very pretty Galician widow, a near relation of the archdeacon's, at whose home his lordship most afsiduously edified himself during his stay at Compostella? However it may be, Don Torribio followed his new highnefs to Rome. Scarce were they arrived there when the pope died. It is easy to foresee where this event will lead us; the conclave is opened, the whole sacred college unite in favour of the Spanish cardinal ;-he is now pope! After the ceremonies of the exaltation, Don Torribio, admitted to a private audience, wept with joy as he kissed the feet of his pupil, whom he saw fill the pontifical throne with so much dignity. He modestly represented his long and faithful services; he reminded his holiness of his promises, inviolable promises, and which had been renewed before he enter ed the conclave; he hinted a few words about the hat, which he had just quitted in receiving the tiara; but, instead of asking the hat for Don Benjamin, he ended by a trait of moderation, scarce to be credited : He protested he renounced all ambitious expectations; his son and himself would be too happy if his holiness, with his benediction, would have the goodnefs to give them a small civil employment; or an annuity for their lives, that would be sufficient for the moderate wants of an ecclesiastic and a philosopher.

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During this little harangue, the sovereign pontiff was afking himself what he fhould do with his preceptor. Could not he do without him? And did not he know as much of magic as became a pope e? Would it be proper for him to appear at their nocturnal meetings, and submit to the indecent ceremonials which are observed at them? Every reflection made his holiness judge that Don Torribio would not only be useless, but even troublesome to him; and this point being decided, he was in no difficulty what answer to make. This is literally his answer :

"We have learnt with grief, that under pretext of the occult sciences, you hold a correspondence with the prince of darkness and of liers, which we not only exhort you to expiate by a penitence proportionate to the enormity of such a crime, but also order you to quit the territories of the church within three days, under pain of being given up to the secular arms, and the rigour of the flames."

Don Torribio, without being disconcerted, repeated backwards the three mysterious words, which the reader ought to have remembered; and opening a window, he bauled out as loud as he could, "Jacintha! put only one partridge to the fire, for the dean will not sup here to night."

This was a thunder clap to the pretended pope, he recovered suddenly from a kind of extacy, which the three magical sounds had first thrown him into; he saw that instead of being in the Vatican, he was still at Toledo in the study of Don Torribio; by looking at the clock, he found he had scarce been an hour in this fatal study where the dreams were so delightful,

In less than an hour he had fancied himself magician, bishop, archbishop, cardinal, pope, and found himself at last really a dupe and a knave. Every thing had been illusion except his own deceit, and the proofs he had given of his treachery and badnefs of heart. He left the room in silence, found his mule where he had left him, and returned again. to Badajoz, without having learnt to cast a nativity.

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If you think the following fhort account of some petrifactions in Fife will be acceptable to your readers, you may at your conveniency give it a corner in your justly esteemed work.


ABOUT a mile to the westward of Burntisland the coast is rocky, and the beach covered with large stones; from these rocks, which are mostly of limestone, a small rivulet, called Starly Burn, takes its rise; and running slowly down the face of the hill, deposits in its pafsage a portion of the calcareous matter with which it is saturated, and forms'a stratum more or lefs thick, according to the obstacles it has met with in its pafsage; forming incrustations upon the different bodies it meets with, such as mofs, branches, and leaves of trees, &c. which are very beautiful, particularly the mofs, which has evidently continued in a state of vegetation, after its roots

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