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Monthly Record.


THE AMERICAN BAPTIST PUBLICATION SOCIETY.-This body held its twelfth anniversary May 7th, 1851, in the meeting-house of the Fifth Bap. ch., (Sansom st.) Philadelphia, at 3 o'clock P. M. Rev. J. H. Kennard, the President, in the chair. The Report of the Board of Managers was read by the Secretaries, Rev. T.S. Malcom and Rev. J. N. Brown, from which it appeared that 16 new publications have been stereotyped and printed during the year, embracing 2708 pages, of which 1894 are duodecimo-average of the whole 169 pages each. Also, 17,250 copies of the Baptist Almanac for 1851; and 20,000 copies of the Baptist Record. The new stereotype plates amount to 1852-exceeding the number of last year by 1010 pages.

New editions have also been printed of Fuller's Complete Works; Aids to Devotion; The Psalmist; Harp; Remington's Reason's, &c. The number of còpies of volumes printed, 39,500; of tracts, 145,000;-total 184,500 copies. The whole number of publications on the Society's list is 292, of which there are 89 volumes in English, German and French. New editions of 93 of the Tract series have been printed. Of the Society's tracts, 180 are English, 8 German, 3 French, 9 Children's.

Twenty-seven colporteur missionaries were employed in the States of NewYork, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Arkansas, Virginia, Wisconsin, Missouri; also in Canada and Oregon.

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The sum of $9,846 83 has been realized upon the Ten Thousand Dollar Plan, after deducting expenses for its collection.

The sum of $11,000 in cash and pledges has been secured towards the $25, 000 Building Fund. This will defray, when completed, the cost of the building and lot now occupied, besides erecting additional buildings upon the rear of the lot, for printing and binding.

The Treasurer's report was read by Rev. B. R. Loxley, Assistant Treasurer. The receipts, from all sources, for the year ending March 15, 1851, were $40, 597 71; being double what they were three years ago, and quadruple what they were nine years ago. The stock of the Society, in bound volumes, sheets, &c., is $12,888. The stereotype plates, (13,654 pages,) wood cuts, &c., valuing the old plates at half price, are worth $11,000, The total value of stock, stereotype plates, is $23,988. The Library contains 1150 volumes.

The following Officers were elected for the ensuing year:

President—Rev. Joseph H. Kennard.

Vice Presidents-Rev. G. B. Ide, D.D.; Rev. F. Wayland, D.D.; Rev

Howard Malcom, D.D.; Rev. Baron Stow, D.D.; Rev. William Hague, D.D. ; Rev. John M. Peck, Rev. S. J. Creswell, Rev. E. G. Robinson, Mr. Thomas Wattson, Mr. James M. Linnard, Hon. F. Humphrey, Mr. Albert Day, Hon. Jas. H. Duncan, Mr. David Barton, Mr. J. P. Crozier, Mr. J. Batcheller, Mr. G. N. Bleeker, Mr. S. N. Kendrick.

Corresponding Secretary-Rev. Thomas S. Malcom.

Editorial Secretary-Rev. J. Newton Brown.

Depository Agent and Assistant Treasurer-Rev. B. R. Loxley.
Recording Secretary-C. A. Wilson.

Treasurer-William W. Keen.

In the evening, addresses were delivered by Rev. T. Armitage of N. Y., Rev. Shepardson, of Cincinnati, and Rev. A. Waring, of Hayti. It is an encouraging fact, that the profits from the sale of books have defrayed the expense of salaries, and all other expenses connected with the manufacture of books, so that the business department rather increases than diminishes the funds contributed by benevolence.

AMERICAN BAP. HOME MISSION SOCIETY.-This body held its anniversary May 8th, 1851, at the Oliver street Bap. ch. in this city. The President, Hon. I. Davis, LL.D., and both the Vice Presidents being absent, Rev. Dr. Cone was appointed President, pro tempore. Rev. M. B. Hill, the Corresponding Secretary, then read an abstract of the annual report, from which it appears that on the 1st of April, 1851, there was in the treasury a

Balance from last year's account, of....
Cash receipts from all other sources...

.$4,965 61

32,119 89

Total cash received for the year ending March 31st..
Total amount of disbursements for the same period,..

.37,085 50

.33,985 95

Leaving a balance in the treasury of..

3,099 55

Amount of liabilities of the Society, March 31, 1851,.....

.25,323 53

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Of the above amount of receipts, $28,908 28 were in contributions, donations, legacies, &c., being an increase over the amount of similar receipts last year of $3707 19, independent of the amount received for the Home Mission Record.

Of the amount of liabilities reported above $3652 99 are in drafts issued to missionaries and constantly reaching the treasury for payment. This amount alone, exceeds the cash in the treasury $553 44. But in addition to the above amount in drafts, there were due to missionaries on the same date, for services performed, $2062 62, which are subject to immediate demand. These two sums exceed the amount of cash on hand $2616 06.

Of the amount appropriated up to April 1st, $5829 52, in addition to the

above, will fall due within the first quarter of the ensuing year; and this amount must, probably, be increased by appropriations requiring payments in advance for traveling expenses of missionaries under appointment to their fields.

