The Annual Register: World EventsSt. Martin's Press, 2004 |
Từ bên trong sách
Kết quả 1-3 trong 80
Trang 198
... April a total of 134 US troops had been killed and 900 wounded , the worst monthly tally since the US - led invasion of Iraq in April 2003 . A striking feature of the twin uprisings was the failure of Iraq's recently created police ...
... April a total of 134 US troops had been killed and 900 wounded , the worst monthly tally since the US - led invasion of Iraq in April 2003 . A striking feature of the twin uprisings was the failure of Iraq's recently created police ...
Trang 201
... April and many of Iraq's reconstruction projects were quickly put on hold as foreign companies grounded both foreign and Iraqi contractors . By the middle of the month reports indicated that as many as forty foreign hostages had been ...
... April and many of Iraq's reconstruction projects were quickly put on hold as foreign companies grounded both foreign and Iraqi contractors . By the middle of the month reports indicated that as many as forty foreign hostages had been ...
Trang 206
... April 2003 ) ; General Sultan Hashim Ahmad al - Jabburi al - Tai ( Defence Minister , surrendered in September 2003 ) ; Watban Ibrahim Hasan al - Tikriti ( presidential adviser and half - brother of Saddam , arrested in April 2003 ) ...
... April 2003 ) ; General Sultan Hashim Ahmad al - Jabburi al - Tai ( Defence Minister , surrendered in September 2003 ) ; Watban Ibrahim Hasan al - Tikriti ( presidential adviser and half - brother of Saddam , arrested in April 2003 ) ...
Nội dung
II | 9 |
WALES Gwyn Jenkins MA Director of Collection Services | 32 |
CYPRUS Robert McDonald Writer and broadcaster | 75 |
Bản quyền | |
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Thuật ngữ và cụm từ thông dụng
Afghanistan African agreement announced April AREA arrested ASEAN Assembly attacks August Belarus Bosnia & Herzegovina Burundi candidate CAPITAL cent civilians co-operation coalition constitution continued Côte d'Ivoire countries country's Court CWTH Darfur December Defence Dr Kelly economic European forces foreign former Francophonie GNI PER CAPITA HEAD OF GOVERNMENT held human rights Hutu IGO MEMBERSHIPS NON-UN Iraq Iraqi Islamic Islands Israeli issue January July June killed leader legislation legislature MAIN IGO MEMBERSHIPS major March MEMBERSHIP END-'04 ment military million multiparty republic HEAD Muslim NATO November October OFFICIAL LANGUAGE opposition Organisation OSCE Pakistan Palestinian Parliament peacekeeping POLITICAL SYSTEM President presidential election Prime Minister programme reform region resolution RULING PARTY seats Secretary Secretary-General Security Council September South South Korea sq km POPULATION Sudan summit Tajikistan terrorism terrorist tion trade troops Ukraine unicameral Union United Nations Uzbekistan vote