The average monthly receipts of the first three quarters of the year were. $2136 97. Those of the last quarter were $3775 26. Of the entire receipts of the last quarter, $5903 58 did not reach the treasury until last month, and $4391 34 of that sum was not received until the last week of the month.

Summary of Missionary Labors and Results.-One hundred and forty ministers have labored as missionaries or agents of the Society during the past year. Of that number 93 were in commission at the time of making up our last Report-April 1, 1850. The remaining 47 were new appointments at different periods during the year. From 4 of the latter number, no reports had been received or were due on the 31st of March, 1851, at which date the year closed. Five other missionaries are under appointment, but as their labors do not commence till the first of April, they are not enumerated with those above.

Eight who were under appointment some portion of the year need no further aid from the Society.

The distribution of the missionaries has been as follows:-In New-Hampshire, 1; New-York, 3; Delaware, 1; Missouri, 1; Illinois, 32; Indiana, 14; Ohio, 2; Michigan, 18; Wisconsin, 21; Iowa, 14; Minnesota, 3; New-Mexico, 1; California, 3; Oregon, 3; Canada West, 8; Grande Ligne, 7. Besides which, 8 collecting agents have been employed for longer or shorter periods in nearly all the Eastern and Middle States.

The whole number of States, Territories and Provinces occupied is 15. The number of stations and out-stations supplied is 386, and the aggregate amount of time bestowed upon the field is equal to that of one man for 97 years and 11 months. The missionaries report the baptism of 981 persons; the organization of 33 churches, and the ordination of 37 ministers.

Fifteen houses of worship have been completed, and ten are in progress of building.

The mission churches have contributed to the usual objects of Christian benevolence $2104 97, and about $13,540 in addition to our appropriation for the support of their ministers; besides a large amount for building or repairing their church edifices.

Public exercises were held in the evening, of an interesting character, J. P. Crozier, Esq. of Pa. in the chair. Eloquent addresses were made by Rev. Messrs. J. S. Backus, S. Wescott and H. J. Parker

The Officers for the ensuing year, are:

President-Hon. Isaac Davis, of Massachusetts.

Vice Presidents-Wm. Colgate, Esq. of N. Y. J. P. Crozier, Esq. of Pa.
Treasurer—C. J. Martin, Esq. of N. Y.

Auditor-G. N. Bleeker, Esq. of N. Y.
Corresponding Secretary-Rev. B. M. Hill.
Recording Secretary-Rev. E. Lathrop.

The meeting was harmonious, with the exception of a little sparring in refer

ence to the permanent occupation of the Society's rooms. It appears that soon after the meeting-house of the First Baptist church in this city was completed, a resolution was passed by the Trustees, and concurred in by the church, offering to the American Baptist Home Mission Society and to the American and For. Bible Society, the permanent use of the rooms which were prepared expressly for them, and which they now occupy. This offer was accepted by those Societies, though opposed by some members. Recently a majority of the Trustees of the said church, believing that those who contributed money for building the missionary rooms, regarded it as a permanent gift to the Home Mission and Bible Societies, prepared leases of the rooms for 21 years, with certain restrictions. The First Baptist church protested against such an arrangement made by their Trustees. The Home Mission Society directed their Board not to accept of the lease offered. The American and Foreign Bible Society wisely did the same. Thus a bone of contention was at once removed.

AMERICAN AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY.-This body held its Fourteenth Anniversary in the meeting-house of the Oliver-street Baptist Church in this city, May 9, 1851. Rev. B. T. Welch, D.D., in the chair, who, after prayer, opened the public meeting by an excellent address, stating the principles upon which the Society had acted and would act in future. N. C. Platt, Esq., the Treasurer, then presented his report, showing the total amount of receipts into the treasury, during the past year, from all sources, to be $45,373 41, and the expenditures during the same period to be $45,729 88, leaving a balance against the Society of $356 47. The appropriations to the American Baptist Missionary Union amounted to $14,750; to the Rev. Amos Sutton, D.D., for Scripture operations in Orissa, $1000; to Rev. J. G. Oncken, of the German Mission, $6,511 76; to Rev. T. T. Devan, of the French Mission, $521 51; to the Grande Ligne Mission, $217 50. Rev. S. S. Cutting, Corresponding Secretary, next presented the report of the Board of Managers, in which the operations of the Society in different countries was stated in detail, the substance of which appears in the above report of the Treasurer. Mr. Cutting closed his report by an examination of the expediency of a revision of the English Scriptures, showing that the Board present no obstacles to a revision, though they cannot now perceive the necessity of it. Interesting addresses were made by Rev. M. J. Rhees, of N. Y., and Rev. R. A. Fyfe, of R. I.

In the morning, Rev. J. N. Granger, who was appointed chairman of a Com. mittee, last year, to report on the expediency of amending Article II. of the Constitution, showed that the manufacture of English Bibles had been carried on previously to April 5th, 1850, at a loss of 26 1-2 per cent., and that the total losses in this way, during the Society's past existence, had amounted to $24,583 99, exclusive of stock on hand, Bibles given away, and granted to Life Members and Directors. This loss has accrued from selling English Bibles at a price less than their original cost to the Society. The subject was further discussed in the afternoon, and the Board were directed to report in detail upon the subject at the next annual meeting. The following officers were then appointed for 1851.

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